Dohan Gypsies

Once you have become an expat of the GCC, you can sometimes tranform into a modern day first world gyspy. You are never settled, and you may have to pick up and move often. Your employers can discontinue their housing so you may need to move, rents go up, and again you need to move, etc, etc, etc.
T'is the life of us Dohan gypsies. As I began to pack for another move (I am SO sick of moving btw.). I began to wonder if other people experienced the same things I do, while we aggregate all of our belongings and possessions.
As I began riffling through my closet, it hit me. And it hit me hard. I have collected so much nonsense throughout my years. So much.
I had the heap of clothese I have finally given away without ever wearing, tags still on. I have owned them for years and if I haven't worn them yet, I likely never will.
Then there were the "OMG - what in God's name is that?" items. From clothes to decor, it was a collection of the hidious, ridiculous, and humorous.
Then there were the items that went in the "wow, I didn't know I already had that" category. It was a face palm moment, because I clearly re-bought what I already had *shaking my head*.
Finally, there was "oh, so that's where that went" category of belongings.
Then there were the few beloved items, which I thought was finally time to separate paths with (see below)
As I looked upon all of the piles of everything I owned. I realized they told a story. They shared a memory. It seems when one begins to pack you have a chance to look at your unwritten story, everywhere you've been, everything you've had, everything you've dreamed of, everything you lost (and found), and sometimes it's a roadmap of how much you changed.
You are almost being presented with everything you were and are.
I have decided to throw tons away this move, and it was almost cathartic. Things I no longer want, need, or were never really my "thing" to begin with.
I feel excited, optimistic, and hopeful with this move, it's not just a new home I'm transferring to; but to a new life and different part of my story.
Dear Candianrunaway,
Thank you for sharing.
There is a box in each and every supermarkets and some public places where you can put the clothes or items which you no longer needed.This is from the charity. Thank you,
LIFE is .... but a Sojourn..............