Do you call this a Poem?

By Formatted Soul •
I am in a perfect state of ecstasy
Looking within, content with my self
For long I have been a captive
In my self-enforced detention
Let me fly without a string,
Like a broken kite without any direction
I started the flight without itinerary
Hoping to reach without any delay
Along the wind it took me,
To destinations I am not aware of
Flying high without any fear
Still gazing down makes me woozy
In the transit lounge of my life
I am having a date with my real self
Let me cover the entire voyage of life
Without being stripped searched of reality!
No he wrote it from others words. My words were names of people and place so he didn't accept them :(
FU is this dodi wrote from the words you gave?
Is it that more complicated it is to understand, more beautiful a poem is? All I understand FU's poem is that it is a sad one :-)
called DESPERATE POETS! then we can post over there! Lol!
These are not mine (by dodi) but are lovely...
I liked the second one more...reminds me of your old emotional posts on every weekend....:)
Blind faith keeps me moving on and on
Like anything human i wake at dawn
With dreams of a better and brighter place
The unending, never stopping, eternal rat race
I have no humility in showing my gains
I have been places and had may pains
But listen all ye people it is all a sham
all that gold and glitter loses its glam
They say charity shows your true soul around
I say its a stupid saying going round
I am an arrogant prick that most hate
But then i am the ruler of my own fate
I hope and dream as always i have been
Of a better tomorrow, till yet unseen
I will get there someday soon
Where the scotch is old and the women swoon.. :D
I drink my sorrow in tonight
I drink so i lose my sight
An arrow through the heart you shot
And since then its a cure i sought
The war raging in me is fierce and long
But i go along singing a song
A mask i put on like all around
I aim to fit in without a sound
A square peg in a round hole i feel i am
An elephant in a cabinet, but i dont give a damn
I have to keep that plastered smile on my face
And keep my crazy hidden never give it space
Someday i will get my free pass
I'll fly, i'll run and i'll finally dance
Wallpapered sunflower will turn bright and true
Someday i'll get what is rightfully my due
Gracias! :)
speedysid...very nice interpretation:)
My views:
I am in a perfect state of ecstasy
Looking within, content with my self
For long I have been a captive
In my self-enforced detention
(Seems to speak about themself who knows he/she has potential, yet they underestimate themselves)
Let me fly without a string,
Like a broken kite without any direction
I started the flight without itinerary
Hoping to reach without any delay
(Something holds them back- be it family issues or love... which eventually controls their lives. They want to break away from the shackles of the known to elve into the mysterious unknown...)
Along the wind it took me,
To destinations I am not aware of
Flying high without any fear
Still gazing down makes me woozy
(Once detatched from all material things, life takes them on a journey which no book will ever tell. Paths are hard to walk, yet they enjoy the toughness of it because this is destiny..their destiny)
In the transit lounge of my life
I am having a date with my real self
Let me cover the entire voyage of life
Without being stripped searched of reality!
(They know that this is what they were wanting all this life- the unanswered prayer! The true self which not even a mirror could make you see- they are now living this life- YOU are now living this life)
Touching...Thanks for the reminder. :)
i felt tht poet/poetess wants 2 b in herself, out from all the whole world... 2 fly as free bird... if i choose a title: my solitary zoom
Thx FS !!
but you are not a new member, so i am free to hijack ur
rizk,a person with artistic and creative mind shld never ask
No Drmana...when I go for vacation... I know exactly where I am going to and I will have a perfect Itinerary well in advance..:)
Keep trying Rizks...but dont you dare hijack new member's threads.
FS can i try again ? :)
FS, were you on the way for vacation while writing this?
Edif...the peot never had cannabis or weed and dont know how it feel after
Mehnis...I never get angry...I am saying that to Risks bcos many new people find his comments very I wont loose my temper:) rizk was tryihng hard though..:)
Looks like penned by someone going for vacation in long transit had nothing else to do and hence wrote it . Not bad though, but whether to call it a poem or something else??
Soniya the owner of this theard finds my so sweet poem " Hijacking" so i have deleted it...:(
Ha Ha remember the beautiful Doc angry as tempest yesterday?? Rizks cannot handle another one here!!!!!!!
My explanation lacks artistic flair, unlike Menhis who is very lucid with his style of writing, like a poet himself. But mine is more pragmatic!@ may have been the actual feeling of the poet while he/she wrote it!
Rizk has deleted his BEAUTIFUL POEM???
bolo bolo
I really enjoyed it.
There is a subtle inner meaning to this also!
The poet wants to describe her feeling after she had an overdose of bhaang(cannabis) during the holy! She is oblivious to her earthly bindings and soaring high with her head touching the ceiling! With no attachments to any object or any being she thinks she has attained moksha, like Buddha on the path to slavation.
When her highness is so high on cannabis she obviously doesn't want anyone to bring her back to reality.
At the present moment she has no ambition, no goal infront of her and she is free to do whatsoeverrr!
And her touching the skies, when she looks down to her feet she feels dizzy! This feeling gives her some additional thrill too.
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FS I would call this ''A sojourn called life''
thanks for the title Soniya and flor..:)
Mehnis you interpreted it nicely in your own style..
Rizks I call it hijacking! grrr
thank you Soniya but if you look at the words closely it describes why you are here in life::
''For long I have been a captive
In my self-enforced detention''
THis is the physical form of life--your choice of life or destiny or fate as you may see it::
''I started the flight without itinerary
Hoping to reach without any delay''
This is the unknown or unforseen fact of life in a physical form and the ultimate destination
''I am having a date with my real self''
This is after the transition or death.
rizk,FS will eat u today if u will hijack her
But I do know that it is beautiful. Whether it's a poem or not no longer matters to me.
Do you know that this is one of description of transition of life? the one the world calls death with morbid fear ?? It is actually the ecstacy of the freedom.
This poem is describing death but relative to life in physical form
mehnis,u have done a quite beautiful explanation for the above poem..
The exhilliration of soaring high over the mundane bonds of life, freedom from all that huge weights of expectations and the absolute delight to go forth in any direction or way. There is nothing more expected of you and nothing more to give. You are free
FS,how about this title: STRANGE JOURNEY..or, FREEDOM..
Flor give a title to it!
Soniya 'unknown' author:)
four clauses, one thought!
lol FS..
But i really wanna know actually...or its been penned by you..
Soniya like should concentrate on the topic and not on the author.. lol
hmmm, so-so... still could use some improvement though..
Who is the poet of this poem???