Cost of rent in the next few months

By one guy living ... •
I would like to get your opinion regarding cost of rent in Doha, As I could see a lot of empty buildings ready to be rented and many other are coming to the market very soon. owners would be able to wait and leave it empty? when I talk to agents they say NO way rent would still be the same, it would never decrease... what is your opinion?
The landlords of the new buildings doesnt afford offering lower rent as all of them took finance from either of the banks. Lowering the rent means paying the bank installment from thier pocket and leaving it empty to negotiate with thier bankers to differ thier grace periods.
When the eye becomes the heart, the heart becomes the eye ... Wasif Ali Wasif
There is no way out... either they have to increase salaries or company has to pay accomodation or reduce rent... if non will happen.. every expart will leave!
And you can see already many start leaving Qatar.
Stupid economics...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
:( peeps its really difficult - if they continue to increase especially for us - our company only gives us accomodation allowance... and guess, how much? its only 500
You see? And here is some legal moves from the Government side are needed. Some tools/rules that would make a Landlord get INTERESTED in renting apartment for the lower price rather than keeping it empty could be implemented. I don’t know what these tools could be, I am not a lawyer. But I am sure the it could be found.
But there are no such tools/rules so far…
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Not cause they don't Need the Money but its cause they can't get the Money they need.
Live For Nothing OR Die For Something!
I know many landlords who would rather leave their apartments empty than rent at lower than what they WANT. They wouldn't mind leaving the building empty for years, it's not like they NEED the money.
i think i have a clue which exactly places you are talking about... i have seen them too... piece of crap, not worth even 6000.
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
From what I have been reading prices might stay the same or increase slightly during 2009 but the fact that investors would stop building new homes this will cause a shortage in supply in the coming years.
From what I have seen and I did visit a lot, most mass buildings are very bad with weird useless shapes, the finishing makes me seek.. Is it really an engineer who did design these buildings, I paying QR 7000 or even lower for such a bad apartment this is really a rip-off
So what if there is no finance available for the real estate market. The existing real estate mafia already have enough finance from the people they have squeezed already. Enough to make ten buildings! The land owners are even better off.
How often have the people been turned away from a house saying that you can't afford it cause the price is way too high. This is the main reason for demand not meeting supply!
Finally the people are forced to choose low budget homes, sharing accomodation and even here they are looted by the middlemen who again increase the price of property exorbitantly. All due to the current financial crisis? I really wonder.
Live For Nothing OR Die For Something!
As someone working in this field, I think the prices will stay the same or might increase a little in 2009 because of something that people doesn't see, the financial crisis, I heared from some bank employers that the banks stoped financing the real estate market therefore many land owners will not be able to build new buildings, so the demand will increase again and the prices will go up.
This is my point of view and hope to hear your opinion about it.
im also doin hunting the past few days... looking for a building for company deal accommodation, prices are still the same.. or even higher.,
QS, or anyone, can you refer me to any good agent for this matter, im sick and tired of goin around doha, seeing right this buildings with cheap finising, and all the adjectives given by QS, which are by the way true.,
i also havent called a 100, nadt, just 99., :)
call me ONE.
hiya QS, your details are correct as ive been house hunting too the last month(i havent called 100 though) but enough to know that rents are infact going up, not even staying the same. In our building few have been evicted and all the new building have increased at least 1000QR a month. we keep hearing this the last couple of months but still nothing. Its even worse but who knows maybe down the track, but im not holding my breath...
hi nadt... :):)
i am with you in this matter you know... :)
Zoobi, your friend is twisting facts.. if he is talking about these new miserable flats, that the agents were hoping to rent for 8K, and now are willing to give away for 6,5K so it's a BS.. as these flats are not worth even 6k! total area of these "2 BR" flat is less than a normal 1BR! ....rooms are pathetically small, finishing are cheap, everything looks so bad... they could split the same area for 5 rooms and to offer it as a 4-br flat.. but are they really 4 BR?.. they are unfurnished too...
I have been doing a little survey for the last month, just to check the prices... I called 100 agencies and 100 agents... I say: i need a FF 2-br flat in a good area for 7000. They all say: no ma'm, your budget is too low.... They have for 8K, 8.5K, 9K and so on.. no one 2 br flat for 7000 has been offered to me so far, except of these two defective ones, on Al Sadd and in Bin Mahmud..
I will only believe that prices went down when i see it by my own eyes..
My friend pays 1000 QR for 2-BR flat in Beverely Hills.. does it mean prices went down?? NO! ...the rest of her Rent, which is 17,000 in total, her boyfriend is paying..
so don't tell me the stories about someone's friend's friend who got something (we don't know what) for some price (we don't know how much), coz it means nothing...
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
rent will not go down and if ever they will ordinary workers won't be able to afford a minimum flat rent which cost about 7500-10000. they have to be shared by at least 3 families or more. currently i'm sharing rent with 2 more families in a two-room flat. we have converted the sala to accomodate another family. the size of each room is 3x3x3 meters. imagine that! that's our life in doha.
well friends of ours has been looking for apartment recently and after a few weeks of looking, he found a three bedroom apartment SF for 10,500, previoulsy he was paying 8,500 for the same...yep they are really going down!!!!!
That was a few months ago. Please ask him to resurvey!
Live For Nothing OR Die For Something!
One of my friends did survey in Al Saad Area and found that some apartements have reduced their price for about QR 500 - QR 1000 from what he found few months back.
How can someone who is earning 8K a month be happy with 6K. Thinking with the agents mind, me feel that its just unprofitable for them and someone who is greedy for money won't ever think of reducing his profit just for the sake of poor people. Trust me the rents aren't gonna come down unless something like an earthquake hits Doha and they have to build some cheap buildings or someone protests. There are law to prohibit excessive rents but its all in vain cause our landlords want more. Greedy we all are for more and more MONEY.
Live For Nothing OR Die For Something!
I believe rents will get down again. One of my friend, he s working as real estate agent, told me that they reduced rents of flats from 8K to 6K in last month.
I hope it will go down again...
Any how its sure it will not increase again....
Rents will not be reduced significantly in the near future, and maybe not in the long term either.
Dealing with money grabbing people here, forget about logic and market forces.
I like the sound of that...If the Commercial & Residential area around Musherib is going to be pulled down...more than 50% of the people who live there will be forced to leave Doha.
Dont expect all the people can afford QR 7,000 rent!!!
And nobody from that area will move into Pearl or Lusail!!!
If they keep pulling down places people are going to leave. Even lesser people will invest in realestate fearing it might be pulled down on short notice.
They got to pull down the rents....not the Buildings.
The commercial n residential buildings will be demolished in musheireb area as reported in local news. So this will again increase the demand.