Do you read Books??

By Formatted Soul •
Many of us don’t read hard copy books these days either e-books or Audio books, on an average how many books do you read in a year? How often do you read a book? How long will it take for you to finish a book of 200 pages?
These days even children are not very keen to read books. In some culture, reading is so alien for them.
Do you listen to audio books? If yes, what’s the best site to download audio books?
When I was younger I read only fiction and newspaper...:) But now I prefer reading more of non fiction.
What kind of books you prefer reading?
Al Chemist by Paulo Cholho is also excellect book
This is the topic i like most. Reading books! it takes a person to new world. There are many good sites for books. you can check its fantastic website for reading and listening.
I always imagine myself sitting in a big window with glass pane. Outside a splendid lush green ground reaching to the horizon covered with not so thick fog.. a small drizzel in between...I am having a plate of hot snack and a mug of coffee... and a really thick book.. a really imaginative book.. may be harry potter .....
what matters are words, sentences, the way in which they are arranged.... and you color it with your emotion... tones...vividness of see it on your mind... you project it on your mind...the touch of book... the smell of new pages...that size of book is like a window which takes you to new world.. (then do i need MS window to read books????).
Listening to books could be different.. and that's why book reading is in plain voice... but still reader's personal tone is there... that disturbs your own imagination....
So when i watch Harry Potter after reading it.. i didn't like the movie much... (sitting on soft sofa, lying on bed... the reading of the book revealed new world... that can't be captured by the movie..)
Reading 200 page book... may be 3-4 hours in a single go for me...
well a lot to write about it.....
I like reading chicken soup... And mystery books, got a collection of Michael Conelly and James Kellerman back home,, aweee, how I miss reading my books while sitting in our hammock :(
yay, some people still read books!
I read on my kindle now but miss the feel of old books :(
Really want to talk about books with people sometimes but too much mindless convo nowadays about rubbish television shows.
unusual now to find people who appreciate good books...
If you want to read to improve your English Joseph Conrad's 'Lord Jim' is considered to be one of the best English pieces of literature. Funny enough, J. Conrad is Hungarian!!
It’s nice to know that some of you still read books... I am gonna restart reading.....I will try to get those books you all recommended..:)
Now that's a scary thought...well as long as she keeps em hidden from me cos I don't think I ever wanna see a SVU/SD/MB or any of em horrors again!
But fatimah, we read it, didn't we, and we can distinguish a good book from a meaningless one because we have been exposed to different books. The more we restrict, the more they will want to read the girly books.
I suppose so..but at the same time I wouldn't like her, as a tween or teen, reading those brain dead "girly" books we read. At sixteen or so I discovered King, Archer, and Sheldon and then wondered about all the trash I had till then happily read..sometimes even 2 a day!
But yeah as far as kids' fiction goes, nothing beats an Enid Blyton!
currently reading the 900+ page novel 1q84 by haruki murakami, my favorite author. already finished more than 60% i think. i'm planning to finish it before the month ends.
i don't regret reading trashy romance novels. they made me love reading when i was younger and they provide entertaining breaks between the more serious ones.
i don't read as much as i did anymore since social networking started though.
Love reading books,.........
Fatimah......, let reading be a passion whether fiction or non fiction. Your child will become a better judge of what to do read at a later stage in life, whether it's heavy content books or light non sense books. But you need to experience all to enjoy a good read :-)))
Hi tinki,fs.
everyone should read all of Malcolm Gladwells books - feels like a novel but it is so enlightening , it will change how to think and your perspective.
and here the site to download audio books
in this era of social networking reading seems to be boring.. need lot of patience for reading a book , even dont have patience to read a post in QL
Best book ever - DUNE by Frank Herbert
A must read ..
never read books untill i got my hands on God Father and sicilian...from thr onwards no all of the books from Frederick Forsyth and Jeffrey Archer...
DC2009, looking for the "Like" button!
Peppa is a good girl... However, the stories I could tell you about Danny Dog and Suzy Sheep :o)
Oooohhh controversial Brit, you're asking for trouble! ;-)
I love reading books. Just finished Peppa Pig with my granddaughter :o)
(: Yes. The grand old storyteller from Africa, Wilbur Smith. born in Zambia in central Africa (Jan 9, 1933)
Africa is in my blood,' that's what the author of 33 best-selling novels said during a TV interview (:
As a child I hated reading but now I love it, just wish I read more but unfortunately TV wins over a book everytime.
U hve a nice collection of books ... Currently i m reading Shantaram !!!
Hey T.B, Just started reading 'The Quest' by Wilbur Smith.
It's his latest novel.I was a huge fan of Wilbur Smith- i think i've read River God 7 times lool
What does everyone else think who has or is reading it?
please suggest more books to read.
im too a bookworm for self-improvement n financial books...rgt from richdad series,jim rohn,trump,b.tracy,napoleon hill...........list goes on.they refresh u...
dnt like fiction etc.
QS..why did you edit your comment??
Tinker that’s why your English is very good...Paulo Coelho's 'By the river I sat down and wept' is also very nice... I love his writing...
Fatima all we can do is make our kids read better books.. but my brat don’t like to read at all..:( all he reads is that wimpy kids kinda if I ask him to read some meaningful book he will fall asleep in one mint..:)
"Never Love a Stranger" by Harold Robins
this is my all time favorite book...
its available in qatar also,
only tamil version is ready,
English will be after couple of month.
tinkerbell10: Yes. The Alchemist is such a great book. really loved the ending, how Santiago the little shepherd from Andalusia finds out what he really needed was to know his true self and by doing so, his purpose in life would be revealed.
I recommend everyone to Read the book, loved it. It's a little deeper than that, but that's the shell.
Tinker May be will read on the Next holiday which a few months away yet..:)
When i was young, i loved to read books,
but now!! for last three years i am trying to read the book Emotional Intelligence... but still on page no 10 i think.. :(
Read Khaled Hosseini's "The Kite Runner" and "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and enjoyed them.
Also read Steig Larsson's Millennium Trilogy.
Brick Lane was another one I read on the Holidays..:)
I only reads Books on Holidays as Internet is banned for me on Holidays and then there is nothing else to do on the beach, but read books..:)
Your mom is a rock star! I'm trying to be that kinda mom now. I constantly push my kiddo to reading meaningful books.. hope I am as successful!
I usually don't read books but last year i finished 2 books... Although they are old books but really exciting indeed to read it..
1) Flying into danger
2) Combating Air Terrorism
You and me both..Nowadays the site of those nonsense filled, romance "publications"(can't bring myself to calling them novels) make me cringe and regret all the time I spent reading them one after another!
yes i love reading - mostly fiction wonder you are so intelligent..:) I wish I had read more of serious stuff while in college...wasted hrs reading stupid novels..:(
When the Day of Judgment dawns and people, great and small, come marching in to receive their heavenly rewards, the Almighty will gaze upon the mere bookworms and say to Peter, “Look, these need no reward. We have nothing to give them. They have loved reading.
Virginia Woolf
after 12, LP lost his one eye ! :(
was it the red book or the green book?
I grabbed my book and opened it up. I wanted to smell it!! Heck, I wanted to kiss it!!! Yes, kiss it!!! That's right, I am a book kisser!!!!! Maybe that's kind of perverted or maybe I'm just a retard! O:
Ohhh I jus love boooks :) I guess I could complete 200 pages in a week :D
I read them all when I was 12!
Non fiction is my preference specially biographies and autobiographies of famous and notorious people!
Oh and I love those Madhur Jaffrey type cookery books that are peppered with various information of different lands, cultures and their food.
Non fiction only - thriller, mystery etc. I read an hour or two at least 5 days a week. 200 pages will take about 10 hours of reading I guess.
Playboy Magazines...
No need of reading only viewing....:)
Viewing a 200 pages books will take max of half hr.
even if i read i would not bother to post on ql
It become old fashion now. Eneryone prefer to watch movies and TV serials instead.
i only read one but it's not hard copy and i forgot it already. the lead character is percy jackson.