contact qatar living

guys, does anyone know how to contact someone from Qatar Living administration? any phone number? any email other than [email protected] and the contact form you can submit from within the website???
if would highly appreciate some help ASAP :)
If only we knew what Elie wanted.
Case closed ! :-)
Whatever. It's dropped.
You are most welcome Greenman !!!
Now, i am laughing!
QS, Novi educated me. thanks anyways!
Sense of Humour greenman !!!
I need to track Qatari on my Global Positioning System machine and then send him a holographical request asking him about what SOH means.
If he doesnt answer, then i will have to teleport myself to his Lunar base and threaten him with an answer. I hate intergalactic travel, it always turns back the clock by about 20 years (i hate growing back all over again). But if i dont understand what SOH is this moment, i am going to do the inevitable...time travel to the moon.
Wait, i could just search the matrix for the answer, right? Darn, when am i ever gonna get up from my sleep?
QS, what IS SOH?
me think QS shouldnt edited it ... just leave it and let more QL'ers scratched their heads more.
Now i am off phoning Qatari to claim my points for free flights to Dubai :-)
Novi... may be not everyone, but hopefully i am not in this company..
...guess what? I did understand "SOH" of tallg, even though he didn't know that he DOES have a "British SOH"...LOL...and i WAS joking too.. so you are right,not everyone have british - English SOH !:P
tallg.. it's nice that this thread has no sense anymore... this is a real English SOH...:P
and sure, the funnier is better! I like everything whatever has no sense... otherwise it's too boring...
and again, for the fifth time, you didn't annoy me or anything like that... LOL... it's really getting out of any common sense.. can we just drop it? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?...LOL....
you just leave my fancy alone!!!!
and stick to making me laugh instead ;)
Mmmm....I'm obviously not toning down the "british-ness" of my humour enough! Oh well, I've paid the price, cos my comments above just look stupid now. Damn QL for letting people edit their comments! I'm going to phone Qatari and tell him to change it immediately! Plus I seem to have annoyed Qatarisun somehow, which is a shame cos she seems to be one of the good ones.
tallg ... beware not everyone have british - English SOH ! :P
Ah, I see you already have. Now this thread doesn't make much sense anymore!!!
No need to do that. I didn't have a problem with anything you said. Again, apologies if I've upset you some how.
nah, tallg.. neither of your assumptions is right...
peace and cheers
I think the best way to contact them is over PM.
good luck!
tallg.. nevermind... let me go back and delete all i have said.. would it be sufficient for you?
I "come across" as what with my comments?
Anyways, fair dinkum. Apologies if my comments upset your boredom. Obviously my (admittedly poor) humour doesn't fly with everyone! I'll stick to tickling brandylady's fancy!
no body has asked, why the urgency?, you put in your topic ASAP.
...mmm...if he was talking to you that must be why it went to answerphone.
dont bother he just called me he was in hawaii busy on some beach project making a :D
Hang on, I'll give him a call and ask where he is....
Send PM to Qatari
Btw where is Qatari? I dont see him these days..
the email then why are you asking for phone number???
I think qatarisun took my comment about 'Qatari paying me millions of riyals to look up stories about Qatar on the internet and post them on QL' a bit too seriously! Or she's annoyed at me for some other reason. Who knows?!
I wish I did have admin's number. I'd be calling it constantly asking for them to block all the idiots on here! And to give them all the wonderful ideas I have to make QL better.
You have a number for admin????
Or is this a wind up from qatarisun?
You'll have to tell me their number QS, as I have no idea what you're on about!
lol tallg ...
Haha - phone number! Good one!
The email and contact form usually work and you'll get a reply if your query warrants one. You just have to be patient.