Double Father's Day

I have no doubt lots of people will have nasty comments to make about this article, but I think it's quite touching and sweet. It's good to see these kids get a better life.
They don’t greet you so much as they burst upon you, these three little guys with impish grins that punctuate their beautiful dark features. Here they come, a rumbling, tumbling, laughing, yelling, skipping, crying pack of naughty and nice, snips and snails and puppy dog tails and everything else that is American boyhood.
Meet the Brothers Z: 4-year-old twins Zach and Zayn, and their younger sibling Zeth, fast approaching 3. In many ways, they are typical denizens of the hilly suburban neighborhood where they have lived most of their lives. They spend their days in preschool while their parents both work in the telecom industry. The family owns an SUV and a pickup. They shop at Costco and go to church on Sundays. They work in the yard. They watch Disney movies on their big-screen TV.
But Father’s Day will be a double celebration at their house because the brothers have two daddies — Geoffery and Devin, foster parents for the boys for three years before adopting them.
“All we’re trying to do is raise three healthy boys to be participants in society,” said Geoffery, Devin’s partner for a decade.
That’s a modest description for what the county judge who finalized the adoption in December called an act of heroism. The boys, taken from substance-abusing and incarcerated biological parents, faced long odds against growing up together. Given their treatment by the birth parents, there were far more questions than answers about physical and emotional issues that might arise for them down the road.
"You are heroes in our community," Judge Mary Yu said, beaming from the bench while the boys frolicked about the courtroom, the whole family decked out in red-and-white Mickey Mouse ski sweaters. “Who’s going to assume the burden of taking care of children like this, children who possibly have been neglected or set aside in some way? … People like you, who step up. Thank you.”
Two fathers, two mothers, single parents, who cares. These kids have a good opportunity in life now that the guys have stepped up to take responsibilty of three young boys. A life of misery if they were to stay with their bioligical parents. They have already given them opportunties to lead a "normal" life.
We should be more concerned with the horrific these young boys have experienced more than what type of parents they have now.
but no no ... oh sorry I have to agree with you otherwise i fear to fall under :
lol (j/k)
Speed Alhamdulillah good..
Well actually if u see the gays in pakistan u could differentiate lol.
a coisa mais importante na vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
I only really began to see it when I started hanging around one's who were in relationships. But even then sometimes it's hard to tell. Like the old saying goes, nobody knows what goes on inside a relationship except the people in it.
Grace of Al Mighty ;-)
LoL .... to be honest I've seen gays from almost all over the world but never ever able to differentiate between them as 'Mom' and 'Dad' type ;-/
now don't be naughty, i know what you are thinking ;-D
The girlie ones are usually the mommies
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
It's not quite that easy thexonic, I know quite a few guys that while they appear to be the more effeminate are actually the dominant personality in the relationship. Just like some women are in heterosexual relationships.
Speed, hey bro salam, how r u?
U know which one is the woman, when u look at him/er, the way he/she walks,talks, hand acctions etc...
a coisa mais importante na vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
Ugh, that's a difficult thing to explain Speed. My friend is a doctor of anthropology who specifically studies human sexuality, so she could defintely explain it better,
but the basic thing is in EVERY relationship both heterosexual and homosexual there needs to be a dominant and submissive partner, or, especially in the case of child rearing a discplinarian and a caregiver personality.
Traditionally the caregiver and the submissive partner has been the mother and the father the discplinarian and dominant personality (at least that's what the "idealized" belief is, it varies from couple to couple in every relationship). So homosexual couples are no different. If you read the article they say that one of the Dad's is defintly more of the caregiver and the other the disciplinarian.
Just for my general knowledge :-)
Labda in an ideal situation every child would have a loving mother and father. In this situation though their mother was abusive and is in prison and nobody else wanted these kids, so if these men hadn't taken them NOBODY would love them.
Also from my experience with gay men, there usually is one in the relationship who's more the "mom" type and one more the "Dad" type.
No there's no higher chance of the sons being gay. It's been virtually proven that homosexuality is genetic not learned. And if they do happen to be gay, who cares as long as they are good people.
stop it guys
too ... lol) leads to a normal life and once grown up and they will be able to marry to their opposite sex, is fine.
Then, this is indeed a good cause and it should be appreciated regardless of any racism :-)
Yea i'm sure they're better off with gay parents than homeless and on drugs and shooting people
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
I have nothing against gay people. One of my best friends is gay. In as much as I appreciate that these boys have been given a loving home, and that it is wonderful that these two men have taken them on, I have a few concerns:
a) They will be missing the love from a woman. I am yet to have the (dis??)pleasure of being a mum but I know it makes a difference having a woman in the house. The sane types, not the psychos.
b) Wont the sons have a higher chance of being gay themselves? Again not a bad thing but I know plenty of gay people who wish they werent simply because "the world" was/is hard on them. Dont parents wish for a better life for their kids than they had?
"Jordan's gonna have a case of "assus beatus redus". That's Latin for I'm gonna beat his a55 til it glows."
RIP Bernie Mac
you can tei her legs while i hang her oh i need a gun to blow her dumb head too :D
hmm deleted repeated post
a coisa mais importante na vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
how much they want those lucky boys to have a normal upbringing, I can only admire them all the more :)
a coisa mais importante na vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
If you read the whole article there's a part about how when the youngest boy saw a pink princess dress Halloween costume and said he wanted to go for Halloween as a princess, and both the Dad's were like
"Crap, NO!" LOL.
a coisa mais importante na vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
Well as long as the boys are not thrust into a gay community and have options to meet straight people I dont think there is a problem. I dont have a lot of knowledge abt the gay community but I dont think they will force the kids to become gay or anythin like the normal straight parents trying to force gay kids to be straight.
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Carry on carry on if you want me to hang her still will do Gypsy where are you chicken come out.
lol darude u dork :P
a coisa mais importante na vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
or i will HANG HER :D
Society in general Speed.
and the fact that this couple have been together over ten years shows they have a settled and good relationship, all the better for raising children.
A lot of male/female couples don't last that long
“All we’re trying to do is raise three healthy boys to be participants in society,” said Geoffery, Devin’s partner for a decade.
hmmm which Society they are talking about? Gays!!! Just wondering :-/
Sorry to bust your weak bubble i aint interested in dolls.
no this is i know who trying to get smart with second user name.
well it does happen when a member feels insulted they come up with new user id.
Thanks for some intelligent input brandylady. :D
troll? oh man, I still have a way to go. :) Here I thought I was being a good QLer and giving a warm welcome to a new uhem. Drats. I hope its Rumple. Iv missed him.....
Rumple is that youuuuuuu hun???? LOL
"Jordan's gonna have a case of "assus beatus redus". That's Latin for I'm gonna beat his a55 til it glows."
RIP Bernie Mac
i think on weekend you need a doll
I think it is fantastic these kids have the chance of a happy, healthy upbringing, in the end does it matter in this day and age what sex their parents are?? Time, love, and patience are qualities for bringing up children, not what sex the parents are
hmm Red Bull works for me on weekend :D
you got flu ok i have a solution thats no nose no flu
cut it off :D
and i think you need a bull
Troll troll darling thats a troll try to concentrate plz
Your turn madface!!!
2800 QL Points
Way to go Ray!
as people don't care for you LOL
I think I don't care. :)
I think she doesn't know me
LOL madface. Welcome to QL. You obviously don't know Gypsy, do you?
2800 QL Points
Way to go Ray!
I think we are living in a country that would not agree with what you posted totally, this is not a difference in opinion it is a difference in everything. So as a thread today please respect the culture of the country
Oh ok :p I'm a bit slow today for some reason.
To have chosen to comment nasty over good. LOL
2800 QL Points
Way to go Ray!
I only wanted to initiate the nasty comment part. I think I'm getting sick. :S
2800 QL Points
Way to go Ray!
Well if you read it they didn't care what sex they adopted but they were offered 3 brothers.
Also, what father in the world doesn't want a boy??
Everything is alright, except, why they decided to adopt only boys!?
2800 QL Points
Way to go Ray!