Daily Mail : Sometimes Im ashamed of the UK

By MattyHardingLower •
Report in the Daily Mail today,
"Children as young as five should be taught to understand the pleasures of gay sex, according to leaders of a taxpayer-funded education project.
Heads of the project have set themselves a goal of 'creating primary classrooms where queer sexualities are affirmed and celebrated
The ambition was revealed in documents prepared for the No Outsiders project run by researchers from universities and backed with £600,000 of public money provided by the Economic and Social Research Council".
Lost for words.....5 YEARS OLD FFS....Where will it all end. I want to slap something or someone!
agree with brit,...they will learn these things in the later stages of their lives, but not at this very young age...
That is different. This is children as young as five beeing subjected to "viewpoints / ideas" they may be too young to comprehend..
AT this age, children should be left to just play and enjoy themselves whilst learning to interact without inhibitions.
"I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours" in school playgrounds and back yards all around the world for donkeys years!
Nature has a way of teaching the young about their 'sames and differences' without any interference from the PC crowd.
Is this for real?? ....or am I seeing things??? gosh!!!
exactly..5 year-olds! i cant imagine the reaction they would get from the parents of those kids if they start teaching it in school...
""Many children will have a connection, through family or friends, to non-heterosexual relationships, and some will come to identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered, but the life experience of all children will be profoundly affected by the ethos of their school, and this means creating a school environment where no-one is an outsider."
Once again , the PC brigade are getting their hooks into school curriculi. This is all very well, and a very noble idea. But IMHO , primary school is a bit young to "explore" these issues.
I believe that this issue is the responsibility of the parents and society , but if it is to be addressed inh school, then it should be done in the "early teens".
now what's the world coming to these days? really,..they should stop and ask that to themselves...
Me too, it's absurb!
Here's what it's like to have a sausage stuffed up yer bum!
Damned perverts. "Hey, Teacher! Leave those kids alone!
Did you Google it first?
whoa. :s
I am not ashamed of UK - I am DISGUSTED with it. I detest having to go there on a Business trip with my Qatari Boss and I sure as hell would never visit for pleasure as there isnt anything nice about a country that has gone to the Dogs. On the plus side it is streets ahead of the USA but so is Somalia.