Day trips....

These rock
We need to get some more in before it gets hot...
Da did a fantsatic job...
I know we come from all diff culture...
Lets just stay in line next time...
But from waht I saw we got along just fine...
And the vast array of food was amazing...
Anyway I loved it...
Lets just keep safety in mind next time...
Eveyrone doesn't have a land crusier....
And a tire can blow anytime...
But lets do soon Feb/March is gonna be a perfect months...
I'm down for anything...
Thanks everyone...
Jeff AKA Vegas
No band in the Orion anymore???
You sure???
You can't teach experience...
Now The Orion Band no more. Where the we both can have decent dance?
Hey clubbing in-charge, 15th sounds good to me too sans in-laws! :)
2600 QL Points! Way to go Ray!!!
with us whatever we are doing...but you better show up if we do!!!
cool you'd come with hubby too?
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
but i will not be at home
waiting or driving around the city :D
i want to changeeeeeeeeeeeee
Fri the 15th PleASE
You can't teach experience...
her bowling game is like...and she doesn't
wow, they can't throw the locals out even when they start fighting???
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
They can not throw the locals out. They engage more security to keep the peace. even they refuse to leave after the closure. Al the guys working there are fed up of them
hmm right they might be throwing the ball in other lanes then mess others
I'm happy
And will bring the green pope...
You can't teach experience...
someo f these folks attempting to bowl after a few beers??? Don't think they make lanes wide enough for that.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
I'll set something up for Friday the 15th...let me get my pencil and paper out...I'll post something on Tuesday..
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
call me out any where any time i dont mind.
am nil totally nil in pool yea good at bowling so why dont we go for bowling firday night at then to ramada ? or say go to ramada first bowling later coz they are open till 12am and by 10pm the place is les crowded.
wouldn't it have been easier to just throw the ones who fight, out of the bar and keep the tables open? or am I missing something?
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Now the Locals are allowed in every bar with their tradintional attire :)
Fri the 15th would be good day as we will All be busy on the 14th...I hope were busy on 14th anyway...
You can't teach experience...
Sports bar pool table was closed last thursday to prevent fist fights among locals. Now the locals are everywhere.
i can make a dollar last forever...but that's because I play so poorly!
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
how many pool tables are there at ramada? at rydges there is only one and its damn crowded.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Scarlett husband always come to have drink with us.
Just meant hubby doesn't mind coming to Ramada...
With us all having some beers
You can't teach experience...
Just meant hubby doesn't mind coming to Ramada...
With us all having some beers
You can't teach experience...
Scartlett - At Jimmy's you can select your own song and Abba is in high demand:)
HHMMMM... Seems you had a wonderful trip Guys. Wished i go with you. Maybe next time if your next plan will be materialized, hope you won't mind.
thanks...will have to check it out. So richard didn't throw you over the rail at the sports bar, huh?
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Scartlett - I was with Richard last thursday night at Sports Bar. Then we moved to Jimmy's Bar at the Ground floor of Ramada Plaza. Quite good.
only problem with the sports bar is that its VERY noisy and talking is basically impossible..but those that wish could show up earlier and play a couple of games then head up to somewhere else..or the main group could sit outside on the patio...
nah, hubby doesn't mind going out..unless he's had a really rough day at which he doesn't mind if I go out with you all by myself...he knows SOMEONE has to keep you all in line!!! And yes, cabs work well...much better than driving after drinking and ending up hurting yourself or someone else...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
You can't teach experience...
And I think your hubby doesn't mind that outtting...
And I know I love it...Gonna take a cab home next time...:)
That guy was wanting to checkout the pool tables at the ramada for a while??? Why not give that a shot??? The sportsbar???
Or whatever...
You can't teach experience...
have to admit my involvment in this one was to totally confuse everyone as to how much meat to bring...lmao...(sorry DA!!!) but leave it to Da, TCOM, King and Ajag, to save the day with their ability to scramble and get grills/campfires, going. I think we just about brought an entier grocery store of food...but it won't go to waste as its saved for next time!
I agree...the weather is going to be lovely next month and we'll leave it to Da to find us a great place to play in the sand again. You better be on days this time so you can go and not about die of exhaustion on the way back.
I'll see what I can do about setting up a night out sometime soon...seems I am in charge of the clubbing scene...:)
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
I don't think these events would happen without your involvement...Again thanks to you and Da to get us out and realize there is a life beyound the keyboard...
If that wasn't fun I don't know what fun is...
And thx to Alexa and her hubby for helping me get hone safe...
Everyone I met was cool....So glad to meet you...
You can't teach experience...
we are SO gonna have to put you in a corner...
Da..great job with the location...was absolutely gorgeous, weather was wonderful, company was was delicious...Hmm I think you need to go into being a travel agent for Qatar. are totally correct...the huge mix of nationalities, races and religions was such a trip! Everyone was so nice and fun to be around. By the a bag of chips, desserts and LOTS of forks, spoons and knives for the next one!!
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
yeah, lets just stay in line the next time. and remember to stay in line next time.
You can't teach experience...
some one was looking for day trips and wanted to request them to include me invite me too :D
ah thanks man you are welcome. well arrange next one first week of march. till that i will places and pick the good one.