:: Do Men Remember AnniversarieS ::

A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband was not in their bed.
She puts on her dressing gown and goes downstairs to look for him.
She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup of coffee in front of him. He appears to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall.
She watches as he wipes a tear from his eye and takes a sip of his coffee.
'What's the matter, dear?' she whispers as she steps into the room, 'Why are you down here at this time of night?'
The husband looks up from his coffee, 'I am just remembering when we first met 20 years ago and started dating. You were only 16. Do you remember back then?' he says solemnly.
The wife is touched to tears thinking that her husband is so caring, so sensitive.
'Yes, I do' she replies.
The husband pauses. The words were not coming easily.
'Do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car?'
'Yes, I remember!' said the wife, lowering herself into a chair beside him.
The husband continues. 'Do you remember when he shoved the shotgun in my face and said, 'Either you marry my daughter, or I will send you to jail for 20 years?'
'I remember that too' she replies softly.
He wipes another tear from his cheek and says...
'I would have been released today.'
that's funny! it worked for me. :))
no,i intend to frame it and hang it in my bedroom.....for future reference :-P LOLzzz!
Keep smiling!
Svelte is my letters tat small, tat u need to take a print out and look into ur rusted MICROSCOPE to read all tat stuff !!! :)
LOL Rizk
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
i need to take a print out of that :-D hahahaha!
Keep smiling!
What Not To Say in Bed !!! :)
Having a romp in the sack with your new sweetie? Don't say any of the following or you'll ruin the experience!
1. "Do you accept Visa?"
2. "On second thought, let's turn off the lights."
3. "Don't worry, my dog's really friendly for a Doberman."
4. "This would be more fun with a few more people..."
5. "Hurry up! This room rents by the hour!"
6. "Why am I doing all the work?"
7. "Do you get any premium movie channels?"
8. "Keep it down! My mother's a light sleeper!"
9. "I thought you had the key to the handcuffs!"
10. "Do you know your ceiling needs painting?"
11. "No, really... I do this part better myself!"
12. "Hope you'll still look as good when I'm sober..."
13. "And to think - I was really trying to pick up your friend!"
14. "You're good enough to do this for a living!"
15. "It's nice being with a woman I don't have to inflate!"
16. "You're almost as good as my ex!"
17. "Don't mind me... I always pick my toes in bed."
18. "Hurry up! The game's on soon!"
19. "And to think - I didn't even have to buy you dinner!"
20. "Zzzzzzz"
Good one :-)
Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.
LoL Pieman.....WTF ...HeHeHe
As you said it, its a 'wife-joke'. and Joke means "things said or done to cause a laugh; witticism" It does not mean accusation/classification. and if a bachelor/soon-to-be-husband gets influenced by such a thing n decides to stay away from gals, good riddance my dear....You still have me, ksarat, rizks....we dont get fazed by silly stuff ..so dont worry...LOL!!
Oh, BTW, give some credit to us guys intelligence, to be impacted by wife-jokes n stuff!!
What a caterpiller calls the end of the world, the MASTERS call it a Butterfly!!
okay, here's a girlfriend joke then:
Imagine the scene, girlfriend and I laying in bed on a nice Sunday morning but I've got a very sad face:::
g/f...whats the matter darling
me...oh, I was just thinking, todays the anniversary of my grandad's death
g/f....oh, thats really sad
me....yes, I can remember his last words. I'll never forget them..
g/f...shall I make you breakfast in bed
me.....yes please darling. That would be cheer me up
After breakfast in bed, and a little more I did'nt expect:)
g/f....so what were his last words then
me.....oh fuck...a bus
black eye, broken nose
just eat another pie
ah!those are better ones.....LOL!
Keep smiling!
The bride, upon her engagement, went to her mother and said,
"I've found a man just like father!" Her mother replied, "So what do you want from me, sympathy?"
Here Take one More ....!!! LoL
Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends.
You order what you want, then when you see what the other person has, you wish you had ordered that...:)
i don't find wife-jokes funny,winn.....and if you call that lack of humor sense,so be it.humph!i think they're absurd......classifying all wives under the same category....it's cruelty!think of the impact such jokes will have on the mind of bachelors or soon-to-be husbands?
like don't we all look at sardars with a snigger even though we know they are very intelligent people.....thanks to all those silly santa-banta jokes (ugh!).....this is also like that.
Keep smiling!
Hmmm...thats for Gals who dont have a sense of humor!!
As for chivalry, I specialise in offline chivalry, you know the REAL world.... as opposed to the VIRTUAL ONE?? :-P
What a caterpiller calls the end of the world, the MASTERS call it a Butterfly!!
well talking of dragging a damsel into a torture chamber ceratinly shows no sign of chivalry whatsoever,from my viewpoint.i'm sure all the women in the house would agree......what say,gurlz?
Keep smiling!
OOPS...Saggi!! What a thing to say!!
Chivalry...well...you should give people an OPPORTUNITY to show their chivalry, right guys??
What a caterpiller calls the end of the world, the MASTERS call it a Butterfly!!
were you some Nazi Concentration Camp supervisor in some age????whatever happened to the concept of chivalry???boohoo!
Keep smiling!
About the question of the post: Yeah men do remember anniverseries...
Someonenew: Dint we already have enough of 'ask winn' with one adorably-nutcase-girl-who-vanished? :-p
n KSA: Lets plan on hijacking n taking her to our torture chamber. Where she has to laugh at any joke we choose to tell her...howzzat??
What a caterpiller calls the end of the world, the MASTERS call it a Butterfly!!
Jamille .................
Hmm now u R my personal Dr./ Nurse u know better which Drugs Suite me most !!! LoL
Pajju, now stop givin me tat expired PANADOLS man !!! :( LOL
Aaachooo !! Excuse Me Plz !!
Sorry, just finished my lunch - as Svlete was not interested to hav a Coffee with moi - so had my lunch ALONE ...:(
Anywayz, Svlete i guess i figured it out who u are ?? Hmmmmmmmm lemme think is it KaTrina Kaif ? Bipasha Dhasu ? Mandy Moore ... ??? temme temme :)
ksa ask winn...he figured it out, i'm guessin shreya
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
la la la la la!!!looks like u're going to have a reeeeeeeal tough time figuring me out!hmmm.....i didn't know i was this good at concealing my identity!cool!i deserve a pat![pat,pat]
so far only one.....just one QLer found me out.....and hats off to him for that!just a few posts and i had my phone ringing...."so when did u become so svelte?" was the question :-D
that's what i call analytical power!
Keep smiling!
someone in which thread ? :)
lol KSA they lookin married people they dunt want singles :)
Shreya had some issues some time back.... just woonderin....
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
You know you want to tell me the truth...LOL! come on now out with it...
Teachers and HOT CHICKS...wooohooo...ok I'm gng to join there as a part time LEcturer...LOL!
nice try,dum dum!better luck next time...... :-P
Keep smiling!
lol KSA i meant teachers hehehe
Pajju...WTF...DONT TELL ME CHICKS and that too GOOD GOOD!!! And sharam nahin hain...baaap hokey you are looking at Chicks...o for me you are seeing...ok ok keep looking...LOL!
Saggi...well we could do one thing...you could come out with the thing yourselves...dont you think...? :P
KSA not like ur time , now good good chicks r there :) hehe . kiddo is doin fine dear
MJ : hehe i got special one only Rizks know :)
okies....suit urself ;-)
Keep smiling!
lol Pajju dont buy any, i got a truckload of panadols, right rizks?
Saggi darling...always remember one thing, I really dont ponder too much on finding out who a person is unless I really know that person, only then will I make any efforts to search, trace, and find a person...hehehe, so this is something that I 'm so totally not into, i freaking dont even know whether i Have spoken to you anytime...LOL!
And Pajju bhai...went to MES my school...hehehe...hows the school doing and hows ur kiddo doing...?
KSA me fine dude :) Rizks ready to buy panadol ?
that's what you think........no more clues......let's see how many minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years/aeons you take to figure me out.... :-P
this is going to be fun! :-D
Keep smiling!
Saggi darling...NEW NAME but OLD FAME...hmmmm sounds rather interesting...well...o well...lets wait and see who we have here..thats all...speaking of which I dont think I Would have spoken to you much in your past life!
Pajju bhai...hows you?
ah!humour.......why not?and FYI,i'm not new here,buddy......been here,done that.
a change of name,a change of avatar....but the style sticks on.that's what one of the fellows here who actually recognised me told me y'day ;-)
keep guessing :-P
Keep smiling!
lol KSA, Morning bhai
Well Saggi darling, I really wouldnt know WTF Islands...that is...LOL! And as for being intelligent well lets say I know my country quite well...!!! :P
Well you could use any vocab just make sure you bring in Humour with you when you step in! :P
oh really?that's so very intelligent of you,young man!is there any rule that says natives of Wallis and Funtuna islands are not allowed to use such words in their vocabulary?
Keep smiling!
Someone talking behind my back...ooo you buggers... Saggi waggy...you surely from somewhere the sub-continent cos all the Uffs and Wuffs and the Yaars that you are doing...now come out with it where you from...and you must be a bored housewife for you to take out your bhadaas on us!!!
well you did make me giggle the second time round though ;-)
Keep smiling!
who sayz a politician needs to give loooooooong lectures?it's the attitude that counts,man.and i say u have oodles of it :-D
Keep smiling!
Svelte ....................
Tatz ME !! :)
As the topic waz meant for a giggle which didn't did for ya, so thought of something Else ...LoL
Me in Politicz ??? YaaaKKKzzz
I cant give long long lectures man ...:(
KSA iz in good in it.
May be he iz interested to join ?? LoL
i mean,just look at him,yaar......within seconds he's changed the course of the winds!wow!
Keep smiling!
rizks in politics....? that'll be the day!!! :P
rizks....ever considered joining politics? :-P
Keep smiling!
nice move! haha makes me laugh...
makes me wonder when is ours... :D
"To ignore the facts does not change the facts."
V were talkin of havin a cup of Cold Coffee ??
Wat U Say ?? :)
ok,read,sniggered and forgotten....
so what were we talking about?i forgot
Keep smiling!
Svelte ..........................
Chill dear !! dont make anything come out from U ..LoL
As i told ya, READ - LaugH- 4GET IT - TatZ IT !!!
CheerZ .....
saggi tickling urself ? :)
okay,now i have people thinking i'm a snob!nooooooooo!!!!fine....the joke was oh-so-funny!hahahahaha!oooh!i'm laughing my guts out!
Keep smiling!
Yes Rizks today am late , went MES to meet my son teacher
Pajju ......................
its 10:30am - UR late to office - UR FIRED !!!
Take it easy... seriously lighten up now...especially when my dear dear freind Someonenew is online, I need to spend time with hher......:P
Agreed Saggy but I really dont care, if they are always going to complain abt how unhappy they are in marriage they just shudn't have gotten married. Besides we girls have all the fun always, so too bad for u guys, tough luck!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Morning My Dear Friends
Ksa i think some people dont know how to digest jokes ova here ...:)
DaRuDe bhai how u doin my frnd..
DaRuling...DAARRRRRRRLINGGGGGGGGGG How you doing...where are you still back home...get your azz back here...and dont forget what i asked u to get for me...I"M serious...! Hwos family and all darling
R-7 ..... ooooo damn...all I didnt require was your azz to be online...damn...man...me fine fine...hows you doing...?
When r u bck here u BUGGER Boy :P
Go get back to work you bugger and let them play
Alright Whats this hue and cry bout the jokes...!!!
Rizks mere chaddi buddy tell me whats the people talking bout???
LIGHT UP my day... good one.. cheers
my family name's not Grimm......in case if u're wondering.
Keep smiling!
Ooh, svelte told a joke......... :-D
lol NFH... then everyone will look like the grinch or mr.scrooge...
mj, yes, of course! You know it couldn't have been a joke because I would never joke around here at QL. All joking should be banned.
:-P :-D
sweetie,to be very honest i did let out a snigger when i read the joke....but these kinda jokes give out the wrong vibes......like the men are like these poor souls who're liked doomed or sumthin'.....look at that....the guy in the joke prefers life in a jail to the life with his wife!!
heard of another one?where a man's telling his friend...
"my wife and i were very happy for 20 years"
the friend asks,"then what happened?"
he replies,"then we got married"
Keep smiling!
lol NFH, is that a formal protest.? :P
Ban all jokes from QL!!!!!!!!!! lol
That was good, I'm coming up on my 20th soon...hmmm, I wonder what hubby's thinking????
Svelte! Um, you were kidding, right?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
lol someone, saggy waggy... now where have i heard that one before?....
Comon Saggy Waggy be a sport now! Dont get worked up, I personally dont give a rat's arse to wife bashin but this one was funny...comon u know that....
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
are actually the ways we men try to say how we valued our wives and in-laws. It means you are everything to us. Is that what they call "reverse psychology?"
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
nice one rizks!!!i thought its some kind
of a drama...lol
"Love is built on hope. Sure it is filled with risk and with disappointment, but it is still something that gives your life a greater meaning."
ha ha ha...read it b4 but its too good...lolz...
oi....it's not that i'm some kinda deadpan who doesn't get a joke when it's cracked.....it is funny.....but these wife jokes and mother-in-law jokes kinda get me worked up.....coz it's like branding wives like some kinda monsters who have sort of taken control over an innocent guy's life and had bound him by invisible chains of slavery!c'mon.....we all know u men ain't such angels either.so there!hah!
Keep smiling!
Svelte .................
Its just a joke !! Read, Enjoy , Laugh and 4get it. Isn't it tat simple ??? :)
Goosh !! comeone now guyz - just wanted everone to have a good start of the day - Tatz IT ...:(
Ksa how u doin mere mental Dost ...LoL
And Svelte_saggi...o lighten up girl, seriously now, take a deep breath and look at the hillarious side of things...geeeez...when will people realize that they dont jokes up their azzes but rather thru their humourous side...
Such a Shame...anyways Rizks...super duper joke!!!HEHEHE!
ho-hum.....another wife-basher joke.....duh!if u ppl are so petrified of wives,why get married in the first place?stay single,guys!
first u're desperate to get married,and then you start cracking wife-jokes.....how nonsensical! x-(
Keep smiling!
Ahhhhh, you made me think the same
it's a nice one
thatz a good one..read it before but somehow nice jokes are always worth reading anytime...:)
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
nice one rizk.............goodmorning too