Doha Tribeca Film Festival recommendations

The promotions for this year's Doha Tribeca Film Festival have started in City Center today. This will be the first time I can have a chance to watch the films shown during the DTFF as I was in the middle of my annual vacation last year when it was first held.
I've loved watching Asian (mostly Far Eastern, have not tried Bollywood and Arabic films at all), European and Latin American movies in film festivals since my college days. I hope to get started on films I haven't been exposed to. I've heard a lot of good things about Persian films, especially those of Abbas Kiarostami so I will try to watch one of his works that will be shown. Since I like Chinese movies I'll probably end up watching those too. Can anyone please give recommendations among the other films that will be shown?
The movies I get to watch in film fests are usually a hit & miss. I can get surprisingly lucky with the ones I get to watch, or I can end up wasting time watching a movie that I totally cannot understand at all because of significant differences from my culture or other things similar to that.
To those who are also interested, schedules and film details can be found here:
Special project and you
Looking forward to it!!
You will be seeing me around CC,.
I am Volunteer for DTFF... Looking forward to it.