Coming soon to Qatar , I need some help please
By flying_dxtr •
Hello everybody :)
I've got a job offer in Qatar with a salary of 2000$ (7281 QR) , free place to live
Is it possible to survive alone with 2876 QR a month (food , transport , clothes , Internet ....) ? because I need to send money to my familly
Thnx for the answers friends :)
I'm not a big waster , I think I can manage with HUZBAN plan
It is possible to live easily on that money.
whether u receive big bucks or small bucks it doesnt make any difference although there is an advantage of getting big salary but if you don't know how manage your money you will end up empty handed...good luck...if you need legal extra income, just let me know and i will introduce you to some of my friends...
Congrats for geeting a job and a chance to live in Qatar . Welcome at QL , that amount is more than sufficient for living as a responsible & simple citizen as compared to those who are a burden on this planet who are eat / drink / make merry types . ....................... I salute you are coming alone because you can concentrate on your task and career plus you will take care of your family by that earning ............. Sun ,24.05.2014 , 06.15 hrs
Thnx for your quick answer :)
@Huzban : what do you mean by "modest lifestyle" ?
its depend on your life style there are people who live with salary of 900 rials and save money though and there are people whose salary exceeds the 40k and are in deibt