Choose your dinner date

By volleygirl5 •
What famous (or infamous) person would you most like to have dinner with?
1. It has to be someone living.
2. At dinner this person would have to answer all of your questions honestly.
3. Why that person?
Angelina is an old beauty, Megan is fine
Megan Fox or Angelina Jolie!!! very Hot indeed! pathan ka jaisa nahi he kidhar he saale ? :P
Trans : how u doing mone ?
Kya Gareeb logg ikkatay huway hain QL pe ;)
Trans: QL is full of Generous users ;) it means that she is ur LIFE PARTNER..hehhee
the one in BOM i prefer to call her partner ;-P
Ok colt, i gave up now..u being in naughty mood today...:))
Oh yes, i want your wife who lives in BOMBAY...
which one? The one in BOM, the one in Canada, or the one in Doha? :-P
Colt, Don't forget to bring ur wife too..:)
I will come to BOM and you can take me to dinner there ;-))
Lol colt..Infact i don't have single penny to afford a flight for DOHA...:))) ..I am bankrupt now...
You needn't be either, just be worried with how much money you're carrying with you, cause you're paying for dinner ;-))
drmana, colt is from the TOWN side of MUMBAI..The people of that area are known for their shrewd't pay for the dinner bills..hehhe
You're not here, is why your name isn't there. But yeh, when you come back, you can have the pleasure of taking me to dinner ;-))
Colt, should I be flattered or worried now that you want to have dinner with me? :-P
Ooyye colt, why did u forget to mention my name alonwith ur lists?? :(
@ khanan.. i know it my friend. I wasnt in the city at that time :( Hope to see him again inshAllah :)
@ khanan.. i know it my friend. I wasnt in the city at that time :( Hope to see him again inshAllah :)
Sammie..i will nvr disagree your statment...
No worries Rizky are super star Rajanikanth...
if someone else is buying just about anyone.
I want a dinner date with Hugh Marston part 2 & Part 3 of the question answers itself ;)
I love to go Dinner Date with Drywood but Uncle Mod always kick and make frywood to Drywood.
this proves that still u r a kid.... ;-)
I would like to have dinner with u , without ur Pad :P
afrin and i thought it was Me ? :(
*Sad Mode*
I know that very well dhakkan, I was being serious about it though ;-)
rizks ..that handsome boy is my hrithik and not you...balddy.....
pajuu uncle....whr is your pm he he waiting...
Colt for ur kind info TCom,FU and UK are Males...:)
I would like to have dinner with Tcom, UK, Snessy, Olive, Tinker, Drmana, Xena, FU, Azi, MJ and all the other oldies on QL who I haven't met... ;-)
lol FU Rizks .. jealosy boys , afrin mole come lets got PM now :P
LoL FU !!
Pajju - You are QL Mamooti.
Pajju u r QL's gatekeeper....:)
Rizks QL hrithik is me :)
thank you Afringhee !
i know i am handsome man.
if he is old like you also i will love him....wat a handsome man....LOl
Afrinbees for your very kind info, Hrithink is no more a boy....he is having a boy ....:)
i love have dinner with my dream boy..Hrithik....and i have many questions for him........Because i loveeeeeeeeeee him.............
I would love to have dinner with the lady in OP's avataar pic - coz she iz cute ! :)
Itsforus, good that you elaborated the word
Dinner date with Simon Cowell. Because i want to.
I would love to have dinner with Olive and her husband.
rizk, i will see you on RAKSHA BANDHAN tom'w....hheehee
Soniya how about Me ? :)
I would love to go on for a dinner with Mr.Rahul Gandhi..There is no reason actually..I just admire him and his ways to handle his political stint..I see him as a prospective PM of our country(INDIA) in few years from now...
Angeline Jolie because she's HOT!
first choice would be MONALISA...until now i am curious whats behind that smile..
second choice...ANGELINA JOLIE..shes really hot and humanitarian,i wanna ask whats her!
or Katrina Kaif..
thanx for the info...
mods are in sleeping mode... :D
'love forum' where is,where is!
thanx to mods given us pm-ing option... it worx sometimes more than any love forum... ;D
for your convenience QL has created "Love Forum" ;O)
care geo... we are on main forum...:O
rezyz, its ok, don't be shy, you can admit it's me
if i could have dinner with a dead person, i'd HAVE to say Ayrton Senna, because he was just fantastic!
it has to be someone from qliving... :)
i would love to have dinner with my late Exiledsaint.
but seriously..
i wud love 2 have a dinner with snoop dogg so that i learn 2 make beats and blaze sum california kush after the meal.
The edited version will show Georgia in an Abaya and WK in a dish dash..:)
you missed a chance then..
Junaid Jamshed was in the town couple of months back and people had a chance of dinner with him the Tableeghi Markat at Industrial Area...
@blacknight1 : FBI will b looking for u now hahaha
take care bro
well among the dead... i would lke to have a dinner with Muhammad Jinnah.
and among the living poeple.. would love to have a dinner with JUNAID JAMSHED (pakistani singer, actor, scholor, nd a gr8 human being) :>
On serious note, I would like to have a dinner with Mughal Emperor Akbar.
i will post the censored version. daaaahhh!
Let me think
I would like a dinner with Khawage to kiss and make up..
220v you voyeur ;o)
This is a family site, certain things are not allowed :P
i wanna have dinner with 2 actually ..and that wud be WK n georgia (toghether) so that i can film them and post it here as a hot topic.
georgia you got that right ;o)
hey, i'd take the lashes if i got to rape johnny depp.
but i wouldn't have to rape wk ;)
hitler because i want to ask him questions which is still a mystery
now no matter how they will catch you think how you will save yourself
may be we will have to use georgia as bait to catch you wk ;-)
lawa but I am not so easy to catch ;o)
rape then there are so many on QL wants you and they will make it voluntary rape
President of Boeing Company.....
lawa I have no objection to being raped by georgia..
is there such a thing as voluntary rape??
don't you know that there is lashes for rapist
don't ever think it
georgia the option was just for dinner. I have something more special planned for you :o)
WK is afraid he might get raped, georgia.
wk, why wasn't i your choice :(
mine would be johnny depp so i could rape him thoroughly
yea sure wk, but m afraid he wouldn't be able to answer that as he is a civil engineer... he can help you if you want to blow up your apartment :P
and i will ask them will they keep me as friend
i would love to have dinner with u if the bill is free lolzzz
blacknight can you ask him why does my AC make funny noises?
Just let me know when and where you are dining so I can college the reward $.
Osama bin laden .... i find him interesting :-)
so guys let me know any questions you want osama to answer.. i can ask them for u :P
Do you think Bush has anything to say?
george bush
This is true for all artists.
Yeah, I heard that also, QS: Only dead musicians are good musicians.
LP, right..:):) and that's when (and why) they become interesting...
If dead are included then I would love to have dinner with Napoleon Bonaparte... Fascinating guy.
I would like to get drunk with Alexander the Great of Macedonia, Samcro.
Which dead person then LincolnPirate? Or would you rather dine alone?
Christina Applegate just cause I can.
if it were entirely up to me I'd likely go for one of the pretty little filipina ladies they keep advertising on this site. lol!
but seriously . . . I would have to say Warren Buffet, so I could ask him how to invest my expat earnings. If not him, then George W. Bush to find out why he decided to give everyone else a tax break and then tax my expat earnings.
You??? :-P
On a serious note..
I would love to have dinner with my country's Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh just to vent out some of my frustrations on the way the country is run.
Steve Jobs...because I am writing his biography.
The interesting people are all dead.