Choose btn Newton British - alwaab & Loydence

Hi there
I do keep harping on about this but with schools commencing in only 6 days - hysteria is at its peak!
So if please advise and pls share your experience
If your only choices for now were:
newton British in al waab
Or loydence Academy in Al Azizya
Which would u chose
Of DID you choose and why?
Did newtons Overall reputation affect your disregarding newton British?
Many many thanks!!
Thanks again guys ... This is so hard
But have to make a choice
Appreciate all your feedback
Driving in Doha traffic for activities sounds scary
But I guess we just got here ..
Aside from after school activities, there are plenty of options for ECs around town--dancing, tennis, soccer, music, language, sailing--that are done privately.
My Daughter goes to NBS and she loves it there. The teacher she had was very good. Now she will be going to Year 1 and I hope that she is comfortable with her new teacher.
They do not have many after school activities though. They had Karate Classes but I could not send my Daughter.There maybe some for upper classes but you need to find out.
Hope this helps.
my boy went to newton british in al waab for about two terms.
his teacher was lovely, he was happy there and if you don't have anything to compare it with, it is a good school.
Thanks guys
Such a nightmare
I liked loydence when I went there and I do admit disciples seemed good
I worry about the newton schools only cos even at the new school - the lagoon campus - with it's mega facilities - everyone says
That the kids don't behave any better and classes completely trashed by end of each day
Would you say that's how NBS is - although everywhere it says NBSis diff
I haven't been in coz they have been doing renovations
What about sports and after school activities for NBS and loydence
I know they would be very limited
But any examples?
Jim many thks for your PM
Mike how many kids do u have and what ages r they?
Thanks again guys
@Bachus: Do not rely on QL comments. Read them, but analyze things yourself.
I read slow/no study comments about Iqra English School @ QL. On the contrary, we feel Iqra English School is at pace and its a struggle to coup up with studies for my son in Grade one.
My daughter secured the admission in NBS, we did not opt for it. Its a villa compound that has converted into school. There is a very small shady areas for outdoor activities. The education standard is good though.
I have no experience about loydence Academy, so, can't comment.
Thanks, Mike. Maybe I am confusing the two. I'm just going by the numerous threads with long posts from parents complaining about the quality of facilities, teachers and management of the Newton schools. I've see Loydence--and those comments seemed targeted more to the usual complaints about a new school starting up. I'm glad you found a school you like.
I think the OP's best option is to visit both, and go with what feels right. Then, to be on the safe side, apply early for other schools. If the OP is happy with the original school, then nothing is lost; but if the school is unsatisfactory, the children will have the option to transfer into something better.
Mike thanks or the clarification, I was indeed referring to Newton International School on D ring road in my post, I have had no dealings or have any knowledge of Newton British School...sorry for any confusion.
Bachus, to be honest NBS Al Waab is great! Mine are going for their second year and they are very much looking forward.
There is always a confusion between Newton International School (NIS) and Newton British School (NBS).
gctodoha: you can try NBS... as a dad, I'll give it a thumbs up!
Can't say I've trawled the forums like Bachus but I haven't seen anything negative about Loydence Academy. But as a parent of a pupil at Loydence Academy last year I can happily recommend the school from experience. Last January we had the choice of Newton or Loydence, after visiting both we chose Loydence despite being a long way from our accomodation in West Bay. My son went into year 3 and progressed very well. The school follow the English curriculum to a high standard and my son was very happy there. The downside is the lack of sporting facilities, but last year was their first year at Aziziya and we witnessed lots of new equipment and students arriving over time. Our son has secured a place at a school closer to home which means he no longer has to get up at 5am and my wife endure 3 hours daily on the road! If you want any more info please drop me a line.
I hear Newton International at West Bay Lagoon is getting good reports, we visited the one on C ring road and it just wasn't for us. Good luck!
Based on comments on QL, both are terrible schools. Are there really no other options? If not, choose the nearest and start applying for schools for next year as soon as possible. Perhaps you can switch schools within a term or two.