Do Men think before they act??

It appears that a man seldom misses a miss & while messing with her he ends up messing his OWN LIFE.
Ogling is a favorite past time for some men and also fantasizing about women
I wonder what is so special about a female that men go gaga over her…I correct myself what is so special about female as such? Why a bit of structural difference makes so much difference that for a sight or touch men jeopardize so much. What is so superior about men and by that token why women should be treated as an object of consumption!
Just take the case of most of the celebrities why they put their career, reputation and family life at stake for the sake of a temporary, no momentary pleasure. Recent example..Shiny Ahuja (Indian Actor) who raped his underage domestic help…many more to add.. politicians, actors, famous businessmen..etc..
Is man born stupid or suffers from bouts of lunacy… I really wonder..
On the contrary, I find female very sharp , witty & focused. They know which side the bread is buttered (pun intended) & USE men so very nicely to accomplish their object
Ladies please don’t attack me.. I know at least some of you agree with me…
its a never ending issue..debate... whatever you can call it... and no one is a winner in the end nor a loser...
IT IS LIKE A QUESTION OF........................
JohnPur - You sound so like a man...
When someone says do you THINK before you ACT....
Which part of the above sentence triggers you to think of a Naked Women... ???
And then we say .. women spoil our image...
B T W... If men where wise to think before they acted.....
Population on this planet would have been less then half of now...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Do Men think before they act?
If a women is standing naked in front of me, I don't think that I could think anymore
I aim to please *Bows Graciously*
It is a creative art to portray your thoughts into pictorial frames! Nice....
Samael - Sick.... lol, creative.. but sick...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
What makes men go googoo over women? hmmm, well i can only speak for myself really.
a decend pair of
and naturally a nice Firm
Actually I never think before I act...
But hey... a good journey to the toilet... does not require a lot of thinking.
just the newspaper......
it is good refreshing some natural differences to remember.
* If Laura, Kate and Sarah go out for lunch, they will call each other Laura, Kate and Sarah.
* If Mike, Dave and John go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Godzilla and Four-eyes.
* When the bill arrives, Mike, Dave and John will each throw in $20, even though it's only for $32.50. None of them will have anything smaller and none will actually admit they want change back.
* When the girls get their bill, out come the pocket calculators.
* A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
* A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need but it's on sale.
* A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel .
* The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 337. A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items.
* A woman has the last word in any argument.
* Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
* A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
* A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
* A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
* A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
* A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
* A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, but she does.
* A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the trash, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.
* A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.
* Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.
* Women somehow deteriorate during the night.
* Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.
* A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.
A married man should forget his mistakes. There's no use in two people remembering the same thing!
Really? nafisa4u, are you speaking from a personal experience?
nafisa4U said men are a weird species ...
men are born fools,they have less brains and they have absolutely no control over them.
Which metal you carry.....
Abuse and mis-use among Men and Women is acceptable. It is mutually agreed and understandable. Law of nature working...Opposite attracts!
Nafisa4U - you serious??
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
Phew Removed it
Ohk.. so we are again on Men vs Women.... Hmm...
Its like Comparing Gold and Steel ???
Gold can either be happy tht it is precious or sad for spending most of the time in locker..
Steel can be happy for being used to construct gigantic Miracles.. or cry tht even after under goin so much of pain.. no body finds it as precious as Gold... :(
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
I want to attach a pic relevant for this topic but i dont know how.. cau u help?
Marie Curie.. Shared the Nobel Prize.. It was not her Invention..
Vallah ????
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
men are born fools,they have less brains and they have absolutely no control over them.
Even an intelligent man behaves like a Fool while interacting with an infant child or Girl Friend!
Check what you have experienced so far.
***I agree with UKENG, I have seen many successfully career women, climbed to the high position, using her fair skin, charm, network and strong communication skills...
But only a few survived at top on real merit.
"On the contrary, I find female very sharp , witty & focused. They know which side the bread is buttered (pun intended) & USE men so very nicely to accomplish their object"
I'm hoping and prayin ...he'll get over with her soon...
BUT WELL... STILL LOVE IS LOVE :( do you thing that Marie curie had a big....
Dude your jokes are as Pathetic as you!!
Behind every successful women are are big Assets.Butt..Joking
While we are on the subject.
I am horny and off...
Somebody (F) feels like messing around?
My father used to do this till his retirement.. The system worked quite well..
JJJ I meant how did you find out that my paycheck goes to the Boss, and in return I get my monthly allowance..:) Just enough for a few beers..:) lol
guccio gucci and louis vuitton
>panda said who's behind a successful ...
who's behind a successful women?
panda.. errr that is tough question..
Are there any successful women out there?
If there are then it must be the looks..:)
Japanese X-Wife
>>How did you find out?
UkEngQatar said JJJ (aka jonjavajones) ...
JJJ (aka jonjavajones) wrote..
"Most households the man gives his paycheck to his wife, and she gives him back an allowance".
How did you find out?
who's behind a successful women?
>> UkEngQatar said Dude behind every successful ...
Dude behind every successful man is a surprise woman
Behind every unsuccessful man are many surprised women..:)
JJJ (aka jonjavajones) wrote..
"Most households the man gives his paycheck to his wife, and she gives him back an allowance".
How did you find out?
UkEngQatar: I moved to japan when i was 22 and lived there till 33. I am paraphrasing from my anthropology text book, but despite the overt sexism, (ie, as a young women you are hired as a OL/secretary/flight attendant/ based on looks, you are hired for the the big zibetzus, good paying companies etc, on if you have or not lived alone, ie more prone to vise, thus unlikely to make good wives for your junior staff ). Despite this on the outside, Japan is, and has been for centuries a thinly disguised oligarchy. Most households the man gives his paycheck to his wife, and she gives him back an allowance. Many families are ruled with elder making all decisions for the clan from voting, to property purchases, and more often than not, that elder is a women. Men are relegated to earning a paycheck, and going golfing one day a week. Ie not allowed to make many family decisions. In this aspect I definitely have a few Asian men tendencies, but I hope I can recover.
Adams.Apple I am honored to be addressed directly, but what a terrible story. I read something similar in afganistan here.
Afghan Girls, Scarred by Acid, Defy Terror, Embracing School
I have not been to Pakistan, but I would be on a rampage if my mother, wife, daughter was sprayed with acid for attending a school. I thank God I have lived a life free from such realitys.
do you think men premeditate before they act on something?
like ogling at women?
or premeditate on doing harm on on someone?
or they act impulsively?
some girls do it too, FS... not just guys... the difference is that it is socially OK for a man to do it (mess around with lots of women) but we technically can't, 'cause society would label us as sl*ts..
the thing is... some of us don't really care anymore.....
I must be at peace.. I have put on 10kg in the last few
My poor Dracula, that's garlic effect?!
UKENG - lol... My fren.. jus living those lines....
Again..... Using love to get laid... lol....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Ashwin I like the twisted version better than the original one..:)
UKEng - :) I am un-hijacking the forum back to its original...
And to continue the chain of relevant quotes... one of my favs -
MEN use Love to Get SAIX and
WOMEN use SAIX to get Love..... :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
ashwin please do not hijack..:)
Do men THINK before they ACT ??
The topic should have been do either of men or women THINK before they TYPE...
EAST vs WEST... RAPE... women empowerment.... Good Morning from late risers (on net)... and the persistent lols.... :)
I wonder how come religion has not entered this discussion till now... surprising... Hmm...
YES FS.. Men don think before acting on it...
If they did... and learnt from the mistakes committed by MEN before them....
No one would ever get married... :)
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
OK Adam, I'll chill on the pics...
Have you ever noticed how many many many females, once married, physically expand because they are now 'at peace' or in their 'comfort zone'?
Just wondering if I am the only one that thinks females have a post-single-switch that flips as soon as Marriage is fact.
ALEXA... now what, you are giving up on me? Please don't :-P
In essence, what you say is true Alexa....
Females will always have to indulge me, and I love to be 'indulged' by females.
It is just the way the cookie crumbles,
the question is - who cleans up the crumbs?
Dude.. chill on the Pics dude..
Now to beat the Odds.. I have never seen a women Post a naked Guy pic to prove a point like u did.. Ahha( Am nodding my Head) Manufacturing Defect.
Actually, the correct saying is ..
"Behind every successful man is an amazed mother-in-law"
There are little infants like me on QL, Parental guidance is necessary for me to view tat pic.
Where is the guy?
Why is the lazy ***** not cooking or cleaning?
Why is she naked?
HA WOMAN!!! Males... can not do everything!!!
lol :-P
I will put in in an image as females do not seems to understand...
Dude behind every successful man is a surprise woman
Behind every unsuccessful man are many surprised women..:)
It is no secret that females are smarter and more competent in many things than males. Males however are more practical and since we do not have to poop out babies more efficient in 'hunting'.
Hence, male provider & female caretaker.
Luckily females can multi-task, so they now can provide in part also.
LOL Brit...
UkEng....your gender will keep running around like chicken with no heads til u all realise there can only be one Boss, as you so wisely have found. ;)
Brit...that make sense...:)
Most of them are 45+
Mel Gibson, Ronnie Wood to name a couple..
It seems that at middle age, men , like many women crave attention. This leads to their downfall many a time.
'maafi riyal' .. sahh ??? :)
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
labda I never say that men are powerfull! however we (men) have learnt from our mistakes. The mistake that our father Adam made we don't want to keep on repeating it. So we (men)had to just evolve a bit to show who is the Boss..:)
Except for me.. I know who my Boss :)
Its not about west or East...
Its about men who jeopardize their career, family and status for a their unwise decision...
East or west…men paid for it… Clinton for example..
Rms no boy .. thats another pajju from lanka ;)
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
The Video on NGC only focussed on pakistan.. for its beautifull culture and how suppressed women had a second life.. it happens every where in the world.. so no no offence.
Its those bumpy bits that women have.. They wave them in our eyes and we're putty :o(
In the west u mess with a woman.. u get sued..In the Asian.. women are still considered Not Equal.. Its sad.. And more over.. Men do dirty things with poor helpless women.. Pay the cops and re change the whole thing..
Take for example.. I was watching a video on National Geographic channel about Pakistan and Men.. Are such Brats there.. when they dont like a girl they throw Acid on her face.. cause she resisted going out or favoring the guy..
A huge chunk of Acid affected women were shown on TV and when asked to file a complaint.. the Men merely went upto them and said Sorry they did it out of anger.. My Blood gushed to see the plight of those helpless women..
Such kind of men shud be life term or Hanged.. In the other worst sinister incidents.. there are countries where men play pranks on poor women either by subduing her out of force or Pills.. and then the poor poor women are lashed, Stoned or what ever stupid thing this people could do.. Somethings gonna change for sure..
UkEng...if men are as powerful and awesome as most of your gender claim....why would he let a mere woman (Eve) convince him to eat the apple????
After your exprience with Asian women have you become like an Asian Man?
I know boy its nearing 1pm...but I have just stepped online...
So how's everyone in the house doing today...?
abbey.. its 12.48 pm !! Good afternoon !!! :)
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
FS...well what a thread to say the least...
As people would have already pointed doesn't really matter who uses whom...cos end of the day, Men need women as much as Women need the men...and Men USE the women as much as the trust me, you ladies are no ANGELS from the top...I mean we do say this quite a few times...but then again, not every man acts blindly, and not every snake goes into any hole (as smoke says)...
There are exceptions and this is primarily to create a balance...
Unfortunately, if you happen to come across the same kind of MEN everytime, then it is only fair to see if the HOLE IS RIGHT rather than whether the SNAKE will fit in...
All what I said above is a pure joke and doesn't need to be translated in the literal sense...!!!
You might be on to something here gypsy. After a decade of wonderful, subservient, attentive, Asian girls, i am spoiled to the point i'll unlikely be any good to anyone else.
Gypsy said I think power (or the ...
I think power (or the illusion of it) goes to mens head
quicker than it does to womans. I noticed that Western men, who in the West would normally be quite shy with woman and not have much luck with them, when they come to Asia become quite aggressive with women because they see that's how Eastern men treat them and they think they can to,.
Neither has GOD ukeng :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
double post
Adam was the happiest creation of God until he created the woman, man has never been happy since.
ring ring-
Pot (jonjavajones)- Hey pot.
Kettle- Yes?
Pot (jonjavajones)- Darn Men! :)
>> What is so superior about men and by that token why women should be treated as an object of consumption!
>>Ogling is a favorite past time for some men and also fantasizing about women
Hahahahha I will light up a smoke now..
No FS, they don't...
I did comment that women.. are there in creations.. the stand outs.. My Post had that.. Am not arguing.. Am proud of it and a person to respect women as equal.
But Men are good in a few ways where women are not.. and women are good in a few ways that Men are not.
Adam didnt eat the apple was Eve who took a bite of the apple after getting tempted by the "snake" and then gave it to poor Adam. So its only right for men to use their "snake" to get revenge :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
It works both ways.. Both men and women can be manipulative.
In general men do tend to think more with their pe##er than their brain. Women , can and do use flattery to run rings round men.
Gypsy: I disagree. In my experience, Western men tend to become more submissive around Eastern women..
Excellent point.
So it is the female who is DIRECTLY responsible for all the misery in the world.
What do you have to say about that Formatted? Maybe you should apologize instead of bashing us?
Am not debating..
No, just insulting.
Formatted Soul....
Many people have many expectations from me... especially females.
I can't fulfill them all.
you are expected to use more civilized language in this forum...
lol Dude.. I was just about to say that.. It was Adam who ate the apple not Eve, she was only the reason..:)
Screw you :-)
For the rest, maybe you should consult a simple psychology or biology book.
FS - Men with mal Functions do that...
Politicians do a lot more damages then mere rape.. they cripple the rights..They are men do..
My Point of thought was Shiney Ahuja's case... Not all men do that..
Even the Most Heinious Crimes are made my Men..Men Men Men.. Every where.. So we need that that one special women who can make a man out of them.. Unfortunately a lot of things play on them too.. Society, Social Status, Parental Records, Country they belong.. Class and so on.. Am not debating..
Gyps... you saved my search...
Adams make lil sense to me...but not all..
Women seducing men? You are saying that all these rape cases are because those victims seduce so called innocent men? lol
There are perverts who even F*** a female dead body and you are talkin about clean and tidy woman?
I agree Shiny being in the industry, he can get many females... are you sure he hasnt done it before?
Not all women dress for attention.... some of them dress good to feel good...not to make others
Here you go adams apple:
However this is probably not even close to the real amount since women weren't allowed to file patents in their name until the late 1800's.
And here's a list of Female Nobel Prize winners:
There would be far more if it wasn't beliefs like yours that kept us bare foot and in the kitchen until the last couple of decades!
By and far the most precise Gender are men, FS, get your thoughts right..
Men Dont care to be Ogled at,
Men dont Fancy wear,
Men Dont whine,
Women Dress for Attention,
Women wear & Shop Fancy.. My God the time spent on your dressing and picking stuffs to wear.. If that was diverted in finding the right guy..Things would have made a big difference.
Besides..that..Some of the Biggest Creations was done by men..
My Best Friend a Legal Expert working for a Giant MNC once told me when I told here that "I admire women because of the different roles she takes in the due course of life.. First as a charming daughter, then a sister, then a friend, a partner, a wife, a Mother, then a soul mate."
She Mentioned that women are good to do Small Multitasking activities whereas men are focussed in doing bigger things in life.. Like Inventions for ex,
Men on the other hand prefer women as an Arm candy.. Am stressing on this because.. Ive heard of the term Mr Perfect, Which means commitment, devotion, love & Money.. Ive never heard of a Ms Perfect yet..
Cause you women spend a lot of time on small things in life.. Cribbing for example is a bonding exercise for u guys.
With Men.. Its all about sex.. Have you heard of the term Hit the "Nail on the Head".. Which means that when there is a beautifull women..The source is Making Love.. the Divine of all.
But instead..of Devoting to Love Making.. U guys whine, crib and yank on bed..All the time.. Driving men insane.
In the Case of Shiney Ahuja.. I suspect something beacause.. She must have instigated him or Seduced him in some form.. Consider this ..his wife not home and he was alone.. what more a better chance to get laid and get the fame of the guy who took several years to create a name in the industry..
No men would ever touch a women..who is dresses Shabby, Unhygenic, Dirty Nails, Bad Breath..Dirty Stinky hear.. Unless they are in poverty driven situation and cant afford sex.. Shiney..could at his standards...Sleep with a hell a lot of women in the Modelling domain who are ready to shed their clothes to get laid my handsome men and money..
So FS, Bring out your ideas on Inventions.. created by women..
Cars, Bulb, Computers, Mobile Phones, Shoes, Almost everything that ur wearing and using as of now while reading this post was Invented or found by Men.. there could be some inventions created by women.. But I consider that a Miniority..
No Offence ..I love women cause the are available in all shapes and sizes..
Good to See
Nice to Touch
If caught
Consider it cut!
I think power (or the illusion of it) goes to mens head quicker than it does to womans. I noticed that Western men, who in the West would normally be quite shy with woman and not have much luck with them, when they come to Asia become quite aggressive with women because they see that's how Eastern men treat them and they think they can to,.
Men while performing a task mostly use the left side of their brains, the region associated with understanding the task and method of execution. Women, however, use both sides of their brains.
In general women can handle multi tasking quite easily. One of the reasons is that they have more brain devoted to it. Men and women process thinking and susequent actions differently to achieve the desired results.
UK I miss him a lot
Kaka Obama is not fake Id of Pajju but of another famous ex-qler..
Yep both genders have good and bad..
lool, i guess 'kaka obama' is a fake Id of pajju !! lool..
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
RMs - rare of the rarest.. look at the first comment in that thread from Kaka Obama. thats what happens usually. lol
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
Why is this not in Funnies ??
Serious answers expected ??
Ok which ever way any gender behaves in genral is hormone driven... emotions and desires are not choice... but chemical..
Why else you think a man respects and loves a WOMAN - MOM .. most in his entire life.. but is filled with fantasies for females not related....
If MEN are jerks to be THE only ONE thing oriented... SO are women who do tht..
IF MEN are wrong having extra marital affair ... so are women.. who go out with a married man ....
Or marry a old ugly fat belly for his money.....
Or leave a GUY who loves her a lot for a guy who has money.......
YES it is wrong for a man to have stupid ideas for every women he looks at...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
both men and women have their own flaws...
"On the other hand , no man complaints he was forced to have sex or being molested.."
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
Fs - Cant just generalise that easy . There are sharp ones and dumbs in both the sexes.
When it comes to leagal issues,its much easier for the woman to sue man. On the other hand , no man complaints he was forced to have sex or being molested..
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
lol @ secretagent69 & andrews ....
My Music:
My Photographing:
P***S ??? what is that ? :S
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
lool Androooz !!
When P***S stand up Brain goes for a walk...
Men will do stupid things for sex. Women will do stupid things for money. Same garbage. Different stink. Simple as that.
Yeah you are 100% right... that's what i was going to say
but u said it ...
She must be really a weak woman...maybe its not the first time he is caught doin it...
That's why she want to prove that she was the only one who supported him to get him out of this situation...
"Recent example..Shiny Ahuja (Indian Actor) who raped his underage domestic help…many more to add.. politicians, actors, famous businessmen..etc.."
Didnt u read this thread ?
ye, female very sharp , witty & focused !! phew*
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
to take everything for granted or undue advantage to malice a celeb's career? I am really surprised at her Wife, supporting despite Shiney's confession and known facts from forensic evidence. He comitted a deliberate crime and will face the music.
The case of Shiney is still under investigation and would be prejudice; if we say much on the subject. Keep watching the news.
Men are NOT at all stupid but very well aware of the consequences. In the above case, he clearly admited that he was sure she wouldn't complaint but worked exactly opposite.
In short, men show off his wisdom, tried to be oversmart and acted foolishly.
Women cheat too, and are partners in crime, I cannot put all the blame on men, right?
Happy my point was why its always man blamed for such scandals...Do you really think women are not doing such things?
you are just our fuel :)
No, men are not born stupid, no one is for that matter, often times women are the ones who're too obsessed to know how they're perceived by men, and will want to change to please.
Besides, I find women to be the worst enemies of their peers, in fact in most cases they're the ones who start gossiping, backbiting and maybe smearing other women's reputation, let alone all the conventional labeling i.e divorcee, old maid...etc
This is my perspective from one angle, there is more to this topic than that. Men are not that innocent and not off the hook of course.
FS can't agree with you more what you said that you "find female very sharp , witty & focused. They know which side the bread is buttered (pun intended) & USE men so very nicely to accomplish their object".
As my fellow BritExpat would say, that the living example is the Ramada Car park after Dark.
All I can say is that they (women) don't impress me much..
FS are u dare i say it...Generalizing? Being a man...well only in body not mind, i can say that Men do use their brains at times to USE women too. Men are not born stupid either, we just have basic needs that need to be met and thats all we think about. You can say men are very goal oriented :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)