City Centre and Parking in general

Has anyone noticed how long it takes to get a parking at CC these days.
I used to stay away from CC on Thursdays,Fridays and Saturdays, but recently Sunday - Wednesday has been as chaotic.
It took me more than 1 hour to get a parking about 2 weeks ago, and last week, I had been waiting in one place for about 30 min when I couple came out and I was finally going to get a parking, but ended up having to defend the parking from a Landcruiser that had just arrived...
I won my parking (bad term, but no other word to describe how it felt). Think the 2 qatari guys felt a bit intimidated when a chick with camo pants and a wild look in her eyes got out of her 4 x 4 and gave them a look that would have killed it they had gone anywhere near that parking... They just drove off apologising profusely
Another thing is that buildings are popping up everywhere, but there are little or no parking spaces available to park when you visit.
Very frustrating.
I parked there yesterday evening. that, or i went to the wrong history class (fun intended)!
Thats even more disastrous...... The problem is instead of providing more space to accommodate more visitors the cops keep circling around....
not only that, there are cops roaming around the parking lot! be very careful and don't park anywhere. otherwise, you're bound to get a violation! average of qar300-qar500!
imagine, inside a commercial establishment! the mall management should address this and i don't know about you, i just find this irritating and unfair.
Ahaha It has become a nightmare after the ground is closed, At least that ought to be open. In 5 years will this place become Dubai In ages my friend.....
I do Villagio now but need to go to Colombia store in City Centre.. was going to try 10am tomorrow.
but thats it..
you are right ... it is the worst ever and you know what happened last time? Our company gave us our cheques to cash very early [3:00 PM] where the banks were closed. Commercial bank got a branch in the city and we forget about the one in 'Hayat Plaza' .... that was a month ago and it was Thursday ... we were running out of time because they close at 8:00 and it was already ... 7:35 and we could not find a parking since 6:45 .. there were only two solutions ... give up and go home waiting for Saturday or ... here comes M.I.4 ... I asked him to roam by the car [actually crawl cuz no one was moving] while I would jump and run like the crazy to cash the cheques ... finally i was able to get the money and don't ask me how did i found my lost friend in the end ... but it worth it .. I mean com'on .. it was already Thursday and we have nothing but quarters in our wallets, .. where were we supposed to go with this? To the juice stall and have some 'Chabatti bread' with tea? Even that guy will kick us out of his place on Thursday cuz he got special dishes and expecting people to spend more ... :D
Must say CC parking is the worst of all the malls. I had to wait for 30 minutes to find a parking at 12 pm on a weekday! I say people should learn to stay at home more!(So I can go out :D) lol
good on you mate! :P
To conquer without risk is to triumph without glory
i will tell my company to build some more:p
the real problem is there are only several malls here in qatar. and with a booming population that's doing nothing during weekends or say weeknights, no doubt parking would be a major problem. let's face it, it really sucks when the options are only city center, the mall, landmark or villagio for a reputable mall/hang out place. a couple of malls more to divide the crowd wouldnt hurt us!
To conquer without risk is to triumph without glory
or better yet... just leave the car at home and get a cab...
I parked there 2 weeks back... so i guess will have to find another spot..When did they start building the tower there??
"Nobody can hurt me without my permission"
dude tht vacant ground is history! i guess the 'qatar tower' is cmin ther, the pyramid shaped tower....
"Drawing is Thinking Aloud"
parking wont b a problem with it..
its faster on the roads.. even if its signal.. it can crawl betwen cars and reach i the front of the redlight...
There is a big vacant ground opposite of city centre, Back side of Qatar Financial Center. You can park there, of course you will have to walk 5 minutes..But its better than waiting for 1 & half hrs, inside CC
"Nobody can hurt me without my permission"
On a saturday afternoon to find a parking space at CC. I was nearly in tears and about to turn around and head back home when I remembered that Bio-Bil Suites (across the street in fron of CC) has a i went there, parked my car went up to the spa and greet my friends for a few minutes and walked to CC
i know it's not right but can you blame me?
Really, same situation with us! It's impossible to find parking place in every evening! Only time when it's available is Friday morning. Now because we know this we don't even waste our time to find parking, we just park a little bit far away.
Really, same situation with us! It's impossible to find parking place in every evening! Only time when it's available is Friday morning. Now because we know this we don't even waste our time to find parking, we just park a little bit far away.
very true... it's really time consuming and so annoying trying to find a spot... makes me hate weekend shopping...
Doha it not different to other big Citys in the world.At weekends it is always the same.Also here in Citys like Lucerne,Zürich and others.Just turn and turn and be pacion and a lucky one to find a free parking space.Smile.But here we have the luck to have a good bus and train system and most of time i take the bus at weekend.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
This is why I never go there. Havent been to CC since last November...maybe go to Villagio instead. Friday mornings are the best as it is so quiet, and not as tacky as CC!!
welcome to the dubai, five years ago!...
lets jus hope it will not b the present dubai, five years on...
nywez, they seem to b workin on it... the new regulations stipulate more parking for buildings...
"Drawing is Thinking Aloud"