Demis Roussos and Flamenco Dance at Doha Cultural Show.

When sylwiastep bought the tickets for the 2 of us, we expected that things will go horribly wrong. And who can blame us, on the day she bought the tickets, the lady who sell it said that she is not sure what time the show will start and asked sylwiastep to call again on the day. Sylwiastep rang again on the day … and they still can’t give a straight answer what time the show would start. Maybe 8, maybe 9 maybe 10. Insha’allah …
[img_assist|nid=79939|title=calligraphy 1|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Events as big as Doha Cultural Show that is being promoted abroad to the western world … they couldn’t even be bothered to print the tickets in English as well? Did they expect non-arabic speakers will understand what is written on the tickets?
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So we decided to arrive on the early side … sylwiastep picked me up at 7.30 and we headed straight down to Sheraton Hotel. We asked around where the show would be held … nobody knows where that is. At some point we passed one of the ballroom and asked the security lady about the venue of flamenco show. This security lady pointing out towards the main lobby … so we walked there … only find out all sorts of television station and radio station conducting some live interview (no idea who they are …).
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Saw one of the hotel staff and asked where is Al Dafna ballroom is (we know that the flamenco shows would be held in Al Dafna ballroom). The gent pointed back towards the security lady that we just passed. So we passed her again….… and said that we still looking for the place for the flamenco show. Now she pointed out the opposite direction. When I asked why she pointing out towards the lobby she said now it moved to the other side. Yeah right … lol
So we found the venue and found out that the show started at 10pm. We only have over 90 minutes to kill. The good news … there were some exhibition around to be explore. The photography exhibition and calligraphy exhibition. Both of us found that the first one more interesting than the second one (with obvious reason we both don’t speak Arabic).
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At about 9.30pm we walked into the venue ………. found our seats and got ourselves settled. At about 10pm the room went dark … The Emir and Sheikha Mozah walked into the room and sat in the VIP area.
To be honest with you guys … I have no idea who Demis Roussos is. I only came to the show to watch the flamenco dance … and sylwiastep mentioned to me that she have nobody to go with. So I thought, oh well, I go with her then.
For those who have no idea about Demis Roussos please have a look at the link below. I only googled the singer only after the concert. Later on my husband found out that if he knew I went to watch him he would go as well to the concert, started quoting ‘Island in the sun’ and such stuff (apparently a hit song for Demis Roussos in the 1970’s, sometime before I was born!!!) oh yeah right …. He always in bed by 8pm lol.
I have no idea about what albums he have produced … but I do enjoyed the concert very much. He is a fantastic singer and has a really great voice. I don’t normally dance … but I did on that night.
Demis sang few song … I have no idea all the titles … I only recognize ‘A whiter shade of pale’. His singing last about an hour then he said bye bye to the audience.
[img_assist|nid=79930|title=demis 1|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
There was a bit of technical hitch during one of the song … the sound system keep flicker loud and soft which is make the music rather uncomfortable to listen. But I guessed it sorted out in next song.
[img_assist|nid=79931|title=demis 2|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Then the following hours is flamenco dance. We don’t normally see much Spanish stuffs in Qatar … so watching life flamenco dance and the guitar play is a rare occasion for me. The two guys who played the guitar were amazing … they also had a good voice and good looking too (psssttt …)
[img_assist|nid=79933|title=flamenco 1|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
I do find it extremely rude some of the audiences left the show while the performer in the middle of the dance. Don’t they know it is a manner to wait until one dance / pieces / session finish before you walked out from the room?
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Overall … both of us enjoyed our night out. Despite the chaos and hassle of not knowing exactly about the timing we still think it is really worth our QR 200. Although we suffer for our school run the next day we would still do it again if something similar happened in Qatar.
PS : Please give credit for the photos to sylwiastep. She is such a good photographer. I have asked her permission about nicking her photos to be put on QL.
DaRuDe, don't you know people become somebody completely different (someone else??) whilst dancing?
Alexaaaaaaaa damn she is so shy that she cant even look at her self in the mirror lol you expect her to dance how come.
now Alexa, everyone will now keep asking you to do a Flamenco dance for them, lol
If you need someone to provide you a good night of Spanish/Latin Music , just PM me about it. I'll DJ for free. I'll bring my Apple laptop and the cabling that is required to connect to your amplifier.
i remember Greeker said you and your DH just like Salma Hayek and Antonio Banderas
alexa u should attend one of our goan function/ parties u will be surprised
I DANCE! (ok, if one can call it dance. I move on a dancefloor, let's call it) :)
And, maybe we should have a spanish music party????
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Novita, you just made me laugh so loud I woke the little one up!!!!!!
Alexa .... now i want to see you do the Flamenco !!!!!
sod the ironing ... i am coming back to the computer
Alexa, ok, if we go to a club together one day, you'll do flamenco, I'll do aerobics (apparently that's what I did last time; don't remember :))
Pope, maybe Little Marmaid show? :D
Your hubby must be a good tango dancer!
Thank you for the information.
I'm off tomorrow and no show, that sucks....
Alexa!!! And you didn't do any dancing at Novita's place! Can't believe it!
Can we hear it anywhere in Doha, or do we have to wait till we leave this awesome place called Qatar?
Flamenco dancing is not that hard, specially when your partner will sink in with your emotions and the beauty of the song lyrics. I just need the proper shoes and some good old Sangria or Spaniard Wine....
Wait until you hear some New wave flamenco rhythms that will rock your brains.
Musical Artist such as Jesse Cook, awesome guy.
Nope ... i am off to continue the ironing till the nxt 10 mins lol.
Novita, all shirts and pants ironed?
about the pro and such, I don't believe it for a second. Saw some of your works, you won't fool me!
I still remember that bottom lol.
Guys .... sorry been busy ironing. Slywiastep would be my reps answering your question lol.
@Sylwia ... my photos is not as pro as yours, so decided just put up your piccies on the board
Alexa, the dancer at the show was A-MA-ZING! The way he moved his bottom! Wow.
Red_Pope, the flamenco was a one night episode, so no more flamenco...
And Doha Cultural Show is all over Doha, Corniche, sheraton...
Check the schedule here:
But can't tell you how accurate it is :)
Since, I'm a flamenco music fanatic.
I'm willing to chance the enigma of the hours for the flamenco show.
How do you get to the Doha Cultural show, from old airport road, Lulu hypermarket area.
Don't know if technical, this is what my husband was calling me whenever I was behaving my normal self, that is doing something that didn't comply with English standards of 'normal' behaviour (read: calmed down, toned, queen-like, boooooooring)
Hold on, that was...... ALL THE TIME :)
I take my hat off to you two "nutcases", as you so eloquently put it! LOL
Very brave!!!
btw, "nutcases", is that a technical term?
You can't teach experience...
are you sure this was the Doha 'Cultural Show' and not a Cultural 'Shock' to you both?
Sounds like you had a great time - and, like QT said, very brave to wander off into the blue beyond with just an unidentifiable ticket in your hand.
QT, nobody normal would, especially for 200, but you are talking to nutcases here :)
Lima foxtrot, it was great fun, people even danced the greek dance in front of the stage (and in front of the Emir and his lovely wife) :)
The song "Island in the sun" which Demis Roussos sang, was written for him (in the 70s) by a very good friend of mine!
What do you think of THAT, then, hmmm?
We always thought it was too funny when we asked David (our friend who wrote the song) where he was when he composed the song. He said he was living in Bognor Regis at the time. LMAO There is nowhere in this WORLD less like an Island in the Sun than Bognor
No offence to anyone here who may come from that wonderful area on the South Coast of England.
both shows looked great to watch, thank you so much for sharing the pictures with us, wish now we had gone, never mind.
Tim Cahill, The Best!!
I'm sure it was an exciting show, but would anyone else have bought tickets if the person selling them couldn't tell you what time the show was? or if you couldn't read the tickets?
That's a gamble I personally wouldn't take but I'm glad it worked out for you girls!
i know what navita is upto lol
Thanks for sharing the story with us, Novita! More nights like that would be fun :)
And thank you for calling me 'such a good photographer' but that's too much!
I just don't know how comes there are none of your photographs here!!!