Cost of sex

By KellysHeroes •
Guys. Be honest and scientific in your approach.
Check this site and tell which is more cost effective: Having sex with:
1. Wife
2. Girlfriend
3. Woman you pick up
Here is the link:
Am sure some of the girls here will jump and say boys are boys and relations are not sex and all the blablabla one can imagine
Forgiveness is life...:)
Forgiveness is life...:)
Even though the site as block as already mentioned, it is a no brainer as to which is the 'cheapest' for only the act of s3x (assuming you practice safe s3x, by wearing a Jimmie Hat so as to not transmit any STDs or having any unplanned children).
QS - What makes you think only a wife can be a multi-functioning machine? Any how about 'Trophy Wives'?
KH - In statistics, I think the 'Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous' would be considered 'outliers' and should not be factored into the equation. Let's face it, the average Joe/Jane can't even afford a good hook on a regular basis, so sticking with one fish (unmarried) would be the most economical approach. Of course, their is the quality v. quantity issue to resolve as well.
I believe the two oldest 'professions' known to man are: thievery and prostitution, so go rob somebody to buy a hook ;) Sounds like the game GTA (Grand Theft Auto) to me.
Wife cost 100% and some time over than 100% of man's earnings, so WIFE on top!!
sorry to say but the site is blocked...:P
Otorhinolaryngologist is physician specializing in ear, nose, and throat diseases
"Otorhinolaryngologist's "
KH.. well, the wife is usualy a Multi-functional machine.. a hoocker is one-time-use item
your avator looks like a post in the Otorhinolaryngologist's office.. lol...sorry, eh?
Wife vs Hooker…. a Cost analysis
Written by chuck on May 22, 2008 – 7:17 am -
I did the math on the Paul McCartney-Heather Mills divorce. After 5 years of marriage, he paid her $49 million.
Assuming he banged her every night during their 5 year relationship (and being married men, we all know THAT doesn’t happen), it ends up costing him $26,849 per lay, not counting attorney’s fees and court costs.
On the other hand, Elliot Spitzer’s call girl Kristen charges $4,000 an hour. Crazy, right?
Had Paul McCartney employed Kristen for 5 years, he would’ve paid $7.3 million for an hour of sex every night for 5 years (a savings of $41+ million).
Value-added benefits are: a 22 year old hot babe, no begging, no coaxing, never a headache, wide open menu, ability to put BOTH legs around you, no bitching and complaining or ‘to do’ lists. Best of all, she leaves when you’re done, and comes back the next day, ready for another round. All at 1/7th the cost, with no legal fees.
site has been blocked...did not even see it...
Well My wife comes top.. so I'm doing fine..
boys boys boys, galz galz galz
Iz tat the SONG ???
ok cant remember the whole song
any one remembers this song boys boys boys
they still sleeping, give few mins and someone will wake up and get it!!!lol
the choices are wrong.
"He who does not thank people, does not thank Allah" prophet Muhammed (pbuh)
how can you get past the word guidelines ???