Countdown timer reqd at signals

By ricky_2005 •
It is highly recommended that Countdown Timers be installed at signals like Ramada signal , Muntaza signal ,Toyota signal , Airport signal so that cardrivers
and owners are not caught between lights , as the lights change so quickly from Green the red , subjecting the drivers to fine by cameras installed there .
The fines are not 500 QAR or 1000 but 6000 QAR which is Steep .
Hope someone is listening ......
when you are in signal, some times a big veh. passing the signal car drivers canot see the signal after the enter the signal they know signal is blinking what weill do that is not a education problem
A driver should not enter the intersection until it is cleared. It is not the camera's fault or the signal's fault. Drivers need to know how to drive and follow the rules.
They have box junctions painted on the roads at all these signals, you are not supposed to enter a box junction unless your exit is clear but because no one has any patience they just pile through the lights hence blocking the roads when the lights change and therefor they get the fine. Education is needed not timers.
they had those numbers installed in few signals at corniche and some other pplace. nd removed later. donno y. but flashing green is more than enough!
flashing numbers, flashing lights...what's the difference?
The flashing green light seems perfectly adequate to me. When it starts flashing you either have time to come to a stop safely or time to make it through the lights before they go red.
Not biting Charan ...
Did you Google it first?
"sensible coutries such as UK"
So others are sensless countries?
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Change quickly!!!! Come on, you've got to be kidding!!!!
Three flashing green lights then amber - more than enough time. In sensible coutries such as UK you don't even get that, so please get with the program.
Did you Google it first?
this very godd services in india, is very good when we are in signal we will check the timer and stop the car. this already discussed this sites
This is to be directed to Traffic Department of Qatar not to Qatar Living Virtual Website :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
they have such timers back home.....wonder why they haven't been installed here.
Keep smiling!