Cupping in Qatar

I saw an old post for cupping in the culture section. I thought I would post here incase anybody was still interested.
Visiting from Bahrain is:
Salah Yousuf Abdullah Ali al-Ghalaf
He is one of the most skilled Practioneers I know. He also sales honey for curing stomach problems and other associated illnesses.
He actually diagnoses your symptoms and then places the cups specially to relieve the difficulties you suffer. There is actually a skill to this and pressure and nerve points. It isnt just bleeding. His technique uses suction devices purchasable in local pharmacies for 13QR. not heat and leaves no scars. He scratches the skin without cutting deeply. The suction points will resemble a hickie mark for about two days then after that no trace exist. I have been asked to make a site for him and if I do it I will post a link with video so you can see the whole process which takes about ten minutes in most cases.