Doha Players - The Wishing Well

Last weekend I went with the family to watch the latest production of Doha Players “The Wishing Well”. The venue as usual was at CNAQ University.
Doha Players - 3.Grizelda b from novita77 on Vimeo.
The synopsis goes as : The witch Grizelda has been banished from Fairytale land because she keeps messing up spells. Her punishment is to guard the wishing well. It comes to her notice that some baddies are going to steal Old King Cole's medallion and she needs some small people to go down the well into Fairytale Land. Cue Peter, Lucy and Rachel, 3 children who have got lost in the woods and stumble upon the well. Grizelda sends them down the well. In Fairytale Land they meet, Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Prince Charming, the Ugly Sisters and lots of other well known children's characters. Needless to say good triumphs over evil and all ends well.
Doha Players - 1.Ugly Sisters from novita77 on Vimeo.
The show was a good laugh … the actors played their characters really well. The King and his twin personas were superb, culminating in an unexpected twist of a finale!!! And also the The Ugly Sisters , they live up to the usual expectation.
Doha Players - 7.UglySisters from novita77 on Vimeo.
Lots of innuendo, possibly not detected by the young, but quite funny for the rest of us, and some good songs from the past certainly livened things up.
Doha Players - 9.King Elvis.mpg from novita77 on Vimeo.
A lot of credit to the director, Sarah Jenkins and her team (including stage hands, helpers and musicians) for a very interesting production, a very entertaining night out ………………… a good kick off to the festive season.
Don’t forget their next production is ‘Grease’ and it would be in February 2009.
i loved it ...thought it was great fun..!
UKEngQatar, what is QH3?
Jauntie, you can pass as Olivia looks alike i think :P
I will try to arrange to go in a group, i will need to collect the money in advance somehow though :)
Grease was one of my favourites when I was young:))
I even dont remember how many times I had watched the film. Those songs are enough for me to watch the show.
Provided I can do that soppy straight legged hippety hoppety dance Olivier did to: Oooh OOoh OOh - you're the one that I want - ooh ooh ohh.
As long it is not February the 12th its the QH3 Valentine Ball..
Sure, that wld be perfect Novita.
we can go watching Grease :) Feb 2009, not as long as christmas :)
no idea if we'll still be here for Christmas 2009.
I guess The Wishing Well is no longer available - hee
My man? Smile? Panto? He didn't even want to come and see ME when I was "starring" in one, let alone sit through watching a group of strangers making JackAsses of themselves! LMAO
jauntie, you and your man should come as well, hopefully the panto could make him smile ? :P
crescent, UKEngQatar, we should make a big group going together next time. Parents sit at the back and let the kiddies sit together ... that would be a good day out :-)
I loved the show. Had great fun. Look forward to watching others. And I think that we ve had our money's worth.
It was!
I had an American friend who invited us, that's how we got to see it. It was really good!
Panto often contains inuendoes which go over the kiddies heads - so everyone enjoyed the performance. :D
LOL Janutie..Panto at the American that must be som
Did I detect a note of sarcasm in your tone there?
Not like you at ALL! ;o)
I saw the best panto of all time when I was in Jeddah - it was held at the American Embassy. So British? It was great!
The Grand Visa! (The Grand Vizier from Kismet) to mention just ONE pun :D
never has humour somewhat missing here by so much, by the so few, but recognised by so many:-)
it was gud food for the soul though grizelda dominated the first part..wonder if witches are for real?
wont miss the next one for the world..kudos to Sarah jenkins
Ngourlay.. it was a pantomine not Harry Potter film. It supposed to be silly and funny..May be you expecting a play or some thing.. These guys are no full time professionals they are doing for the love of theatre so I will say Well done Doha Players..In a place like Doha to get any thing like that is a bonus..
PS looks like you have been away from UK too long to appreciate British Humor??
for goodness sake!!! ..... oh yes it is!!!
Over the top humour, silly jokes, expected banter with the audience (behind youoooo!!)etc etc.
What else you expect?
My kids and I had a good laugh, all innocent stuff. my wife was off colour so could not make it, her loss:-) But she got the gist of things from the kids extended excitement when we got home.
PS ngourlay, the cow was not real, there were two people actually inside a cow outfit.
Thank god there is somebody in Doha who makes the effort to maintain good old festive tradition!!
Hail The Doha Players!!!
but I'd like to.
I think it's GREAT that some people not only enjoy themselves when putting on a production, but that they do it for other's entertainment too!
ngourlay - teach your son how to laugh at silliness and to understand what 'ridiculously funny' means. That's what panto is about.
Love it! :D
P.S. Just realised your son is only 5 ... but even 5 year olds like the colour of the costumes on stage, surely. I bet you didn't really wanna be there, did you ngourlay lol
I am Tallg ! :P
Well I'm glad you enjoyed it Novi.
it is a money well spent Tallg :P
QR50 is a lot!!!
Tallg, Ngourlay ...
For QR50 a ticket I am not going too worry my self. I take it as a family treat night out and good laughed :-) My son recognize the ugly sisters from the previous production Cinderella.
I found it to be quite funny and enjoyed the show. It's been ages since I've been watching a show like this. Like Tallg said, it's good to have these kind of things going on in Doha.
Personally I didn't enjoy it, but I'm nearly 30 so that's hardly surprising. My biggest complaint was that it went on way to long - and clearly all the kids thought so too as everyone was restless part way through the second half.
But kudos to all who put the effort into making it happen. It's good there are things like this going on in Doha.
Heh. I thought it was dreadful, and so did my 5-year-old boy. The most embarrassing part was that everyone seemed so pleased with themselves.
Absolutely cringe-making, after 10 minutes, parents were exchanging knowing looks and shrugs of resignation. An hour later, the boy was at his wits end. Why was daddy making him watch this rubbish?
Anyway, the only slightly amusing part was that they unintentionally chose a paedophile call to action for the opening number.
Thanks Novi.. will sure let you know once the dates for the performance are published..
UKEngQatar, i think we should go together .... If you let me know when you and your junior want to go I can get the ticket for you. They sell it in DESS.
Novi really enjoyed the last performance last night.. For once I though I was back
Yep definately looking forward to their next production..