Dog run over

Just saw a largish dog being run over on C-Ring near Muntazah Signal. The canine in question was a light/tan alsation crossbreed. Not sure, couldn't tell there was tufts of fur flying everywhere and the dog sliding under passing cars like a rag doll. One of the vehicles involved in the primary collision was a black Toyota Prado (I have the plate numbers). This guy who was in the middle lane was either the primary hitter or the one immediately after the primary. He dragged the canine for a while under his wheels. I could see he was a bit shaken by his erratic driving afterwards.
A filipino guy came and called him out in the road ...
And lured him over to the sidewalk...
Think he was just trying to save him...not the owner...
Must be a dog that can get out of his yard or something??? It had a collar and all...
That's a shame...
You can't teach experience...
who let the dog out!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, I understand why this song was created
how sad... :(
That breaks my heart! :-(
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
u may find many dogs every now and then running in the Middle of the road, crossing the road etc. etc.
Its just tat they are not so genius as human being to look left and right b4 crossin the roads
Whats the dog doing in the middle of the road?
so SAD ...:(
Is the DOG ALIVE ??