Doharians or Doharites?
By joewilliams •
Just writing a press release in which I want to refer to the people of Doha collectively. Anybody have any thoughts on the correct term? I'm guessing Doharians or Doharites is the most likely but it could be something completely different. Doharos? Dohaistas? Dohammys? Dohums? Dordies? Dodis? The possiblities are endless...
Any thoughts very welcome (serious and irreverent).
Be lucky.
I like Doharites more..
[img_assist|nid=48103|title=**** ****|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=98|height=98]
“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it'
or maybe just dohas
Joe, if you are an English person you habitually attach an 'h' after an 'a' prior to saying the next word. However most others do not do this. I would pronounce it Do-ha-ite in three syllables. No 'r' in the second syllable.
Love is the answer...
My suggestion: Dohari (singular) ; Doharis (plural)
Can't find anything authoritative on the name for a resident of Edinburgh.
Wikipedia talk page:
You're right about pronunciation; it is a little awkward but I think to pronounce it phonetically. When spoken, the word will probably inevitably be said 'Do-har-ites'.
Joe Williams, I think this is a great name to call Doha residents!
It sounds quite cool too!
Diamond girl, I don't know how people from Edinburgh are called, but since Edinburgh is the ''Athens of the North'', then they can be called Athenians of the North! that case then Dohaites it is although not sure I like pronouncing that particularly. Doha ending in a vowel makes it much harder to attach anything to it.
Orries gets my vote. I love Orry the mascot from the Asian Games!
BTW, what does one call someone who comes from Edinburgh?_______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
I was writing about everyone who lives in Doha. There's the need for the same distinction in London of course: being a city of usch tremendous diversity and the destination of so much immigration, there's plenty of people there who feel a strong sense of identity as a Londoner but not as a Brit.
I think in a formal context, Dweller's suggestion of Dohaites (note without an 'r') is our best answer.
More colloqually, we can say anything. As my emotional attachment to this town and my fellow residents grows, I'd love it if we had a word to rally our communal sense of identity around in the same way many of the great cities back home have such a word (Geordies from Newcastle, Brummys from Birmingham etc)
How about the 'Orries' from Doha?
Big shout out to all my Orrie brethren!
Joe Williams
[email protected]
So what did u chose?
Yes, J, you're right. We tend to refer to ourselves as Qatarias/Qataris.
Joe, I don't think there is an official name for a person hailing from Doha.
Are you writing about locals or everyone who resides here? If it is about locals then Qataris would be fine I think.
Love is the answer...
How about Dohans or Dohis or Dohites
How about DohSnobs?
How about DOHABEE or DOHABEES ... "DOHA" "BEES" !
don't pronounce it as DOH BEE or DOHBEES ... it means in Hindi/ Urdu (Laundry man) ;-) no offense jst a joke !!
[img_assist|nid=2058|title=DOHA BEE|desc=|link=none|align=none|width=180|height=180]
How about DOHABEE or DOHABEES ... "DOHA" "BEES" !
don't pronounce it as DOH BEE or DOHBEES ... it means in Hindi/ Urdu (Laundry man) ;-) no offense jst a joke !!
it is Doha ... not India *roll eyes*
Thanks. It's not the Queen's Speech but it's probably the best reference we're going to get.
I was chatting to a cab driver about it earlier. His suggestion: Keralites!
Joe Williams
[email protected]
It my not carry much weight but it has been used for a number of years on QBS radio
we have bajesus, and now qatarfalcon. One of them must know what they call themselves! But I suspect, because we are in such a small country they just call themselves Qataris - maybe?
Doha was originally Al Dawhah, I believe, (sounds like how I say 'Doha' with a mouthful of marbles lol - very 1930s BBC )
Diamondgirl is back in town - she will probably know...
It certainly sounds right but do you have any references to where it's been written/used authoritatively before?
Joe Williams
[email protected]
If they jump too much that is...
Dohans definitely has a ring to it. Wonder why i never thought about that for so long, sigh!
I think is the correct term
Can see people's point about 'Qatari', but in England your both English and a Londoner. American and New Yorker. Russian and Moscovite. I think there should be an equivalent here too. And, frankly, I'm not Qatari: a situation I'm sure actual Qataris are as happy about as I am.
It's ripe for the picking here boys and girls. I can just see an edition of the Oxford English Dictionary in a few years:
Doharder: a resident of Doha, Qatar. Origins: 21st cen, Jauntie off that Qatar Living website. Check it, she's got mad good skills for language and all that codswallop.
Actually: what do people think of 'Doharabian'? Or better 'Doharab'? Geddit?
Joe Williams
[email protected]
Dohanese?? I think Qatari is just fine, I dont want to hear dwellers of Wakra called as Wakrites,Wakrans and residents of Khors will be Khorites? Khory's omg
Londoner, Brightoner, Dohader - doesn't sound quite right, does it....
Dohari ? .. Have we had that one yet. It would fit in with Kuwaiti, Saudi except of course in those cases, like Qatari, the 'i' links with the country name.
Wonder what the 'i' signifies in Arabic... same as our 'er' perhaps and means where your roots are, as opposed to just being a visiting resident.
Doharder - surely that's 'a must' :D
get it?
a must Doharder?
OK OK I hear you .... going back to the housework ....
How about Dohanites!
"Dohaittes" sounds much better.
dodudes and dodettes
dudes and dudettes is a general term
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
What about "Dohaiites"
...You can't mean what you say unless you can say what you mean...
how people will understand that you are talking about residents of DOHA? lol...
Just plain dudes and dudettes will do.. :D
Dohanians would be good...or Dohers?
Who say Crazy driving. Dohamaniacs are one of the most deciplined drivers in the whole world
Joe ... i was kidding ... :D Dohamaniacs reminded me of the crazy driving on the road though.
pwb78 - thanks. I'd forgotten I'd written that to be honest. Had obviously been cut up on the way to work that morning.
thealjazeera - Qataris does make sense, apart from the overwelming majority of people here aren't Qataris.
Dohamaniacs is pretty good.
Dohamatics - sounds like a word to describe how things work here as in 'Bruv, you wouldn't believe the Dohamatics that went into getting my NOC.'
Novita - I'd feel a little left out of the phrase 'Doha Damsels'. Unless we also had 'Doha dudes?'
More seriously, adopting the British tendency towards precedent: has anyone read/have a reference for such a word being used in print?
Joe Williams
[email protected]
It's either QATARIs if you are refering to Qatar. Or
DOHANs if you are refering to Doha.
I would just say residents of Doha. I don't think there's an easy plural.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
No idea...but I guess this could be : Dohanians the same Romanians is for Roma :D Anyway, are we considered as Dohanians or we still have to keep on being Silly expatriates ?
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
A daydreamer you?????Hmmmmm?
Waaaake uppp nowwww!!!!!!
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
Swissgirl - Sorry - I thought I am still in Thailand:)
doha damsels :D
Ara you serious???You talking about Doha??????Just to be sure.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
Swissgirl - Here heavy raining
I like Dohamaniacs.Sounds cool.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
I have absolutely no idea but I must say, I really like your "tell us about yourself" answer.
""qataris"" is the best, or dohaites, and dohans,
(from Citizens)