Cross religious Marriage in Qatar

Hello everyone,
My fiancée and I decided that we want to marry in Qatar, to our surprise we found so little information about how to proceed.
I'm a resident Moroccan Muslim, and she is Macedonian Orthodox resident here too.
We called few entities such as our embassies, Fanar, shariaa court and none was able to let us know any relevant information besides all of them wanting her to convert to islam as a first requirement.
Can anyone please help.
Thank you in advance
The best option is to leave Qatar.
The best option is to contact the embassy and get the details
Any advice available for the same issue involving the Bangladesh embassy?
Dear Sir,
You have to put no objection notice in Moroccan or Macedonian embassy. After laps of time notice period you can get married in the embassy.
The Embassy will issue a Marriage contact which has to be attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Qatar. Then this document is valid to be used in Qatar.
Suppose the document was issued by Macedonian embassy then after MOFA it has to authenticated by Moroccan embassy so as it to be used in Morocco.
Islamic Law permits a Muslim man to marry Christians and Jews women but however some say this practice is no longer valid. In addition to this it is seen as " مكروه" (abominable/disliked) by Muslim scholars for Muslim men to marry outside the religion.
Sheen Services WLL
Muslim marriage is purely a contract. There is a document (Nikah paper) which is signed by witnesses and on which Mahr
(bride-price) is also mentioned. If they don’t get along , they can separate.
WT: "Marriage is a civil contract!" A civil contract taking place in a church! I am really surprised. Did you or your parents go to the church to take the vows? Remember in the vows, the words "love and fidelity" are present.
Just asking.
Get married in Macedonia. They wont mind. Btw I like interfaith marriages. Wish you all the best.
I am surprised that the embassy is requiring conversion..
You could ask them to guide you regarding marriage in a nearby country such as Bahrain
Good Luck!
Thank you everyone for the support and insights. It seems harder than we thought by all means.
Congrats to the new couple ............... wish you good luck & joys .......................
I would suggest to marry at the Macedonian Embassy. They probably won't mind if she is not a Muslim. If they do, go to Las Vegas. Nobody cares for religion there!
Hatimab my pal - we wish you well ..
Samoor: We are talking Legalities in Qatar here - not religion. This highlights why such questions should not be asked on QL
Marriage is a civil contract. Religion has absolutely nothing to do with it!
cross religious marriages are allowed in islam, only condition is they should belong to the religion of the book ( jew, Christianity)
and forcing someone to convert to islam isn't allowed unless she wills
You spoke to the relevant authorities , yet decided to ask strangers
In order to marry in a sharia court here , your fiancé must first show that she had converted to Islam - this requires visiting Fanar and getting a certificate
The only other option is to get married in an embassy and they will guide you as to the process
The easiest option may be to go to another country and marry there