Child pornographer picked up in Qatar

By Expat Sueño •
Go to the 2nd to the last paragraph. . .
Very sad, scary article - there are some supreme sickos out there.
Did this make the news in Doha at all?
I love it when blissfully ignorant people say,"oh this does not & cannot happen in Qatar"???...the middle east probably has amongst the highest rate of sexual abuse(both children & adults) on the PLANET,it's just that statistics & other data is never revealed...what the article should say is that they picked up one out of hundreds of these sickos here & elsewhere in the GCC...
My heart aches for the poor babies..People are becoming sadist more and more everyday..How could they do something like this to innocent children..? they'll be burned in hell..
every one have his/her own thinking.. so better to leave the topic
ok my mistake... i did wrong... but still some where in my mind.. not accepting this matter, don't know why :(
i feel sorry for what happened to him, but what was the main purpose for posting it here? why he didn't informed the police about the matter first, rather then coming here and making new thread, we all are well known, the frequent users are not kids, they know all the matter,
another thing, saying pathan.. how he was that much sure that the arsehole was pathan? here 1000's of ppl wear thobe, that doesn't make them arabic or qatari, same was the case of that guy.. wearing shalwar qameez doesn't make a person pathan..
my objection was on mentioning the nationality/ethinity.. which in my opinion was of no need..
pilgram anyone who laughs at such victim is a mofo
Agree TB, the responses on that thread were atrocious.
because in other thread he mentioned nationality/ethinity... which in everyone's opinion was wrong..
Funny how on this thread everyone's calling for the death penalty for pedophiles, but in another thread about a 14 year old boy being assaulted, he's told it's his fault and laughed at. Hypocrisy much?
mentioned, it doesn't necessarily mean a citizen of that country. There is a possibility that these are also a "visitor" in those countries!
I agree tinker, the death penalty is not a good enough punishment, niether is life in prison. They need to be tortured over and over and over again till they slip away and then brought back to life again and then tortured some more over and over again. This is really sick...... My prayers for all those poor kids! May God/Allah keep his hands over them always.
I am not surprised. sickos are to find everywhere.
How harsh they can be punished? I am firm believer of capital punishment in cases like these.
indeed, I feel for the children being absued. this is horrific.
How is it almost not possible in Qatar nowreasonforsmile?
I hope they are not targetting Qatar in indirect way...BTW it is almost not possbile in Qatar...
Hapy it's mentioned here:-"Those arrested outside the U.S. were picked up by officials in Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Hungary, Kenya, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Qatar, Serbia, Sweden and Switzerland."
How are they allowed to flourish Brit? There are entire police teams in almost every country dedicated to finding and shutting down these sites. Granted some stay below the radar, but I don't see how they are allowed to flourish.
There are some very sick people in this world. As we become "more civilized", it seems that the sickos increase also. Perhaps its a way of thrill seeking in a materialistic world - I don't know.
What I find strange is that sites like these are allowed to flourish. However, the up-side is that these sites allow the authorities to identify and catch such criminals who would otherwise be below the radar.
i havent watched the video, but reading the text did not find mention of qatar.
The minimum punishment for such culprits shud be death.
sick ... very sick... and its not surprise to have not made any news here... though Al Jazeera is here
LP what qatari police did, the task administrated by US
Yet another story that shocks me on QL. There are shocking stories almost every day now :(
It was a good job then from the Qatari police!
No, this new did not appear anywhere in the local newspapers here but it sure is a shocking revealation. Thanks for posting.