complaint about bad customer service

I want to complaint about the telephone service provider whom I am paying thousands of riyals over the months and still they cancelled my mobile.Now I have only 1 payment left and they asking additional money to get back the same number that I own before the reason why they saying its a "fancy number".I really want to go to any consumer protection court to make a complaint and I am ready to pay whatever outstanding money but not additional money.
Any feedback or similar experiences please share.I dont want to let it go just like that.Thanks in advance
hey yo...POOOOOOYAAA......u A...i read ur other posts..u r giving similar replies...go to h... maan..and just look at the query for what reason i should go behind bars and what I was saying..I am ready to pay all outstanding...u understand that u ......Now u stop giving such Replies u ...A..h...
This is Expect Amazing service, you should feel privildged.
settle the fine once and for all and take back your number. its so simple isnt it?
if you have paid for that fancy number, i guess you have the right to get it back but they have point also that you didnt pay the bills on time.
so i guess you have 50/50 chance even if you are going to complain on this :)
anyway good luck with it :)
Please cool down and understand you are in a 3RD country and all your CRY will get you no where but BEHIND BARS for sure. Keep your A.. Shut and use any number that is provided. You have not paid the due in time and YOU TALK SO MUCH.
in this place most corporate companies lack business ethics..only 2 things work MONEY & WASTA....
CPD is the depart u need to approach
There are several ways to lodge a complaint or make an enquiry:
Toll free number: 8005000
Hotline: 44945550
SMS: 92665
all the best