Differences between the s e x 'e s ??!!

Ok guys n gals, we all know that we're different & some are even confused as to their own genders...lol, however in this thread I hope we can uncover our principal understood differences between male & female...!!
Some (alleged) examples;
1) Women always squeeze the toothpaste from the top of the tube..., us men from the bottom...
2) Men always leave the loo-seat up..., women leave the lid up but the seat down fooling us men from time to time
3) Women pluck their eyebrows..., men are just happily bushy or whatever....
4) Men shave their faces only..., women shave/trim all over the joint...
5) Women don't leave results of (4) anywhere in the bathroom, men always do....
6) Men can't cook, women are the Queen's of the kitchen...
7) Women can't drive as well as men, men know what sort of driver they are..., good or bad...
You get the gist...., so what say YOU??!!
Torque 8-)
at least there's one point where men and women agree.. they both dont trust other women... :)
well you and gypo and alexa know my theory....
see what i mean chicks?
LOL Oryx!
my mom and Dad always battled to see who would cook because both loved to make wonderful dinners!
And how come in the USA if you are female, you automatically have lower car insurance because it has been proven that women are safer drivers?
tra la la
...but at least yer comments, alexa, made me remember who I am...and I thank you fer that.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Winn, that is because women cook for their families, men cook for show....
This I disagree...specially when I don't have parents. I'm the eldest sibling who cooks fer my grandma and my younger siblings...
I only just had the freedom to not cook when I got here in Qatar...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
cheers, ceasar.
Lol MD... Honestly I am a bad aimer.. hhhmmm... I was told often enough.
Cheers mate.
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
you don't "have" to, dude. Was just a tip in case you are a bad "aimer".
hhhmmm...i started doubting I am a woman.. and started doubting my man is a man..:(
HE is a Queen in the kitchen...he he he
And I drive better than man, specially than man on Land Cruiser...
...Let's leave alone a shaving matter :P
Do I have to MD??..(hhhmmm... dang....)
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
Woooohhhh..Azi a mineral water bottle?? she's a marksman then. (hhmmm... but will try first the sitting thing)
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
just make sure the "loo seat" is down then, ceasar.
Hey MD I will try that sometime.. (Hhmm.... sitting...)
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
won't comment no more...about the "aiming" thing.
Acually, there's a lot that would differentiate MEN & WOMEN...but how about SEPARATING THE BOYS from THE MEN...hmmm??
Suppose it depends on the size of the bottle....;-)
brutus, you're cracking me up!
Indeed TMI
I know a lady who could do it using a mineral water bottle without any spills...oops...
TMI...sorry :-P
you won't have a problem, brutus, if you sit!
Were you talking English or British.....??!! ;-)
Torque 8-)
ooohhh..... aaahhhh... so that's what is all about.. aiming.. hhhmmm.... I thought It's about girl thing.
HHHmmm...... But you will have also that problem if you are standing doing it.
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
i hope i need not expound on this :-P
good one...lol
See girls my theory about English men has just been reaffirmed!
What's with loo-seat anyway?? Up and down.. up or down....
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
...insurance is cheaper for ladies is because they generally cover less distance in a given year & also that their hubbies usually get them to drive back from the pub...
Only kidding. ;-)
Seriously, the mileage covered IS I'm told one issue.
Another being that in general women are less agressive behind the wheel leading to less impulsive actions that cause men to crash, also don't speed as much & STILL manage to apply make-up/lippy at the lights...lol
Torque (it up...) 8-)
1) Women always squeeze the toothpaste from the top of the tube..., us men from the bottom...
----> The MEN in my family (my dad, younger brothers to my son) squeeze the tube, irregardless as long as the toothpaste comes out... :-P
2) Men always leave the loo-seat up..., women leave the lid up but the seat down fooling us men from time to time
----> I am yet to meet a MAN who remembers to put down the seat/lid back after using :-P
3) Women pluck their eyebrows..., men are just happily bushy or whatever....
--->plucking...ouch!!! that's for chicken only...double ouch! Haven't you heard about "THREADING"???
4) Men shave their faces only..., women shave/trim all over the joint...
----> Who told you?
5) Women don't leave results of (4) anywhere in the bathroom, men always do....
---->Coz we clean after ourselves; usually we (women) let the MEN use the bathroom first so we could clean up afterwards :-P
6) Men can't cook, women are the Queen's of the kitchen...
----> MEN cooks to impress; some cooks as their therapy; women cooks out of love...and whatever's available, we could always whip up something ;-)
7) Women can't drive as well as men, men know what sort of driver they are..., good or bad...
----> I know how I drive...horribly :-)
3 and 4 that why women are always the last one to used the bathroom.. so that they clean after their man..
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
Yeah Torque, I know, but the old "men are better drivers" is so not true.
Ditto what Fatcat said on that.
1) Nowadays that doesn't really matter anymore... If the tube is plastic, you can squeeze from wherever.
6) Not true!
7) Again, not true. Every single men I know think they're the greatest drivers. Yet, I don't need to reiterate that in most places of the world, your car insurance is cheaper if you are a female.
..., but ones that many have thrown about over the years & over a bevvie or three... ;-)
...& feed their families!
However, in principal you make a good point...! 8-)
Torque, what say I? I say you're a very brave man, lol! And btw, #7 is a crock.
I disagree, especially with No 7.....
yeah,ESP POINT 6...some of the best cooks i've seen are men...no offence intended, but women dont even compare!! ;-P
Life is nothing without friends.... :)
QL.... just a (very nice) way of live..... :)