Chivalry (in Qatar) exists....

Motorists do get into trouble and did I ever got one earlier tonight.
Around 8PM, from Old Airport road on my way to Madinath Khalifa to drop off a lady friend, I had this gut feel that something bad gonna happen. So, though a cautious driver as I am, I was doubly check everything before starting of. And whe we just past that fire station after corniche just before the Oryx R/A...I heard that familiar noise.
I immediately parked the car to the safe side and checked my phone to see whom should I call to help me chance my flat tire. While I was still undecided who to call, I went ahead and opened the trunk, pulled out the jack and the spare tire to see if I could do it myself.
Then this young Qatari guy in brown uniform suddenly appeared and said "Can I help you, Miss..." and he smiled. Talk about a Knight in Shining armor to the rescue...only this young knight is in police uniform. I'm so happy I was thanked him countless of times, I lost count.
Within 10 minutes, he was able to change my tires, not minding his pants and/or hands getting dirty/greasy from doing so.
It's not the first time a local stopped and took the time to help someone in distress. I can't mention my rescuer's name here but let it be known that his gestures is wholeheartedly appreciated. If I could return the favor, I'll pay it forward.
ur realy lucky u got a good human & i will pray good for him. u always keep in mind good things will happens with good people.
Tc bye.
I guess HELP comes when you needed it the most.
Only special person can fix this tyre.
What comes around, goes around....
No Merci then who fixes your flat tyre?
This is special? I don't know this. when Nomerci car has proble, too many other car stop for help Nomerci.
Many time there is line after Nomerci already left.
What comes around, goes around....
Good to know and glad to hear that you're safe and sound, Azi.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.
azzy i'll teach u how to change a flat tire ^0^
I may not be PERFECT
but PARTS of me are pretty AWESOME!
Contact 4810 400 or visit
For those of you are saying that she got help because she is lady or it was a coincidence.
Let me tell you that once I got stuck in sand along the road in Meisaed. I tried very hard but I was unable to move my car. I have AAA membership so I was thinking about calling them. Just when I pulled out my mobile from my pocket. 3 Qatari's appeared in a land cruiser in their traditional dresses. They had a rope and asked me if I have a hook in my car. I gave the hook to him and he asked me to come out of car and he sat in the driving seat. One guy was drivng the land cruiser, one standing out and giving instructions and one guy was driving my car. Within seconds my car was out of sand.
I thanked them and they disappeared as soon as they finish the job. I prayed for them from bottom of my heart. As they saved me the headache and waiting time.
There are a number of companies in Qatar offering Roadside Assistance 24/7. You need to rgister with them and pay a yearly fee as low as Qrs. 250 / year. They will arrive at the site within a few minutes and do all that is necessary to keep you moving. Thanks.
this happens more often that we assume it does...
I've said this several times on QL... the police here are really fine...
that would set a chain reaction: pay it forward. =)
you're just in the neighborhood!
You are a lucky girl indeed, if you are a man, he'll give you a citation ticket and not a helping hand! Hehehehehe!!
"I'm back, simple as that"
I too have found Qataris very helpful when it comes to all things car related.
Personally I'd always try to help someone if they had broken down or stranded and glad to hear that chivalry still exists
I woke up thinking what would have happened if that gentleman hadn't stopped to help. The area where I parked was not well lighted and just past the roundabout so motorists would pass me by and be on their way.
So far, with my X number of years staying in this country, I find the locals (that I have the pleasure of meeting) are always open to help...young or old.
Whenever I have had a similar problem (car trouble), I have always found that 3-4 locals would stop to ask if I needed assistance.
I think you'd be hard-pressed to find the same in most countries.
"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris
Register with AAA. They provide 24/7 roadside assistance. Thanks.
You are right there are many with good heart.
I had same experience when i was not able to start my car one day. i tried starting two three times and was going back to my flat then one guy called me from behind and offered his help he just took his vehice to near to my car and started my car with his cable actaully i was not even noticing around me and i never found him watching me starting the car.
i was really surprised when he came forward and helped me.
I couldnt express my thanks as he was not understanding english.
u r lucky u aint a male (with flat tire).. i've seen many male with flat tires standing helpless at times until i extended my hands for help... LOL
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
Azi you are lucky that someone who helps you in need for compassionate motives and with no thought of reward/return.
I have seen many time traffic police offering a helping hand .. once I had a flat tire on Ummbab - Doha road and I didnt have a jack. A young policeman stopped over and even though we had difficulty to communicate, he took me all the way to Dukhan(which was hour drive) to borrow a jack from a repair shop and stayed with me till I had the tire replaced
Whoever said that Qatari's are considered as aliens by expats is so true...:)________________________________________
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
Azi - lukcy you :) , yeah they are helpful when there is a breakdown ,let it be in the dunes or on the road.
Jack is right, make sure you use tubeless, it gives time to change the tyres.
pat pat... wake up buddy... ;-)
That is the best thing you can do... I remember watching a movie with that title, it was nice :-)
I've always dreamed being in this situation...having a flat tyre in the middle of the desert and a cute female cop in a tight uniform coming to my rescue.
and there's another one involving myself in a hospital too...with a bunch of young nurses (female nurses)
You could have given him your number....just in case...if he has a flat could help him in so you could have told him ;)
But its always advisable to have tubeless-tyres on the car especially in Qatar where if you are out of the city limits there are hardly anybody on the roads to help you.
Sometimes there might be antisocial elements lurking around.
...also during high speed the tyre could get shreded while getting punctured and the vehicle could loose control....very dangerous.
With tubeless the tyre holds intact even if it is punctured.... you can change/repair it next day or even next week.
I ran with a punctured Tyre for a week before realizing the tyre was loosing air pressure...then had it checked....
even the repair is easy...the guy just pushes a needle with gum & thread through the punctured hole...waits 10 minutes for it to get dry then fills it will air and ready to go.
Great to hear some good news abt Qatar, after all the bashing in QL.
It's nice to know help is out there. Especially when you're coming back at night.
Azi, I salute your attitude to pay it forward. Like they say, what goes around comes around.
does that simply mean that only a qatari wud stop and offer u help....??
anyone wud stop and offer help when a lady is in trouble.. and anywhere in the world...
there are good people until the world exists.. be it QATARIS or non qataris
You can't teach experience...
Good for U Azilana.
Indeed, Chivalry still exists and in our country, there is a saying that "NOT all Five Fingers are equal". Hence there are bad people and good peeople co-existing in this world.
Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!
She's HOT...I'm a BATYA(BIG WASH BASIN) compared to her...lmao
On the contrary, I prefer to shun the attention but in case like an exception...the flat tire, that is :-)
Emiri guards and ISF folks are usually around that place often. They probably would have come to you even if you didn't have a flat :-) .
But undeniably a chivalrous gesture.
well azi they still can't resist you!that's the spirit.
I'm twice his age...and he's a few years older than my baby girl...who'll turn 19y/o this coming March.....hehehehe
With my first flat tire 2 years ago, it happened around 3AM and we just came from QUBE then...I panicked. Now, I'm's always scary when it's your FIRST
so confirm that it is your lucky night.!oh i envy you!i guess he is askin your mobile number coz as far as i read from the previous post your katya santos look alike.hehehe.... kidding here.if ever no one help you that night azi you will cry first before you can think of someone to help you.maybe if i am on your situation i will surely sob!LOL!
So there are other knights too in Qatar ;)
**** Aal Izz Well****
and his English is not that good.
He's cute too....(hehehehe)about in his early 20's :-P
i agree to that azi..but in some other ways hehehe..i don't think you can do the same thing like changing others car tire right...?but seriously kinda surprise to know the man is qatari.;)
helping someone else in distress.
It's like passing on the good deeds by helping someone else who's in similar distress.
Kind of what we know as THE GOLDEN RULE. :-)
in every man, there is always a good heart and its for a cause need to pay back.thanking him is enough.:)
I was thinking I just need to have one tire re-aired(is that the right word?) but the other tire got flat...
I know I'm not that strong to help another motorist change tires, but I guess I could help in some other way...paying it forward. (*sighs in relief)
your luck azi...:)