Coping with Relationship Difficulties

"Relationship problems often arise not because we never learned what
to do, but because we have lost touch with this instinctive good sense
and become over-anxious about our relationships.
This may be because we have lost our own self-respect and sense of
our personal worth; it may be because we are in personal distress and
so putting too much pressure on our relationships; it may be because we
have had unfortunate experiences in past relationships and so have
temporarily lost our ability to trust.
We may have been out of touch with our ability to make successful relationships for so long that we may doubt if we ever had it."
Why does making a relationship work have to be so damn hard?
I wish I had the power to predict the future of a relationship, that way I don't have to go through all the difficulties it comes with along the way.
I don't have a problem of being honest, if anything being too honest is my problem.
The thing is I may be clairvoyant I dunno. I don't want to trust my instinct but most of the time they are true. He just won't stop lying and hiding things from me. Even if they are small things...if he can hide/lie about something small let alone something big right? He would confess after I have interrogated him already. I mean why can't he just be honest to begin with then we can avoid the big argument? I have a strong feeling that this relationship is doomed to fail, and the sad part is we talked about getting married in the future...Marriage scares me now I'm afraid it would become my worst nightmare!
“The biggest mistake is believing there is one right way to listen, to talk, to have a conversation -- or a relationship.”
Honesty of your partner is difficult in the sense you dont know how truthful the things he/she tells you. especially if you are just starting the relationship. so what to do? trust your instinct?
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
Those were just written nonsense...
I know the major part of a relationship is all about honesty and trust...but it's just difficult.
“The biggest mistake is believing there is one right way to listen, to talk, to have a conversation -- or a relationship.”
You write on your profile that your Job title is a "MINX", and you also say on the section about yourself that you like "behaving amorously, without serious intentions".
hhmmmm... As Azi says, its about honesty and trust, but how can there be trust by your partner if you like to portray yourself as such a person?
Seriously, can't you see why you would argue all the time?
Time to wake up and smell the coffee me thinks!!!
You can't teach experience...
its a matter of trust only
You're 100% correct Azi!
Still in One pieace. Thanks to Mr. Paul. have to send for Under carriage washing today :)
How's the NATIVA?
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
BullShxt. eg. You & Mr. Paul :)
If you love him/her...both of you needs to be honest with each other. The past is called the past and there's no need to re-live it coz both of you are don't know each other then. Everything that needs to be discussed should be talked about like the adult we/you are.
Trust is hard to do but you got to...
Nadt is right...a relationship is like taking care of a plant, or having a pet. You need to spend time to care, nurture it...
If you can't even take care of a pet (a dog or a cat, perhaps) or even one potted plant, how can you be sure you cabn take care for someone or nurture a relationship???
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
You are just one of those think when there is a problem in a relationship it's always the woman nagging that causes it. Well, here's a memo for you, not all relationship problems are like yours. Not all women nag, some of us just keeps quite and watch, because why bother nag when we know men are's just a waste of time, breath and effort.
“The biggest mistake is believing there is one right way to listen, to talk, to have a conversation -- or a relationship.”
littleme, i guess its time to let go and move on coz love should not be one -sided.
Exactly! But what's to do if they don't want to be taught or planted in a pot?...
i think communication is the key to make a relationship work.. yeah maybe she's nagging him to death but i think she'll not be nagging him if she sees that all is well.. i mean come on, most of the guys are jerks.. women just want to be appreciated, loved and cared for...
we can only teach if they wanna be taught....cant force it.....
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Just plop him on the couch with a beer and leave him the heck alone...
Geeze...You just cant teach experience can you...
You can't teach experience...
how cute sure you will be ok when your on vacation, i recently united with my pot plant, and it was a great feeling....enjoy ur trip..
i tend to my plants every other day and yes i spent 30 mins each time talking , watering and pruning them......>just looked out the window and they are all smiling in the sunshine.........gonna miss them when i go away for a vacation soon........
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
lol spicemon..did you water yours today...hehehe..i forgot to yest....
yes yes agree with nadt 200%
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
relationships are like a pot have to keep watering it and taking care of it in order to survive....and never take each other for granted, respect and appreciation of each other is the key...
thats normal. there are a lot of factors which affect relationships. and remember its not about you all the they say it takes two to tango.
i suggest that you look around, after all there are other things in life that would give u joy. also, let time unfold and it shall give you some answers...
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
everybody has experienced that.. Even I, is in the same predicament at the moment.. just remember that in every relationship there is always ups and downs.. its up for the parties how they handle things.. sometimes taking a time off helps coz by that u get to realize what u really want in a relationship as well earn back that self-worth/respect that u have lost.. cheer up... everything's gonna be alright..