Cheers - Vijay Mally'a Amazing Answer
After an international beer conference in London , all the world's top
brewery bosses decide to go out for a beer together.
The Chairman of Budweiser says, 'I'd like the most refreshing beer
in the world, 'The King of Beers': give me a Budweiser.'
The bartender takes a bottle from the shelf and opens it for him.
The Chairman of Guinness says, 'I'd like the only beer in the world
really, truly waiting for: give me a Guinness.'
The bartender serves him.
The Chairman of Carlsberg says, ' I would like the world's best beer,
drunk in more countries than any other: give me a Carlsberg.'
He gets it.
Vijay Mallya sits down, looks around and says, 'Just give me a Coke.'
The bartender looks at him, shrugs, and serves him.
The other brewery bosses laugh loudly and say, 'Hey Vijay, how come
you aren't drinking a Kingfisher?'
'Listen,' says Vijay Mallya, 'If you guys aren't drinking
beer, neither will I
This is Attitude!!!! !
oooops, better put you right, just checked my box, it is San Miguel Light ........... maybe they also have the 'not light', I did not look for it.
Good news, I was up there yesterday .......... SM is back!!
The Colt 45 from the Phillipines.... Definitely will rule those with a serious budget...
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
You can't teach experience
San Miguel Beer Rules........
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy....Martin Luther King