Christmas Gift

By damselindistress •
Christmas is fast approaching.... Just wondering what are on your top 5 christmas gift list... (ok, let's just say that I want to get your ideas on what to give/have this Christmas :P )
I think these are top 5 (?)
1. Electronic gadget
2. Camera
3. Bags
4. Shoes
5. novelty items
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This is a tough question no doubt.
For the kids perhaps an iPad or an Android phone.
For the spouse not sure really - if travel is an addiction then travel tickets and quality time.
For the family - ties/ duffle coats/ boots/ being together
For the office staff - baking small Christmas cakes with little notes for each one.
We have yet to get a tree and put out the Christmas calendar.
ho...ho...ho.. hope it all goes Christmas like with everything. Good luck!
Just tell me what thing you will give me on X-mas...
@Brit - Toys for adults! LoL.... just kidding... but it could be something like that, novelty items are more likely funky, funny stuff, or customized items usually like T-shirt, mugs, plates or whatever. :)
Lingerie from Agent Provocateur :o)
What, by the way are "Novelty" gifts ??
Depends on the real distance..:)
Is love enough? LOL.
LoL at asinine...
I just want to get laid, frequenting waterhole hasnt done me any good so far, same goes to any other bar.
I am not into asian chicks :-/ And they are everywhere
meet me under the mistletoe then :P lol j/k
Oh yes... a nice big kiss is perfect for big kids
Santa Bandit and UkEngQatar- is a kiss an enough gift for big kids as little kids seems to find it awful :P ;)
Prism- as I as well is not fuzzy when it comes to gift :P
Mariecor - I agree with you... it's not just gifts for men are not easy to find, they always want the expensive one's (taking UkEngQatar's wish list :P )
Families and friends are most dearly remembered during this time of the year, and what best suit them are what they need most. You may try to recall what they lack or are interested with and it'll be easy to come up with ideas. It'll certainly make them so delighted and you'll hear "just what I wanted for christmas!"
damsel, my nieces & nephews don't want the kisses as well. They don't want me to buy anything for them either. But they want money so they can buy what they really want most. The kids are really funny.
We always say we dont want anything for an special occasion. However, we as receiver, would be happy if we receive something that is memorable, as you said.
Actually, I am still searching for something that will be appreciated by my husband...but I'm sure, it is not in your list. Selecting gifts for men is not really that easy.
Ho Ho HO to that TB.. So let it be peace on the 25/12/11..:)
All I want for Christams is peace on earth.
Santa I have been good this year!
Can have any one the following for Christmas this Year!
1. A Brand New Merc.
2. Iphone 4s
Oh dont you worry...I am not fussy about gifts...:)
Mariecor- when i asked my little sisters what do they want for Christmas, they said anything would be fine... I told them that i am just going to send them my kisses and they said yuck! lol... little kids!
Kidding aside., I know material things are not important this Christmas, but I guess it's just me, I get used to it, giving gifts on christmas is part of the tradition that i grow up with... It should not be expensive though but i guess something that is memorable or appreciated by the receiver.
Hmmm... i guess yeah, it depends to whom/from whom, but let's just say... the common gifts for/from friends, family or special someone?
Or for secret santa in the office? LoL
i agree with prism
I only give gift to my husband...but since he doesn't want any material thing, I will just give him hugs & kisses while whispering to him "Merry Christmas!"
None of the above...but then for me it depends... to whom or from whom!!!