Delhi CWG will be best in the world

NEW DELHI - The Commonwealth Games in Delhi will be rated among the best sporting events in the world and India has already silenced critics with a spectacular opening ceremony, top representatives of participating countries have said.
”We were really concerned about the preparation, especially because of media reports. But the opening ceremony was spectacular. I think it was among the best,” Uganda’s Minister of State for Sports Charles Bakkabulindi said.
”Since India is a developing country, some people were sceptical - they questioned its ability to host the Games. But I am sure its success will showcase India’s emergence as a leading player in world affairs—in economy, politics and sports,” he said.
”India is already leading developing nations on many issues of global importance. It has shown developing countries can do the things and they can do them better,” said Bakkabulindi, who is leading a 34-member Ugandan team to the Delhi Commonwealth Games.
Cliff Fuller, New Zealand’s trade commissioner to India, agreed, adding on many aspects he found the opening ceremony and the overall conduct of the Games better than similar events earlier.
”The opening ceremony gives the impression that It will be the best ever Commonwealth Games,” Fuller said. “New Zealand, I can say, is quite satisfied with the security and overall arrangements for the Games.”
Michael Carter, the Australian trade commissioner and counsellor-commercial at the high commission here, said the Games will also go on to strengthen trade, economic and political ties between India and Australia.
”In the end, India has proved it can do things and it can do well. The opening ceremony was outstanding. We expect very successful Games,” said Carter, in sharp contrast to the carping done by officials from Australia and New Zealand earlier.
He said the Games would give a major fillip to India-Australia bilateral trade, that is now pegged at over $20 billion. “Over 400,000 Indians live in Australia. The game will further strengthen people-to-people contacts - an important thread in our relations.”
Zambian Acting High Commissioner to India Allan D. Kalebuka said his country was pushing India to do more, mainly because he wanted New Delhi to show the world that developing countries, too, had the potential to do as well as what the rich nations boast of.
”India has done us proud. Everything has been done so well,” Kalebuka said.
The 19th edition of the Games is seeing the highest participation, with more than 7,000 athletes and officials from all the 71 member countries and territories of the Commonwealth federation.
lost under illusions. Very short sighted :(
Check the changing phase of India and high profile International Indians spreaded worldwide.
Certain individuals are under the impression that Slumdog Millionaire and Peepli Live represent the "real" India. They haven't seen or don't want to acknowledge that there is also a another India, in the slick sky scrapers of New Bengaluru, the malls of Mumbai, emerging businesses in Hyderabad.
In a civilisation that is more than 2500 years old, there is bound to be constrasts. Not all progress will be at the same pace. And that is the complex beauty of India. Its varying contrasts. It's rich colourful diversity.The old and the new blending in a will to live together.
general_disarray, lack of self-respect??? how will you define this?? I am quite apalled to read your comment..
It seems that you still have long way to go to understand INDIA and its people...
General D, India is a developing country with 1/6th of the worlds total population and you are trying to compare it with some tiny developed countries?
it's still the worlds toilet bowl and biggest slave pool for the gulf countries. I have no respect for a people who continually allow their own people to be enslaved by the tens of millions. How can a society allow themselves to be the doormat of the world for so long? How can you allow generation after generation to live in such filthy, disgusting cities across your country as in India? It's pathetic!
I have no "war" against the Indian people. As individuals I've found them to be very kind, generous and mostly very humble. However, I'm disgusted with their complacency and general lack of self-respect as a human being on this earth.
I thought the Mexicans on the border of the US were bad, until I got over here. The Indian people aspire to be as well off as the Mexicans.....that's really sad.....rise up indians or you will be enslaved and walked on for generations to come.
we do care and now even Qatar media and Qtel cares....check channel no. 710 & 711 on Mozaic.... ;)
"Go India Go for more GOLD medals....."
We all love India, and we all wish the best for the CWG.
Its up to India to acknowledged and tackle their domestic affairs.
Do not blame western media...indian media thrives on negative publicity...TRP ratings go sky high on controversies. We’ve got 30+ news channels wanting eyeballs.
All major events/corporations/governments have issues – the PR needs to be managed well. If negative publicity gets out it needs to be managed – which it has not for the CWG, sadly.
Exactly Arien.
Hatts off for all the hard work!!
Chak de
First we suffered on QL with Bashing, and Now Praising
A great revenge to bashing thread ...... WTF
I hope nobody minds if I post just one more thread on these games. It will not be pro or anti CWG games, just my humorous take on the games. Will keep it for tomorrow as there already are a few threads on the games today
james those are exciting for some,and the good news disturbs too. wht to do
genesis so thats the reason you dont care? lol
wht about the several bashing threads which wer posted against CWG and India? never saw you voicing against that. why?.. why do you all hate India so much?
Genesis, weeks before the start of the event the main forum was flooded with negative threads and hatred comments about CWG.
Regardless of all what was said & written, the opening ceremony was spectacular. Why flood the main forum with dozen threads about the game?
In case you haven't notice , it's called QATAR living. Discussing "the game" can be digested in one or two threads, Not dedicate the entire forum for over a week to discuss the same over & over again
Nic, I was just referring the attitude of western medias towards a developing country like India. They usually point out the negative facts only.
Nic such major events will have small flaws for sure. come on , you have to accept its a success and very well organised. or keep digging for the minute negative news and be happy
The CWG has been a PR disaster of the highest magnitude. This was bound to happen as it was a games run by an Organising Committee comprising of Government officials.
India is trying to develop and is growing purely on its private entrepreneurial spirit. Moment the government gets involved, it becomes a mess. Does not depend who is on power. Run Bombay like a business and see what it will become….
Glad we atleast winning some medals...
Nic, Dailymailnews is a pakistani newspaper. They love us ;-)
proude to be an indian...
In that case you must be right, BBC and other international news agencies will only report lies, if they report something negative, I assume all positive news will be acceptable.
One must not be ashamed to face the facts and acknowledge eventual areas for improvement. There is nothing wrong with that and that is the only path for genuine progress.
Pretending that we are at a level above the one where we actually are, might not allow us to tackle the steps in between.
A balanced dose of maturity, transparency and humility, is highly admired in the world stage, otherwise expect suspicion and mistrust.
I wish they succeed in the end, no matter the amount of problems, the success will depend on the way they are dealt with.
where are u now a days, not to be seen much here.
Delhi CWG will be best in the world
Now how much bribe given this time for this news
Nic even kids knows what is the intention of BBC and such medias.
We care genesis
how about the other sources such as bbc and indiantimes? considering the international news, one should be a bit more humble about it ;)
Nic, 'Dailymail from islamabad' hahaha.
What else you expect from them to write.
Indians will always be Super power this is smallest sample for that.....
other versions of the facts:
Who cares
is different from the title. It's misleading!
Best in Everything........yeah........
What you think other Gal and Guy???...
Can you say something????
well done!! i was doing the same hms...and felt really bad when Indians on QL were criticizing and making fun of the CWG..
anyways..happy now that all is going well...:) Support SHERA :)
and cinnamon, i found lot of Indians too in criticising our facilities, but i was damn sure that Indians will do wonders and that is what is happening now, i am really proud.
Right Cinnamon, Indian media and some Indian people made it worst.
known we Indians can do wonders, i was shouting the same sitting on roof top when people were criticising India for poor preparations.