Doha News Housing Survey
By shabina921 •
The Doha News Housing Survey: How much does your home cost?
Hi all, it's no secret that rents in Qatar are going up, up, up. But not all increases are created equal, or are even legal. To get a better handle on how rental prices are changing in Qatar, we’re launching the Doha News Housing Survey, and aim to make it an annual assessment.
So far, we've got almost 700 responses. We'd love to get your input too. Please fill out this short, anonymous survey and spread the word!
Thanks all.
BritExpat - we don't have a demographic target for this survey - just looking to get answers from people living in Qatar.
HappyGoLucky - The nationality q was added in later as a suggestion from some of the survey respondents. It will help to assess what the average amount spent on rent is by nationality, if there is any correlation at all.
it's a waste of time and will not reduce the rents...
What purpose will the survey serve and why are you only focusing on a certain demographic ?
I stopped at the third question..Nationality. What is the significance of that in the survey?
Done - it is a short, easy, well constructed survey. Help these guys QLers.