Chris Brown should be put in jail

By dragonfly212 •
Hi guys,
You heard about Chris Brown has been charged for abusing Rihanna? and he said is self defense. Yeah right self defense, there is no right to abuse a woman and what make me feel sick more is that she take him back after all what he done to her.
I think they should break up and heal up.
I don't think it's okay what either of them do to one another. Whether it was or wasn't self defense, the pair of them are at fault in my opinion for continuing the relationship.
But... if she knows his temperament, and knows what she can reasonably expect from him into the future, it becomes harder and harder for me to believe that she's just an innocent victim in all this.
It's not right what he did, but she's going straight back for more, so she deserves to share the blame with him for anything that happens into the future.
She's a woman of means who can afford to get otu of this relationship, but she chooses not to.
but don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean that im not against what they did...
I'm with you, Mjamille.
These two idiots like this deserve one another. He wants someone he can hit, and she seems fine with that.
fubar did someone chris brown you lately???? if you think that a man can hit a woman and you think is okay, just because you are strong woman, well sorry to say that i feel sorry for you.
there is no right for domestic abuse.
and see them as a public figure whether they like it or not but thats their punishment to be famous, they should give a good example to the common people whats right and whats wrong. because these two are idolized by many young and old perhaps for their music and fashion trends.
already the young use the term " i will chris brown you" as new slang for i will kick your as*
this is just bad example.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
personally, they can break each other's face all they want.. got nothing to do with me so i dont care... :P
After all... E! and People magazine tell the truth... ha ha ha.
Actually.... pretty simple. A guy hits a girl out of self defense??? Unless the guy has got a knife sticking out of him, the chances of it being self defense that bruised and battered her face and everywhere else is pretty slim.
Secondly, the guy is just a wee bit bigger than her (sense my sarcasm).... weren't we all taught growing up "dont smack your little brother or sister" or "your bigger than them - don't beat them up"... blah blah blah. There's kinda a reason for that.... Size does matter! Not to mention just the moral stance on the whole thing.
He's an idiot and will do it again.
She's a glutton for punishment and also an idiot and if she's doing this at 20 years old... oh boy, there's some severe self-esteem issues going on with that girl.
I'm going back to my People magazine now.... :)
Why don't we just stop meddling in the lives of others.
If she want him back, fine.
Why assume that women are simply too stupid to make the right choices in life?
Just because she's a woman doesn't mean she needs people to tell her who she can and cannot live with.
Women can make their own decisions in life, but thanks for your concern.
i think we should kick him on the nuts and slap her on the face for taking him back. hahahhhahahaha just joking
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
i know gypsy, is surprise me the way people think, this issue got nothing to do with the color of the skin, doesn't matter if you black or white but if you abuse your gf/bf is wrong and you shoud rot in jail.
This is about domestic abuse or I like to put it as violence against woman. This is not right.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Wow, remind me to call my black friends back home and tell them to start beating their girlfriends/boyfriends. :P
Agree Dragonfly, he should be made an example of, and she should leave him. But unfortunatly they are both prime examples of the domestic abuse cycle.
Who shoud we kick?
Him for abusing her?
Her for taking him back for more abuse?
....or maybe he has some "Tapes" of them .....
You seemed to forgot yours?
I agree, take some meds love.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
or should that be the MEDS? :P
Someone forgot to take their pills tonight ;P
they are as bad as each other.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
Heya Pennypitstop, first of all, Rihanna isn't American, she's from Barbados. Secondly, just because the media portrays that african american couples hit each other doesn't mean that its true, and if it is, its still no excuse for what happened. As Oprah said to Rihanna reg. this: "He will hit you again!" Once a beater always a beater.
Sweeping generalisation! Good grief.
He is a black American, who has made good, so yes he thinks he can beat her but she is the same. She is Black American that did good and she got beaten, she hit him.
I do not agree with any man that hits a woman, but this is Black/American culture and they do beat their wifes and they beat their husbands.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
hang him by the balls.
she might think twice if his testies aren't functioning.
lol yes am bored to death alexa and yes adey am jump to conclusion. hahahhahhaa
this is a good public example of domestic abuse, and rihanna as a public figure she should give a good example to the woman outher specially the young girls who adores her. This is not right that she take him back after he hit her till bleed, it will give a wrong message to these young girls that is okay if your boyfriend hit you. this is not right.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Absolutely agree with you Dragonfly.
Kick that loser to the kerb.
In this order:
1. You are charged
2. You go to trial
3. If found guilty you are given a punishment, which might include jail time.
You seem to have jumped the gun dragonfly
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."