Doha Got Soul (and funk)
By joewilliams •
Hello people,
anybody else got that Thursday feeling?
I'm DJing this weekend.
Doha Got Soul
Funk, soul and whatever fits the mood
Friday 2nd November
8:30pm-midnight (maybe later if you're all still dancing)
Doha Rugby Club (near Doha College/Decoration roundabout)
Just 20 QR on the door
If I've got it I'll play it
The aim of the night is PURELY to have a good time. No posing, no playing obscure records just to make myself look cool, no harassing women on the dance floor, no tucked in Zara shirts and definitely, definitely no Shaun Paul or 12 month old house records.
Just good, soulful times and a decent old-fashioned knees up.
Email me for more details.
Thanks Maria.m it's all very chill so should be good times.
Mir83 - right at Decoration, first right, left at (unnecessary) roundabout, first left, there you are.
Joe Williams
[email protected]
What is the exact location?
Good Luck Joe. 20 QR !!!! Cool. Have fun Qlers.