Dance Schools in Doha

By Martinez_II •
Ramadan is not the right time to ask this question. But cant stop dancing myself...lolz.
Is there a proper dance school in Doha for Hip Hop or Salsa ?
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hey, friends
is anybody interested in Indian dance ,who can perform stage programs ,entertainments...
please text me back
More details you can find here
Dear Friends, i am a Dancing Instructor I would like to inform you That I am going To start a Dancing class in Doha-Qatar. This is the category below, 1. bollywood's dancing 2. Free Style dancing class for. 3. Party dancing 4. HIP POP dancing 5 Kids dancing class .6 fitness dance workout Dear Friends Contact details below in the mail. First Mobile No. : - 00974-66167712 Adults i Email Id…[email protected] Place fell fre to call john Thanking, for Ur kindness
Kalakshetra Qatar - School of Dance, Music, Art & Yoga offers Hip Hop classes also. All qualified and experienced professionals to train the same. For further details please contact 44660084, 33930358.
Email:- [email protected]
Internantional Music Centre at Al Hilal Area.They have classes for Salsa, Hip Hop,Jazz & many other dances u have to see there
Internantional Music Centre at Al Hilal Area.They have classes for Salsa, Hip Hop,Jazz & many other dances u have to see there
I am a Hip Hop instructor and choreography and im looking to expand currently I only teach at a school twice a week but i will talk to the principles and managers as to if i can bring outside students in since my second class has vacant spots. In the meantime if you are interested please contact me at [email protected] and i will get back to you with all necessary information
Etnas of Skill+ crew
Jux fo ladies..... plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me if som1`knoe
hey i need to know werez tht u have number.....
If you know any teachers, please give me a call on 6031276
plz lemme knw if dere is hip hop classes for women..
i acc m vry interested
keep rockin!
may i know the name and fone number of the place which has hip hop classes too please? I havent been successful finding any where yet :( thanks.
Do you mind giving me the name of that place whcih teaches hip hop/breakdancing. i've been searchn fr a rly lng tym and i havent found anythin at all.
The Ramada does hip hop classes at the Cabana Club. I've only seen girls doing it, but the teacher is a guy - so maybe the class is open to anyone.
hi can u plz tell me the name of the place ? :p
Does anyone here no where there is hip hop/ breakdancing classes here , i really want to learn and i have been looking around but i can't find any. Any information pl reply with a number or something : P
i really wish to go for salsa dance classes.. but i understand that a partner is a must.. so waitin for some1 as crazy as me.. lol.. maybe later i wud just end up sayin i am busy or lazy..
well i'm really interested in hip-hop, and i'd love to take classes here in Doha. you've said on the 'dance class' page that you know a place that teaches women, could i get the telephone number of the institute please?
thanks a lot for everythg! :)
== Live as there is no tomorrow ==
Hi Martinez, please keep that information for me when I get to Qatar in June I will need it. Thanks.......
Where? in the health Club? If you can find someone who knows anything on the phone... it's a miracle.
there are classes on thursdays and saturdays from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm at the Sheraton
I meant classes. But come to think of it, is there ballroom dancing anywhere here? (and i don't mean at the Paloma).
Moudir, Do you mean ballroom dancing or ballroom dancing classes?
It always makes me smile when people start talking about Salsa teaching and so on; like at the Paloma. In fact, you will not be able to learn Salsa (or remember it), if you haven't done Rhumba, Cha-Cha, Merengue and Mambo. When you have mastered Mambo, then you can do Salsa... And to tell you the truth, to find ballroom dancing in Doha, it's quite a challenge.
There is Internantional Music Centre at Al Hilal Area. They have classes for Salsa, Hip Hop, Jazz & many other dance forms.. Good Luck!!
Thanks for that piece of information. Will give them a call first thing in the morning. U take care !
have any of you checked out any of the hotels here who have their own fitness centres, they usually have dance classes as part of their fitness program.i am not sure if international academy for intercultural development at muntaza will have hiphop, but you could check it out.
i remember they had waltz classes and some other dance forms.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
For Salsa you can have a look at this web page.
I haven't been there myself, but know people who took classes there:
I am also eager to know where my son can study breakdance. Some people always bring unnecessary things and destroy a useful thread.
i agree.....
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
but you see more of RnB hiphop today that is not similar to the original breakdance.
Well as long as you can move your body to the tune wihtout breaking or spraining a limb, its all good and a wonerful form of aerobic workout.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
hip hop was associated with break dance
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
break dance? is it still the in thing in dance forms. is hip hop the same as break dance. they are not the same.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
So that means u dance break dance?
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
i love hip hop too and i know a place that teaches women.
sorry, no help there.
take care
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
ooh let me know if you find out!
i love hiphop!