Christian sacked for refusing to advise gays

By britexpat


A Christian relationship counsellor claims he was fired after expressing concern about giving sex advice to same sex couples.

Gary McFarlane, a father of two, said the national counselling service Relate, would not accommodate his religious beliefs.

Now Mr McFarlane, 47, is taking his case to an employment tribunal, alleging unfair dismissal on the grounds of religious discrimination.

"If I was a Muslim this would not happen," he said. "They would find a way to make the system work. But Christians seem to have fewer and fewer rights. Relate needs to be forced to work through stuff like this."

Mr McFarlane, a solicitor, specialised in resolving legal disputes through mediation, and even sits on a committee advising the Law Society.

He is also a part-time tutor on relationships at Trinity Theological College in Bristol, whose Church of England principal, Canon George Kovoor, is a Chaplain to the Queen.

He said his problems began last year after he started to train as a psychosexual therapist, treating people's intimate sexual problems.

He said: "In counselling, you are drawing the couple out, going on a journey with them, enabling them to think in more than black and white. You are not telling anyone what to do or endorsing what they do.

"But in sex therapy you are diagnosing their problems and setting them a treatment plan, not unlike a doctor."

He said that while he believed in 'each to their own', he felt uncomfortable doing anything that would directly encourage gay sex, and raised the matter with his supervisor.

Fellow counsellors complained about Mr McFarlane's views, alleging he was homophobic, and he was suspended last December by his manager.

After three weeks, he was reinstated and had to promise to abide by Relate's equal opportunities policy, with the proviso, he claims, that he could raise issues in the future.

Following further complaints, however, he was told that he would face a disciplinary hearing because managers at Relate Avon no longer believed he intended to uphold the policy. He was dismissed and his appeal was rejected.

A spokeswoman for Relate said: 'Relate cannot comment until the employment tribunal has taken place.'

By anonymous• 29 Oct 2008 00:57

Chill Brother, is just my underground statement.

“Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful,”

By heero_yuy2• 29 Oct 2008 00:52

I was just comparing, making similarities. Not asking for another thought.

"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

By anonymous• 29 Oct 2008 00:43

You are trying to open a very old can of worms that has being decimated, propagated and squash with very ugly results already.

“Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful,”

By heero_yuy2• 29 Oct 2008 00:11

How will the Vatican 'expel' you for 'helping' them?

"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

By Gypsy• 27 Oct 2008 09:11

RP, again, Relate is a national counselling agency, not a religious one, therefore homosexual sex is not considered questionable or unsolveable, but rather perfectly normal and acceptable.

By britexpat• 27 Oct 2008 09:10

The article is quite clear..

"Fellow counsellors complained about Mr McFarlane's views, alleging he was homophobic, and he was suspended last December by his manager.

After three weeks, he was reinstated and had to promise to abide by Relate's equal opportunities policy, with the proviso, he claims, that he could raise issues in the future."

I personaly think that he shouldn't have been doing the job in the first place, when he knew that his religious beliefs would hamper his judgment and the advice he would give.

By anonymous• 27 Oct 2008 09:04
Rating: 2/5

Britexpat and Alexa

Your comments are semi proper correct. This is just my opinion.

However, How will you go by giving advise and treatment plan to Homosexuals, specially when their behavior is already questionable and unsolvable.

The answer is in the write up of the article.

"In counselling, you are drawing the couple out, going on a journey with them, enabling them to think in more than black and white. You are not telling anyone what to do or endorsing what they do.

"But in sex therapy you are diagnosing their problems and setting them a treatment plan, not unlike a doctor."

He said that while he believed in 'each to their own', he felt uncomfortable doing anything that would directly encourage gay sex, and raised the matter with his supervisor

Probably all his colleagues, either there are Gay and lesbians including the management and they were looking for a lame excuse to firing him.

Lets consider that the article is not complete, We had to give, this guy the reason of doubt. His supervisor actions are not noted.

“Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful,”

By labda06• 27 Oct 2008 08:59

McFarlane shouldn't have taken the job with Relate Avon in the first place. There is a black and white policy, he cannot later decide who he feels comfortable advising and who he does not.

------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------

By Gypsy• 27 Oct 2008 08:53
Rating: 5/5

It's a national counciling center, more then likely receiving government funding. It's not a Christian counciling center, therefore, if he has issues with counciling homosexuals he shouldn't be working for them.

By anonymous• 27 Oct 2008 08:34
Rating: 2/5

it is in his right to practice his belief. Just send the same sex couples to those who can counsel them freely and let this good man handles regular couples.

"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"

By britexpat• 27 Oct 2008 08:32

I don't belive "Relate" is connected to the Church..

Theer are two aspects here..

1. He should not have become a councellor , if he knew his religious beliefs may cause a conflict.

2. Relate should have been more "careful" in assigning councellors to particular caess.

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