Chow Mein to blame for sex crimes...

Indian culture, not chow mein, is to blame for sex crimes
Soumik Mukherjee
Apr 21, 2013
The year 1996 marked a new phase of my life. Newly married, I moved with my wife from our home state of West Bengal to a new job in Delhi.
Moving to the city was a dream come true for me, as it is for hundreds of thousands of Indian young people. There I started to achieve my aspirations. But the Indian capital is not etched in my memory for good reasons alone.
Delhi is certainly impressive and dynamic, a food lover's delight and full of art and culture. But it has its darker side as well. I found it indifferent, insensitive, unforgiving and above all unsafe.
Late one evening in our first year there, my wife and I, on our motorbike, were traversing a forlorn stretch of South Delhi. A motorcycle-borne man pulled up beside us, half his face covered with a cloth, a common precaution against air pollution.
I changed speed a few times, but he matched me. Finally he pulled down his scarf, showed that he had a revolver under his shirt, and demanded that my wife shift to his bike.
The next few moments passed as if in a dream, but luckily a police patrol car came into sight and we were saved. The police helped us reach our destination safely, instead of bothering to chase the culprit.
This personal experience, along with others I witnessed, heard of from friends, and read about in the newspapers, all left a bitter taste.
Delhi is not safe for women - even in daytime. It never was. Crimes against women are numerous but only a handful of them come to light. Even fewer get proper attention from law enforcement. Unfortunately, few in positions of power act against social evils unless they are compelled to.
The rape of a young woman on a bus there last December led to a rare level of public outrage, causing many to detect a popular awakening on the issue of safety for women.
The immense pressure of protests in that case compelled the parliament to pass, last month, a sweeping new law against sexual violence.
This law will, when it takes effect, make stalking, voyeurism and sexual harassment criminal. Also it provides the death penalty for repeat offenders and for a rape that leads to death. It also requires police officers to open cases when they receive complaints of sexual attacks.
It remains to be seen how well the law will be applied, and how much it will change the situation.
Recent cases in Delhi tend to obscure the fact that the problem is nationwide. Cities such as Chennai, Mumbai, and Kolkata, and Kerala state, are only relatively safe.
In a 2011 survey, 87 per cent of women polled called Delhi the most unsafe city in the country. Mumbai was seen as the safest by 74 per cent. Women in Kolkata felt safer than those in Delhi and Mumbai.
But the truth is that no place is truly safe. The dismal scenario has left many Indian women stoically resigned to harassment, if not worse.
Doubtless, there is little regard for women in society. This is true for reasons that come from the perspective that grows from Indian culture. And rarely has that twisted reality been so palpable as after the Delhi bus rape. Consider the reaction of some political leaders after the tragedy:
"Painted women protesters in Delhi went to discotheques and then turned up at India Gate to express outrage", scoffed Abhijit Mukherjee, a Congress legislator and the son of President Pranab Mukherjee.
Jitender Chhatar, a local official, told the Times of India that "consumption of fast food contributes to rape incidents". In particular, he claimed, "chow mein leads to hormonal imbalance, evoking an urge to indulge in such acts".
And Omprakash Chautala, the former chief minister of Haryana, offered this solution to the frequency of sex crimes: "Marry off girls early to prevent rape". Does he think married women are exempt?
These and countless other examples reveal a bizarre attitude, common among Indian men, that women are mere objects of male whims and desires. Such perceptions damage the whole society, threatening to eclipse many of the gains that India has made on so many fronts over the years.
I am cautiously optimistic about the possibility of change in this attitude. Officials, and parents, must do all they can to encourage that, because therein lies the seed of India's success as a society. But there is no magic formula to make this change happen.
Read more:
I think the author could have gone on about 2 or 3 more pages, but an interesting editorial nonetheless.
this post totally got outflow
IMO, people tends to give various reasons for an act that can only be prevented with the help of significant individuals. Regardless of religion or culture, values should be learned from school. strengthened inside the house and embraced by the person. No law can prohibit a person to do such madness really. Every man is responsible for his or her actions. These things happens around the globe, and some may even be worst. Let's just hope that the next generation would be saved if we act now.
If i need
can you elaborate?
I agree, but why peoples can't accept it?
We as Muslims must follow the rules of Islam as much as we can because we believe it is made to make us better persons, however, the misunderstanding creates problems.
Any thing which is used wrongly will affect us negatively but when used properly it will benifit us.
Who has the rights to kill? nobody has rights to kill, we r not perfect enough to discuss about islamic sharia law, so better we stop speaking about spiritualism. But some idiots use a religion to commit a murder, then the blaming will be on certain religion. This is what happens time to time, but as per topic, i'm agree if the rapist gets punishment according to islamic law!
honour killing shall not be under the name of Islam.
What do u mean by 'against islam' ,r u an anti islamic?
I also believe against Islam.
You never answered me on honour you think this is right :)
and the side discussions
Fact SG! a punishment must reduce the crime or violence least, if it's fail to do, we can't consider it as a punishment.
Need to always be at the right time, right place and doing the right thing !
Educate them to start loving their hands.
Will you stop, aren't you bored?
why do you say I know these women?
Any how back to the topic:
1. Wwhat to do if the eduction is not enough to stop the crime?
2. What punishment would you suggest, please suggest a punishment which is considered relevant or accepted to the people in your country?
Soniya ,,, Heheheheh
I've been caught :( ,, and you twisted her name to fit the Song "Carly RAPE Jespen"... ROFL
Brit Yes,,,,,, i wanna complain to the authorities, i have been harassed by a girl :(
THESE WOMEN?? I am sure you must be knowing THOSE WOMEN..
or 15 yrs old, please when you find put the link so that others can look and see.
I guess all agree now that if eduction is not enough then there should be strong punishment to stop the rape crime, however, I am still waiting for an answer of the punishment you suggest which can be relevant or accepted in your countryt?
BOXBE13 said cut their pp
Women are raping men in some countries?? really?
Gggeeezzz! let me google it now...
in some countries, google and you will know.
Hey sulieman, you have twisted the actual song...:)))
It is sung by CARLY RAE JESPEN..
Women have also been known to rape men :O(
Rape Song:
Hey I just met you
and this is crazy
So here is my number ,, So rape me maybe
Damn... will you stop
and here some head lines:
Facts about Men and Rape
Myths about Men and Rape
What Can We Do
Violence generally does not erupt from nowhere. There are clues when anger is becoming unmanageable.
Full article source:
if education is not enough then what to do?
Then chop their pp
So what is the solution with those who do not respect the laws and humanity?
If education is not enough then what to do?
i think religion has nothing to do with the nr of rapist... there are good and bad people in every race, nationality, religion, etc... There might be less reported cases in countries where women are opressed... or one section of population enjoys favoritism... and the taboos prevent people from openly challenging the old stereotypes.... Some women are sooooo brainwashed that they actually blame themselves.. they believe it was their fault.. they were on a wrong side of the street.. at a wrong time.... dressed inappropriately... or gave a wrong hint.. or whatever.... Does not matter what hint you get.. or what woman did.... or did not... NO MEANS NO... end of story... no at any time... even if initially you thought something is going to happen... she has the right to change her mind at any time. It is the man's duty to protect people not assult them and by assulting anyone they take their own honor.
Thanks MM.... I am glad we share opinions. I am a guy but sometimes I get really pissed off hering bs such as accusing victims in being raped.. i even heard this kind of accusations from women themselves which I find bizzare and heartless.
TFS article that pretty much sums up a lot of misconceptions and ignorant notions that many people harbor towards rape, rapists and their victims.
And it reemphasizes the need for both education and better laws.
I guess whilst most of us may agree on what the former must include(like no means no, rape is never ok under any circumstance, general precautions young people and even children must take against predators, etc)the latter(ie what is the best form of punishment for a rapist) will always be a subject of different views.
and others as well
Our Creator, The Almighty Allah has given us the solution, If we are really seeking the solution,
In chapter 24 Verse 30, Almighty addresses men and ask them to lower their gaze.
24:30 "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do."
Allah continues with following orders for believing women,
24:31 And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss."
33:59 "O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful" (Surah 33 Verse 59).
Now imagine a society who follows the above, there would be no chance for males getting attracted out of wed to women. But if still some one does commit the crime, Islam gives the highest punishment.
100 lashes for the rapist (if he is not married)
and stoning to death if he is married and still rapes.
if any of you think this is brutal punishment,
Ask a rape victim or family of the victim.
The solution starts with 1st layer. Prevention for males, 2nd layer. Prevention for females 3. Sever punishment for offenders.
The solution for society is given by Almighty, any takers?
means varity of choice,
What do you say about honour this right
do for those who do not respect the laws?
but yes there are Muslim countries with many rapist.
I think SA is going off topic or he has not gone out of qatar to any other country..he thinks every country should have the same law as the gulf countries
i wish they could be...but i do not think so
nomerci...agree to you
I wish we had a LIKE button for Snakky's post. Very well said.
Seriously.. some people speak like they are in dark ages.... we are a civil society and again NO MEANS NO.. and forcing someone is a criminal act... and no excuse should be ever accepted.... there is no "concessional circumstances"... how dare people put some of the blame on victims.. I want to see some of those finding execuses being in place of victims.. then let's see what they say
a rapist does not care what a woman looks like, how old she is etc. It is all about power.
Yes Boxbe is there any SEX offenders Register in India? Especially in Delhi?
SA you are not making sense... are you saying that Muslim countries dont have rapist... cause that would be absurd...
In my opinion what is needed is general education.. and citizen's have to step up when they see people acting in an anti-social or criminal manner....
How lowely a man think of himself if he sees satisfcation of his urges via raping a woman.. or harming anyone in general... this is wilderness... i mean we all have a bit of animal in us... but this is where our human part should take over... and clean our thought process..
Just because I find someone attractive does not mean I want to have sex with her... i am sorry... only hungry animals can think that way.. predators so coward that they target weakest in our societies...
All women should report the cases and they should be properly investigated.. there is no shame in being raped... there is a shame in raping someone.. and believe me those people find out that real quick once they get into prison.. they re-live that experience 1000s times on a receiving end.
Any human including any woman or child should be able to show up any time of the day.. anywhere in the world.... dress however he or she wants.... eat chow mein.. or whatever else.. do whatever else they want....and be safe at all time.. This is a part of human right.. and the stupid explanation like the woman generated desire in a man due to her dressing or behavior is just bunch of lots and lots of bs. There is NO EXCUSE... and NO MEANS NO.... even if you are just few inches away... and any time NO MEANS NO !!
If he is a pervert mind he will not care about anything...he is a pervert and will remain a perv
On a completely separate note, I wish I hadn't mentioned Chow Mein in the title of this thread. I am no craving chicken chow mein, and that is no laughing matter for a pregnant lady. :(
and suggest a punishement you think it is relevant to those who commit such a crime in your country.
That's the dilemma, the perpetrators are across the section of the society. The wealthy ones that commit rape never make the headlines as the crime is covered as soon as it is committed.
But does this give a reflection of the society! I was thinking why are these people resorting to Rape are there not enough women in India to go around?
A logical person will never commit a crime period.
the logical person commit a crime if he/she knows that the punishment he/she receives will end their life?
No one who commits a crime thinks they're going to get caught SA.
Iam not sure...but i feel the north is more unsafe than the south
Incredible India not looking so good a destination for tourist at the moment! If people are not safe in the Capital city will be they safe else where in India?
At least due to the Electronic media more and more cases are coming to light of this epidemic in the Capital City!
Which country are you talking about..iam confused
I am waiting for others to vote, so we have two votes on answer No.2
for sure he knows he will be caught and killed?
Harsh punishment will reduce the violence for sure, for Straight Arrow's question, i will vote for #2 Yes, sure it will help.
Crime won't disappear but it will get reduce
i did not know dik-sheet is bad word...Mods that is her name :(
I wonder where is sheila dikshit...she did not even utter a word in the case of the 5 year old girl..shame on her..throw that old lady out
not PM kick Sonia gandhi out she is a useless woman shame on her
I agree to you but that would be in religious teachings...Every country can not have that kind of law SA...:)
India still do not have law for rape cases...They need to draft one as soon as possible...probably death penalty ..with that fear rape crimes will reduce...also they should kick the dummy PM out
Then he'll do what he can to make sure he doesn't get caught. Like killing the victim rather than just raping her.
As long as men believe they "own" women, that women are "weaker", and need to be told by men what to do, nothing will matter what laws are put into place.
knows that he will be killed when caught?
This is applicable for the Muslim Countries, what would our Non Muslim friends suggest, what punishment do they like to suggest?
Where am I contradicting myself?
No I don't believe harsher punishments will reduce rape rates. What longer prison sentences can do is get some rapists off the street, and make victims feel better, but overall, it won't effect would-be rapists.
What kind of strong punishment you are referring here
I wish you agree with your self at least half of the times where you contradict your self.
Let us make a vote here:
Will a strong punishment rduce the cases of rape in a certain country when the strong punishment is implemented?
1. Yes, it might help
2. Yes, sure it will help
3. No
I appreciate your voting guys
Good article to read
Thanks Miss Mimi
I think they first have to work on the culture of the people and they have to implants the respect for women in men heart and souls there, but before that the "Rapists should be punished", and this will be Deterrent to the others.
~What About This!
Jitender Chhatar, a local official, told the Times of India that "consumption of fast food contributes to rape incidents". In particular, he claimed, "chow mein leads to hormonal imbalance, evoking an urge to indulge in such acts".
Should we really blame the fast food and let everything else GO.
Execution is just revenge. It won't change the status of women in the society and it won't change the rape levels. If anything it will make police ignore more rapes and less women report rapes. It would also most likely increase the number of women killed during rapes, as the rapists wouldn't want to leave a witness.
Death Penalty is the best law against those rapists- they would have hang those bastards who raped n drove to death a girl on december last year, but indian government fail to do it, so on we have seen many raping cases across the nation, today i was shocked n pinched my self wheni read that a 5 year old girl raped in india!
Is it dream or what??? The nation which was proud by the names like Sir Mahatma Gandhi ,Mother Theresa n many of them who made the world to make a spot light on the nation,,, i don't blame only on india, but on the worst paragraph india on top.
Harsher sentencing is definitely needed Brit. But so is a complete societal upheaval about the status and rights of women. You'll never get harsher sentences imposed until women are viewed as actual human beings.
What to say? Few incidents happened in INDIA at present and in the past have let us down everywhere...It is really a shame for us..
Being INDIAN, i feel speechless...
How long we could cry out loud that we need to educate our society in order to get rid of such SICK MINDED people?? These incidents will never get stopped unless INDIAN GOVERNMENT think of some STRICT LAWS against RAPE..
Just AT LEAST one capital punishment for RAPE, and it will send a strong message for sure...SICK minded will really think twice before doing such heinous crime...
oh no pls spare that blender
yes, the police need to wake up and listen to the claims of the victims. If found guilty, the harsher sentences will send a clear message to anyone contemplating abuse of women / children.
I'm going to go stick my hand in a blender SA. It will be more fun than answering your nonsensical questions.
that some children at the school do the home work because they are afraid from the teacher punishment to them?
will think of the consequences and will not accept to do something will turn back negatively on any of his family members.
No Rapist will be a clean person, A rapist is like a white dress with oils and grease on the dress, how can I say this dress is clean and white?
But if the vast majority of rapists still aren't being charged, than what do the punishments matter? Most men will still think they can get away with it.
send them to Saudi
I agree with you.
However, perhaps one way to "accelerate" the change is to have punishments which make the people take note of the seriousness of the issue.
TB, far be it from me to defend SA, but I think he was referring to RAPIST's being clean and not harassing, etc, not the victims.
Brit, I just hope the issue stops getting diverted by focus on the punishment for the crime and starts to focus more on what the cause of the crime is in the first place. Attitudes towards women in India NEED to change.
And then burn them in boston
But I also believe in fait, good and bad, and I also know what is meant to be for me or happen to me will always take place, and what is not meant to be for me or happen to me then it will never take place.
And hang them in the town square..
chop the banana of all the rapists
excellent article. It is ofcourse well known in inner circles that during the Minger Dynasty, Chow Mein was believed to have aphrodiasical qualities and was only allowed to be eaten by those in high station with numerous concubines...
It is good that people and especially "painted women protestors" have found a voice through the use of social media, internet and highlighted their cause. the press is also to be congratulated for taking up the issues.
but there are plenty of stories in this world where members of the Rapist family got harrased or harmed or raped because of the act of the Rapist member in the family.
TFS...Babu that was my dialogue :P
Why would you rape innocent family members of a rapist?
it all started bcoz of shakti kapoor aaaun aaaun lolitha
however, I believe no men is born as a rapist, other wise all men are rapist in nature, then why there are men who are not rapist.
To avoid rape the values and morals should be tought at schools and homes, and all those rapist must know that what they do to others will happen to them one day, i.e. these rapist will be raped and one or two of their family members will be raped.
I also believe that if you are clean and do not harras or do not try to rape you will be safe as well as your family members.
The article in general nice, thanks Miss Mimi.