Difficult situations

Our life is full of different situations which could be happy some times and sad some times due to some reasons.
Happiness is a target which many of us try to achieve and also what brings happiness is the self satisfaction without hurting others or disrespecting them.
Sadness is like a hole which many of us also try not to fall inside it.
Sadness is caused by many things such us cheating, lieing, anger.
You should remember that when anger speaks the truth shuts off.
When you are angry your brain is blind not your eyes.
So never judge when you are angry, an anger moment could let you lose loved persons and many things for years or for ever.
Try to relief your anger by some ways such as writing on piece of paper, sitting down if you were standing, you can find in the books and on the net many ways to relief your anger.
The best answer which can be given to an angry person is by not saying any thing to him/her.
The strong person is the one who really controls his/her anger.
What are the benifit of muscles and body building if you are not using your brain?
The weak person is the person who lets the anger to control him/her.
Let us say we will try not to be angry, but I should say also that anger is required some times on children or the person who did wrong thing.
What I want to say is stay away from the excessive anger which may destroy you first before others.
Always try to fix things in a way which does not use anger.
Let us say we will stay away from the destroying anger.
the rest of the sentence above was "after detaching from your emotional state of mind." meaning need to learn to let go of that anger quickly.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.
Angry man does not accept any logic.
Anger is the only Haram thing that one should consume..
Derek Edward Trotter
to watch the movie Anger Management
The best answer which can be given to an angry person is by not saying any thing to him/her."
No, the best answer is to respond logically after detaching from your emotional state of mind. The "strong silent types" have it wrong - they fail to communicate properly.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.
Darude, why you say like this?
Nomerci have no anger because Nomerci don't give a shit anymore.
What comes around, goes around....
has no anger lol
Nomerci has no anger.
What comes around, goes around....
It is allways good to control the anger not vice versa.
Please let others benfit from the post by putting some good ideas to control anger.
A very good note on ANGER..
I can relate to ur post very well coz i m very fiery and bit short tempered..But yes, i don't show my anger for any un-necessary reasons..There is always some valid reason behind my anger..I m trying to be under control after having a little baby..I have never allowed my anger that has turned the situation hostile or out of hand..
for Olive's new avatar :D
Oh good! I was wondering when the next after school special would air. :)
I just cannot understand why did you have to change your ID, Khalid? have you got banned or what?
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes