Columbus café encore ...

After a very successful QL Mums meet up in May, it appears that this place seems a popular venue all round. Another brilliant turn out by lots of lovely ladies for our June get together. Talk about QL being well known, even the café manager made an appearance and told us he also follows QL.
Also we were honoured by a surprise guest appearance by one of our QL'er Misscat and her family. This their last day in Doha (for real this time), they popped in to say their good byes as they leave for Oz the next day.
If any ladies have an alternative preference for next time, let me know. It’s not easy finding a venue that is easy going enough to cater for so many with babes and all the paraphernalia that comes with it. Otherwise no problem, this place will be just fine. Believe it or not, we have had to ‘abandon’ venues before now, as even pulling two tables together was taboo – that establishment knows who they are, there loss.
Anyway, great to see you all again, hope you all had a good time, lots of chatter and meet new friends.
I also understand a few had to dash off to the all important Mango sale LOL
For the next one, I will be in touch. (coffee morning that is …………… not the sale) :)
wud u mum's mind if i join in next time!!! :D
Peace be upon you.
that looks a nice and beautiful bunch of ladies having a fun time...
but I couldn't help but observe a very big eastern influence... interesting...
Thanks Novi - yes I remember that - Starbucks was the first one I attended and there was only a few of us there, thats changed for sure.
It has been great meeting all the mums in the group - you are truely a wonderful group of woman, and Novi you are amazing for what you do for us all. You will be missed when you leave.
I will miss the QL coffee mornings.
See you on facebook :) I'll be sure to share my new adventures.
I forgot to add for Kiwikitten, all the best to the new adventure in Saudi. You will be misses, I remembered you were one of the first mum who came to the coffee when I just starting running the group. It was only 5 or 6 of us at that time :)
SheDBabe, it was nice to see you and your little girl again, its been soooo long :)
Mariam-Mar, I havent seen you for ages ... hope to see you after the summer?.
OH my Gosh! I swear, it was out of my mind, i'm sorry, for my promise to come, and i am very sorry for myself for not coming, my daughter's car needs some spare parts to be brought from Industrial area, and puuf, i forgot i have a meeting...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
Thanks to Novita for oganizing the event.
We had a good time.
Look forward to see more ladies after summer :)
Ladies, thank you all who came yesterday.
DiamondGirl, come along next meet up. I am planning it after Eid hols.
And hope you all have a nice summer hols, either back home or staying put in the sandpit :)
oh looked great i couldnt make it as my hubby didnt cum to take me til just gone 11 and i live in wakra :(
i hope i will finallly meet you alll at the next meetin:)
Lookit d bevy of beauties!! :0)
which exactly reflects the ambiance of this morning. Thanks to all QL mums and of course Novita77...
Cute photos!