That church in Abu Hamour...

By heero_yuy2 •
Is this a beginning of a mutual friendship between Christianity and Islam in Qatar?
I hope they're going to sell some Bibles in Villagio coz I can't find somebody sellin' it around here.
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there were talks in the Arabic newspaper about a temple being approvde, whether it's a Jewish or Budhist one, I have no clue.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
... in fact I'm 1/4 "J" on my mother's side!
Did you Google it first?
There is a Hindu temple in Oman.
Dont mention the "J" word!
pyjama time before you cause any more problems...
Actually there used to be a very large jewish population all down the coast of oman and in yemen... long history...but ahhh bit of a delicate issue now
there is an israeli consulate here...
and edifis dont even think about sticking a pink elephant on the front of certain religious buildings near your house... !
Well then, Judaism is a religion "of the books" then can there be a Synagogue in Doha?
I dont think Hindu temples will never be allowed in Doha. Do you know why? Because Christianity is a religion of the "Book" and they worship 1 God, like Islam. However Hindus worship many gods and this is against Islam.
I wonder why there are no Hindu Temples here in Qatar?
PS:May be there are more Hindus than Christians in Qatar.
When my mother came to visit 5 years ago i told her bibles and all christian parapanalia were all banned - including wearing a cross!
it worked i had a mumbo jumbo free visit!
Served her right for banning Life of Brian and Father Ted!
it's name is egyptian church
just ask them at the church
Virgin Megastore sell bibles (or at least they used to, I haven't checked recently).
Qatar is already the host of Religious Peace talks, so I'd say that Qatar is taking a step in the right direction.
There are also talks of a Temple being built.
@heero, there is no law in Qatar against selling Bibles, the shop owners are free to sell what they want.
Go open a Bible shop and sell all the Bible's you want. There's no consipiracy going on.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
AVAIL. in Our Lady of the Rosary CHURCH abu hamour BOOKS SHOP
I am sure I saw a bible or some other religious bible related books at Virgin!
Theyre usually available at christian book shops, which in qatar is in the church premises itself.
I wonder why...
You can buy a bible in a bookstore anywhere in the world, not?
Oh. We don't have a bookstore in Qatar. We only have 'stationery'...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Heero I dont think they sell bibles in shopping malls anywhere in the world ( maybe I'm wrong ), atleast in my country they dont. Theyre usually available at christian book shops, which in qatar is in the church premises itself.
Our Lady of the Rosary
what is the name of the church in abu hamour?..
Nothing is more relaxing than flying like an Eagle in Heaven !!
well...i hope it is wat u ve called that! but it is not really like this. just Qatar is trying to be an open country and to take good place i mean the 1st place in teh gulf region, and this is a story of success to let us pray according to our thoughts and faith. God bless Sheikh Hamad, such an open minded prince on all other religions and nationalities. i mean we are not hurting any1. just prayin on our own and we even mention Qatar and wish Sheikh Hamad all the best for him and his country Qatar. Good things will lead to good things!
In the Church Office they are selling Bibles among other religious things