Couplees Beaten on Valentine Day
Right-wing Hindu activists Thursday were beating young couples in India's northern Uttar Pradesh during Valentine's Day protests across the country, news reports said. Police told that activists from the Hindu hardline Shiv Sena group beat up couples in a public park in Bareilly town and made girls hold their ears and apologize for celebrating Valentine's Day.
Shiv Sena said it was holding protests across the country against Valentine's Day celebrations which were against Indian culture and had a "corrupting influence" on Indian youth.
India is a "Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic" with a parliamentary system of government.
People are electing the govt. But policies and procedures are not made by the people. Itis the govt who prepares the plan and execute !
People has got the right to express their views.This view is being expolited by the people by all these activities !!
no offence,...
education is NEEDED!!
that is so awefull!!
they cannot force people to stop a certian act!!
where r the civil rights in india?!
Who makes the GOVT, but?
Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W.
Go bindhaast!!!! The Ramsena activist is behind the bars now.
Well, is it allowed to board with loaded shot-gun?
Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W.
Ye said it..It is the people who is taking advantage of that. Not the 'GOVERNMENT '. ur post was like, blaming the govt.
I was supposed to go to Bangalore this march , for a short visit . does this happen frequently . damn! i better take my shot gun! loaded!
yeah thats where the problem lies... the freedom of decomcracy is used for wrong reasons.
You cannot say that the whole system is wrong...
India has got a large population(1,147,995,904) and is a very big country.. More over it is democratic !!
|nobody can have more power than the police" ??
Where there is money, there is power. U take any country, even in qatar, if u have vaastha u can get rid of anything.
It is not that "the whole system is wrong in india" ...
It should be "the whole system is corrupt in India"
the whole system is wrong in india.......nobody can have more power than the police....its a clear sign of the ongoing corruption nothing else.
Shivsena has got more political power.. So these Cop's kno, if they gona stand against them, tomoro they will b kikd out from the service..
There are quiet a lot of things to be addressed in India than this moral policing stuff...Hope these guys realise that.
Very true...EMN..It's ultimately the girl who is suffering. This moral police thing, too, was really not there in our culture, am I wrong? God knows, where it came from? What's the reason behind this growing intolerance?
In this circumstances, For me, the best policy should be do whatever you want, but keep it a low profile affair.
Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W.
That is terrible. Why is the cop acting on Shev Sena behalf ?
thats interesting.
Girls were assaulted and beaten publicly
watch here
yeah brit.........they will prosecute the girl no one else
So what's the government lne in this ?? Has anyone been prosecuted ?
watch this women being dragged by the hair by the cops.
Itz not rumour.. look at the link i posted before..
Oh yeah there was some other piece of news, in india . got no clue it its a rumour . Mangalore i guess so ,
Girls were stripped open around 50-60 girls , in a Club??
This is why i always say that religion shouldn' be used as an excuse to any atrocity either you are christian, muslim, jew, hindu, buddist, etc...
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Well, and do you know, In mumbai Shivsena opponent MN Sena were in favour of V Day. So it was celebrated freely and on large scale in Mumbai and alike Metros. But again celebrating it in Mumbai and in all the other interior places is totally different thing.
Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W.
Definately EMN. And imho sex before marriage too should not be made such an issue. Here I am talking about the tolerance of our society and not my personal view.
Exchanging flowers is also a havoc in these parts where the beating and all had taken place. Have you ever been to interiors of Bihar and UP and MP? See, metros is not the India.
Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W.
celebrating valentines day dosen't necessarily mean sex before marriage.
The great Bearded would not do this beating and all at all. Any body in that part or this part dare to celebrate Valentine's Day on the road?...please come forward.... They will be beheaded right off.
Our society is not tolerant enough over the sex before marriage issue and the consequences thereafter. And again, those who want it do it anyways. The problem is with the celebration. We don't even celebrate Mother's day and Father's day as our parents still live with us. Or you can say, we celebrate it 365 days thoroughout the year. These celebration of the days is just a clever market gimmick as I think.
Well, and Rabbidogs, "It's not about being accusative: it's about pointing out the completet collapse in some parts of society of any sense of what's right and wrong"...sorry, I am not saying this, your own people are started saying it now. Refer : 13 yr old father
Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W.
Cuty dog...showing her rabid side....again! :(
Honestly... Swing a stick and ask one hundred people on the street here what the story "Couples beaten on Valentine's Day" was about and where they thought it happened, and I bet the vast majority would say KSA. There's few places more intolerant than there.
Doesn't mean she's slamming all Muslims -- just the 'great bearded ones' who do such a disservice to their own religion.
And FYI, saying something against Muslims does not make one racist. Religious intolerance and racism are two different forms of discrimination...
did anyone watch the IBN live........ Valentines day debate on youtube. i laughed my heart out.
You can't teach experience...
There was a warning from this group that, if they found any couples roaming here and there on valentines day, they will make those couples married each other !! B-)
Really Stupid :(
i just freaking don't understand that what these freaks want from the youth and what culture they talking abt, love sees no culture and celebrating love is not a crime.
Life is a mystery..... you never know whats next.....
i agree, PM has changed her/his tact over loads of threads, one minute they are against racism, next minute PM is being racist! Make your mind up PM' either get of the fence or tell us how you really feel! As a supposed academic you should be able to do both!
I believe some of those beards one's, need to be shave with some truth once in a while in QL....
In both 'Valentines' thread (including this one), they indicate the 'occasion' as usually are against their culture.
No wonder there's plenty of 'racism' in this place. The population of Qatar is comprised with both 'cultures'.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Evolution, not quite got there yet has it?