Do Americans Need Sponsor to Work in Qatar , Please Help

First of all thanks in Advance for reading this
I'm planning to move (shift) to Qatar. I'm an American . Was wondering any body can give me any info on
1 Do I need a Sponser to work in Qatar .
2 Would it be better to just get a Visit visa and look for job
in Qatar . Or its better to have a job b4 I Leave USA
3 Any kind of help to find a ".Net Developer" job in Qatar
Will be Highely Appreciated
Once Again Thanks For your Consideration
Jauntie - I'm confused by SAGE as well. He used to be called njhouse, and someone was on QL the other day dissing him big time. And now it looks like he's gone through lots of threads and deleted all of his old comments. Very strange.
Charan's gone quiet
Can't help wondering why SAGE, with a non-post, resurrected a dead thread ....
Thanks for your comment. i was ready to pitch in, one of my sarcastic lines.
But I resent the manner in which the question was asked...
Do Americans need sponsor to work in Qatar?
What are you going to ask next... Do 'Americans' need a driving license to drive in Qatar?
Do 'Americans' have to go to jail if they break the law?
Welcome to Qatar.
There are some things that have to be done ;-)
The only thing worse than arguing on the internet is arguing over advise given to a post that is 1 1/2 years old. ;-)
Build a man a fire and he will be warm
for a day; set a man on fire and he
will be warm the rest of his life.
"Do pray... for moi i mean..."
I didn't get you :(
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
LOL.....That your statement was wrong.
"'Being employed as a "local hire" means you will receive drastically reduced benefits."
Not true. depend on the demand for your skills. plus factor you can change job any time. Annual air ticket is nothing compared to the salary you can draw."
You have now heard from the horses mouth (twice in fact) that it happens.
Would also like to know what your role is in these negotiations (you referred to "we" in an earlier comment).
Do pray... for moi i mean...
Admit what?
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
All the best. one day your hard work will reep the benifits :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
"That's why companies are constantly looking for ways to save any money they can"
This is only side track of the game. main track will be how to get the most under the prevailing circumtances.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Go on.......admit it.
Thx Charan for the tip :)
Its easier said than done... Ah well..
I wasn't complaining tho.. I kinda believe in fate or maybe this is what i deserve as of now,, might get lucky as u r,, someday!!
It doesn't make financial sense. You can't run a successful business based on those principles. That's why companies are constantly looking for ways to save any money they can.
"Companies offering these benefits to "local hires" are being generous. Some might also say they're being stupid."
Sorry to disagree. let put it this way. what is the bidg deal of pay ing say xxxxxxxxxxxx if you make millions for them in a short period.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Sorry but you were not showing any strength on the topic being discussed. I have never claimed and never will claim to be a genius. If I don't know I will say so. That can be clarified by any of the individuals that have contacted me by PM on related issues and on open forum topics.
You never indicated initially that you were referring to the private sector.
Just admit for once that you were wrong.
I think signalmo is long gone! This thread was started nearly 18 months ago, and he hasn't posted for 32 weeks! Interesting discussion though.
Resign and Join with a company on your terms :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
I too live in Qatar and am considered a "Local Hire". I don't enjoy the benefits or the luxuries that my fellow colleagues enjoy. Charan, why are you so hostile with your answers, the thread is over a year old.. did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today!!
Never say Never for fear of Forever!!
Companies offering these benefits to "local hires" are being generous. Some might also say they're being stupid.
"I get peeved when people of little experience claim to be "The Oracle"
Don't talk like a Genius when you don't know the strenth of the others. BTW I am refering to the Private sector,
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Your profile says you are 66 years or over.
If this is true, it will be incredibly difficult for you to get a work visa in Qatar.
If you really are this age, don't waste your time trying to find work in this country.
Mr_Listener. Thanks for the clarification. "From the horses mouth" so to speak (no offence intended).
I would agree with Tallg.
From what I've seen in HR here, local hires don't even get the same basic salary as comparable ex-pat hires.
They certainly don't get housing, medical, tickets home and so on.
Maybe there is the isolated case of companies offering this, but it is very, very rare. Very few 'important, skilled and highly paid' positions are local hire.
This is because most of the very well paid jobs are in the oil and gas sector, and each oil and gas company is very reluctant to poach staff from other oil and gas companies. When this does happen, and the new employer offers good benefits, it is because they were originally offered by the first company, and in almost every case these people were originally hired as ex-pats, not as local hires.
Coming to Doha and looking for work may make it easier find a job (arguably) but it will make it harder to negotiate a good package. And if you are here without paid employment, you don't have time to spend negotiating a good package, you need to sign a contract ASAP to start paying your rent!
a highjack Mr_Listener. It's just that I get peeved when people of little experience claim to be "The Oracle".
Charan, u maybe right as for now a days for private sector... I've been working for a semi-govt authority for almost 11yrs now, my contract says local hire and i dont get benefits my other colleagues enjoy, who are not locally hired..
Anyways.. i could be wrong..
Of course you can. But a company is unlikely to want to give those benefits to a local hire. They are in the country already so the assumption is they have those things already. Why should the company pay for them again. And at the risk of generalising, most people considered for local hire aren't in a position to call the shots.
You are speaking about a field in which I have had 27 years experience in the Gulf (17 years of those in Qatar, in a senior position and in a major government organisation). The balance has been spent in a compensation and benefits consultancy role in the Gulf. I assure you I know what I am talking depth!
As tallg indicated, what you say may happen in your organisation. It is NOT the norm.
When you say "We", exactly what role do you play?
"From my experience companies do not operate like this."
There are plenty depend on how important you are and how desperate they need you. You can call the shots if you fit in to the bill.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
charan - that may be the case for your company, but that does not mean you are 100% right. From my experience companies do not operate like this.
I am 100% right. read my last comment
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
sorry for the typo
I live it everyday :)
dweller - There is something called total Package. we consider all the above factors when negotiating a contract. obviously I know much more than you on the ground level here. I am here for 4 years. so you should know where the information are coming from. Finally negotiation and getting the best depend on how good you are on your choosen feild and, the shortage of your skills on the market and how desperate is your Employer to get you on board;)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Believe tallg.
You are talking about something you obviously know little about.
Hence why I said benefits, not salary. Local hire is unlikely to get house, school, flight, car allowance. A large chunk of expat savings comes from not having to pay these things.
Oh God!
'Being employed as a "local hire" means you will receive drastically reduced benefits."
Not true. depend on the demand for your skills. plus factor you can change job any time. Annual air ticket is nothing compared to the salary you can draw.
I am aware of local hire but it is not 100% legal
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
May not be legal but it still exists. There are and have been "locally recruited" staff in Qatar for many years including some government departments. One of the big minuses for such staff is the lack in provision of annual air tickets
Being employed as a "local hire" means you will receive drastically reduced benefits.
Anyways, this thread is 18 months old!!!
"You risk being engaged as locally recruited and may well not qualify for all the benefits,"
There is no such thing as locally recruit in Qatar Legally ;(
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
arrive in Qatar without a job and DO manage to find one. You risk being engaged as locally recruited and may well not qualify for all the benefits, including a decent salary.
Yes, everything he said is right. Can check the classifieds of the Gulf Times and The Peninsula online for job postings.
As follows:
1. Yes. Everybody needs a sponsor.
2. Better to have a job before u leave us.
3. No idea. Not my field.