Do Women Lie More?

The New York Post had an article in yesterday's paper entitled, "Miss-Leading, the Truth about Gals' Serial Fibbing" (Hat tip: Fred Ray):
Deceit, thy name is woman.
Most females lie "more cleverly and successfully than men" about everything from infidelity and facelifts to barhopping and shopping binges, according to a new book.
"Women lie as a survival technique, but also to get what they want," said Susan Shapiro Barash, author of "Little White Lies, Deep Dark Secrets: The Truth About Why Women Lie" published by St. Martin's Press this week.....
Barash interviewed 500 women nationwide who answered her Craigslist ads seeking females to confide what they fib about. Among her findings:
* 75 percent lie about how much money they spend. For instance, they sneak purchases inside their homes after shopping or hide the price tags.
* 50 percent harbor "mixed feelings about mothering." One told Barash, "I look at these children and I crave sleep and free time. They wear me out and make me jealous of working women who have no children, no husbands."
* More than 60 percent cheated on their husbands. A 32-year-old mother conducted her trysts while telling her trusting husband she was working late. Even in asking for a divorce, she withheld the truth: "I didn't say I had fallen for another man. He was better off with my lies."
My sense is, this study is a bit biased to start with--come on, Craigslist? Could it be that the women answering an ad asking for lying women are a bit shady to begin with? I think a random sample of women out in the world might have been a better way of conducting the research. And the lies the author mentions such as cheating are certainly more than white lies, but mixed feelings about mothering or other conflicting feelings do not seem like lies, but rather, like,well...mixed feelings that people often have about their life's decisions. If that's "lying" I imagine we are all guilty.
whatever floats your boat heero.... im hitting the sack...
If they interviewed me, I would have skewed their results.
Infidelity, facelifts, barhopping and shopping binges??
I don't do any of those things so I guess I've got nothing to lie about.
...and realize the fact that it will always lead back to square one fact...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Believe me it's all lies, honest!
brit, when they do the research using every living men and women on earth, maybe i will....
Why do women find it so hard to respect the results of research ??
Would you have the same stance, if it was about men..
cant accept the fact,? in order to call it a fact, you need substantial evidence to support it, stop calling it a fact unless you have it...
The question says: who lies more? You just can't accept the fact, can you?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Fact? oh really,.. i think the word you're looking for would be BOLLOCKS,....fact is, both men and women lie, that is the fact..
The New York post can't be wrong..
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Tess_916 are sure about ur last senteces lol
We are but "putty" in their hands..
All they have to do is roll those doey eyes, smile sweetly or shed a tear and we'll believe anything..
007 & Jason Bourne and all the spooks out there.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
lie to lie detector wow!! that should be a General Major on the liars lol
Yeah, Pitstop. Sometimes, it's best not to know. Sometimes...
Panda, one can lie to a lie detector.. not foolproof... I was given to understand that that is so.. not that I have any experience with them. Lol!
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
What you don't know doesn't hurt you.
hiding tag prices after shopping:((
eaglemmauel, it's better to buy one lie detector than spend time to find the right question Lol
One more thing about this lying business... it's all about the context.
/So, ask the right questions!
//And practice makes perfect. Both ways. Lol!
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
we are not equal catsniper, if you wanna more infos, please contact new york post lol
Otherwise they would be ranked as males or at least tomboys:D
Agreed upon that we all lie in life sometimes, we all are equal so why parameters to stumble on that who lie more than who? Does it make any sense, LOL…?
Moving on is simple; it's what you leave behind that makes it so difficult .
Story of my life... What can you do..
Getting caught red handed by a man or a woman?
By a man, I dunno. You guys must have blinkers on.. or like some of my friends say, they pretend they didn't notice because they want something from the woman. You know, I know, the whole world knows, okie dokie?
By a woman - nope. Generally, women don't lie very much to other women, unless they are competing for something or someone. But even then, we can generally see through the pretense.
Some women are really good liars and some men are too. Works both ways.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
I believe probability of a women get caught red handed in a lie / prank is far less than a men do. How many of you agree with me?
Moving on is simple; it's what you leave behind that makes it so difficult .
I don't sneak purchases inside my home after shopping or hide the price tags, because personally, I answer to no one, not even my mother. I love my Mom more than anyone else in the world .. but even she can't tell me what to do. She's given up on me.
Lying about mothering - I have women friends who don't lie. They don't announce their frustrations in public but tell the truth in private.
I don't cheat and if I do, I can't pretend for long. I can't keep track of lies. But there are pros and cons to every situation - sometimes people say total honesty is brutality. So, when I know that if I say what's on my mind, it's gonna hurt someone's feelings. etc, I just change the subject or simply clam up. But if I'm backed into a corner, I will tell the truth and hope the person's ego is fireproof. This has happened before with really dense guys. (Ps. women are generally more perceptive. Smart guys are also perceptive but I've met quite a few mentally challenged guys)
Mixed feelings - to a lesser degree - yes, depending on the person's state of mind at that particular moment. People are weak at certain times in their lives and they need good friends to support them during those times. The only thing constant in life is change. Things always change - for better or for worse. In bad times, ride out the storms. Awareness is the 1st step to change.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
I feel sorry for ya kiddo.....
Dang! i could tell tell if a woman is lying.
okay, i confess, i lie too for the sake of eluding sticky situations.
p.s. don't trust me, i lie. ;o)
Agree that the only thing constant in life is change. very true.LOL
Moving on is simple; it's what you leave behind that makes it so difficult .
but it's understandable, it's kind of protection against the predators...
How could we blame their dedication for partner’s satisfaction by faking it. After all Its all in a good intention...:) LOL
Moving on is simple; it's what you leave behind that makes it so difficult .
What nonsense we're soooo innocent... its all crap... nothin true abt it... all lies:)
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Because they talk more than men do. Their odds are much greater at having a higher rate of lying.
Hands up , all of you who fake orgasms regularly, just to please your partner..
If women really want to play games for sure they gonna save ass outta off too. No doubt. Specifically with ‘lies’ they are far smarter and dangerously notorious than men. LOL
Moving on is simple; it's what you leave behind that makes it so difficult .
the silence is sign of truth
Oh come on! Gibberish!! Not true at all!!
Oh okay, that was a lie.
The internet is our revenge machine