A Dog's Purpose

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a 10 year old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker and they were hoping for a miracle.
I examined Belker and found he was dying. I told the family we couldn't
do anything for Belker and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure
for the old dog in their home.
As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be
good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience
The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.
The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, "I know why."
Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation.
He said, "People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life - like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?" The six-year-old continued, "Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long."
Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.
Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
Take naps.
Stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.
MO..actually not, it is a poem dedicate to the beauty of a woman, all women really. Written by the English Poet William Wordswoth (1770-1850)who was famous for his poem, "I wondered lonely as a Cloud" look it up on the net, you will enjoy it...........have a nice weekend
sad story
Oh you are sooooooooooo kind, I picked the right Mistress, to your beauty I dedicate you this
She was a phantom of delight
When first she gleam'd upon my sight
A lovely apparition, sent
To be a moment's ornament
Her eyes as stars of twilight fair
Like Twilight's, too, her dusky hair
But all things else about her drawn
A dancing shape, an image gay
To haunt, to startle, and waylay
I saw her upon nearer view
A spirit, yet a woman too!
Her household motions light and free
And steps of virgin-liberty
A countenance in which did meet
Sweet records, promises as sweet
A creature not too bright or good
For human nature's daily food
For transient sorrows, simple wiles
Praise, blame, love, kisses, tears and smiles
And now I see with eye serene
The very pulse of the machine
A being breathing thoughtfull breath
A traveller between life and death
The reason firm, the temperate will
Endurance, foresight, strenght and skill
A perfect woman, nobly plann'd
To warn, to comfort and command
And yet a Spirit still and bright
With something of an angel-light.
Ohh fiddledeedee.....
... me off now... Scar keep a firm leash now... bye
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
watch him...he'll wee the floor if you tickle him too much...
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
Oh Star............not the tummy tickle, you know Im a sucker for that...you can have anything you want when you do that
a good tummy tickle too!
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
you forgot the twinkle in my eye everytime I look at you
*blush* I tell you what..you must be a Golden Retriever..because no way have I ever seen anyone more faithful in reciting good comments...and if I could see you, I bet you'd be rolled over on your back, still wagging your tail...tongue hanging out, lolling...with that silly dog grin on your face.
Oh you are sooooooooooo kind, I picked the right Mistress, to your beauty I dedicate you this
She was a phantom of delight
When first she gleam'd upon my sight
A lovely apparition, sent
To be a moment's ornament
Her eyes as stars of twilight fair
Like Twilight's, too, her dusky hair
But all things else about her drawn
A dancing shape, an image gay
To haunt, to startle, and waylay
I saw her upon nearer view
A spirit, yet a woman too!
Her household motions light and free
And steps of virgin-liberty
A countenance in which did meet
Sweet records, promises as sweet
A creature not too bright or good
For human nature's daily food
For transient sorrows, simple wiles
Praise, blame, love, kisses, tears and smiles
And now I see with eye serene
The very pulse of the machine
A being breathing thoughtfull breath
A traveller between life and death
The reason firm, the temperate will
Endurance, foresight, strenght and skill
A perfect woman, nobly plann'd
To warn, to comfort and command
And yet a Spirit still and bright
With something of an angel-light.
no wandering off...course, if you do, Xena might catch you...
you don't even have to lick my shoes...besides they are sandals and all that does is make the inside all goopy...You stay put and maybe you can sit on the couch this evening while I watch tv...but no bones on the furniture...
Please dont take me to the vet again Mistress..........I promise to be a good boy...............but Star was sooooooooo nice to me...........even got a new bone................promise to lick your shoes for the next week
my Good Dog Prince gets all wired...hmm...would hate to have to take him to the vets....he's such a good dog..scoops his own poops..doesn't chew the furniture, doesn't shed...much...no digging in the yard..and he begs so nicely...
Star, you better bring him back...he gets lost so easily...
Sorry Corn, of course you were remember now..........just lost my Bone and got worried but realised I burried in the garden, only trouble is I cant find where, all this sand looks the same........at home in England we had trees, schrubs, they gave me orientation..........must go, see if I can find it
Afterall laughter is the best medicine ;)
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
thanks BP! the giggles were good for the soul
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
Yeah I know the joke...I was posting on the same thread...remember ? lol
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Sorry about that.......its a running Joke between Scarlett, myself and Xena.........seems I got Star involved in it............a little bit of light relief in hectic days of life
I said that cause u guys were talking about licking, leashes, etc so u must've been bored enough to talk about that! lol
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
I am not feeling bore.What about others ?
"Drink Beer Save Water"
Hi Corn.........................at the moment a little, just finished some budget estimates, had a meeting and now its a day off in the company today for most.......so sitting alone in the office.....
LOL how bored are u guys ?
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
The lick can be descibed many things..........but never as gobby, its more like a slightly wet, tingling expereince that gets better the longer I lick..............as for Poop, Mistress trained me well, Poop is disposed of by orginator...........plastic bags even included in service, but you will have to buy me a new Poop scoop as Mistress will for sure not let me take it with me..............shes very strange that way............Oh while we are on the subject............youi dont have a nasty horse whip do you?..............Mistress like to use it on me when I am a bad boy............what I dont understand though is why she always dresses up in laether before she does it..........Humans can be so strange
how gobby is that lick! Dont want strands wrapped around my legs while out for walkies.. Do you pick up yr own poop?
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
Mistress buys the bones.............hope shes going to get some now......maybe you have better ones.........Im very well trained, dont do anything bad in the house, dont chew slippers, Im very warm when you cuddle me..........and I can lick like no other dog..(remove last phrase due to possible double meaning)........and I dont smell.......but have been know to wander therefore need strong hand sometimes.......but am generally faithful
I try..........but she always finds out, then I have to stay in the backyard in that damn wooden house..........no cuddling up infront of the fire, no lying on the bed next to her...............It really is a Dogs life sometimes
what next? Burying a few bones? Bad boy...
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
.. the dog gets up to no good!
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
Oh Star............you say down so Masterly..........oooops better watch out when my Mistress comes back I will be in the Dog House.....(giggling again)
... [in a state of giggles!]... Down boy!
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
Star..........I see now I have the pearl of the orient saying Stay and the women of my Dreams holding the leash saying Heeel........God its a dogs life!!!
that one time you ran away and tangled it up with the neighbor's cat and came back all scratched up...what a vet bill!!!
Ok...I'm off for lunch then out to the pool for some sun...laters taters...
Just imagine Romeo under the balcony then suddenly Juliet pulls on the leash and poor Romeo hanging their choking to death...........now Im giggling
For you, oh wonderous delight, the words of beauty never fail, as your beauty alone lights up every dark corner of this world and your sweet tones are honey to the listeninf ear
.. if I say STAY! will you stay? Once Scar has that leash on you... anything could happen..
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
Star, you will have to ask my Mistress Scarlett if you want to take me for a walk...........shes very protective of me
I think some on here would consider me a nightmare, Dear Prince... ;)
and I see the lovely words are still flowing...ahh sweet prince...I'm sitting here thinking Romeo and Juliet...with Romeo wearing a dog collar..ok, NOW I'm giggling...
Call say HEEEEEEL and I will come running back to my beloved and adored owner..........Oh Mistress of the Dream world
Scarlett, angel of my dreams, without you no word would have meaning, no flower its smell, no day its worth........
i love really on my dogs is that they always knock on my door at my room and sleep there beside my bed in a soft sofa.
i like also when they give me there leash and wiggle there tail that asking for a walk at the garden and park.. miss my dogs really.
actually they one of our family because my dad create a small room for them to sleep and play (but my Akita dog always knocks on my door..and one day when im not home, and ofcourse my room is lock..my dad said he is keep knocking all night..and when i arrive i early 4am in the morning i saw him beside my door waiting..im so touched and pity because he really waits for me..and we hear the noise that i arrive, he wake up suddenly and jump off to me and playfully biting my legs...hehe)
i really miss that Akita, her name is Gwen.
gave my last one away...but then it was retractable...which Xena reminded me was no good because when the tension gets tight, then it snaps..how in the heck can I pull you back when you go after Star????
might have kissed that blarney stone last night...oh myyyyyy
Scar..........with the leash thing...........shall I bring my own or will you supply
Star, light of my darkness.........oh yes and many other things.........
.. incorrigible.. I s'pose you know how to sit up on your hind legs and beg a little :)
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
and take you for a walk??? How about fetching a stick(one encrusted with diamonds would be nice!)? and sure you can wag your tail...its called dancing...wiggle to the east, wiggle to the west...
How are you today?? enjoying the weekend?
Scar.....my sweet Texas rose....I can listen and sure lick your hand ( actually......no I wont say it) but I cant wag my tail......I suppose you wouldnt consider........nah forget it
companions to talk to when you've had a bad day...as they never say I don't have time to listen...just lick your hand or give you a tail wag...
.. they are so unconditional and loyal to the nth degree! :)
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
I love the things we could learn from our wee doggies when it comes to how we should lead our life. :D
:( your story is sad again.. good for the kid he understand and accpets the pain when his pet go away.. :(