Cheapest Meal

Costing 7.5p (QR 0.46) the cheapest meal in the UK is a toast sandwich. A slice of toast seasoned with salt and pepper, sandwiched between two slices of buttered bread. I'm going to give this a go tomorrow.
But can anyone on QL come up with anything from their home country to beat this?
The RSC's Dr John Emsley said: "You simply put a piece of dry toast between two slices of bread and butter, with salt and pepper to taste. I've tried it and it's surprisingly nice to eat and quite filling.
"I would emphasise that toast sandwiches are also good at saving you calories as well as money, provided you only have one toast sandwich for lunch and nothing else."
The toast sandwich provides about 330 calories, and consumers could opt for the healthier alternative of margarine instead of butter - an ingredient not available to Mrs Beeton because she was writing her book before it was invented.
dp(wtf with this guru and his varnish)
tp the morning only salt is added to the rice and water and taken with salted lime...(with all assortments I meant just these two).
Food in Sri Lanka is waaay expensive. Dining out at a KFC or MacD's is a luxury for most folks back there. Even your regular rice and curry meal costs a lot and a pound of bread is going at like 2QR which is considered costly in SL.
One plate of Vada Paav for breakfast makes the day healthy and full of energy....:)
yep crisp sarnies with marmite are great!
Brit I still eat crisp sandwiches now, and sometimes with Marmite as well Mmmmmmm
Prism is anything added to the rice other than seasoning? Or are we talking about a bowl of rice?
In India the citizens in a particular part were provided rice @ Rs. 2/- (QR 0.15) per kg. (data as on 24/02/2011) through public distribution system. To make a meal, the cooked rice is left in water overnight and consumed the next day with salt and salted lime. Even if one consumes one kg of rice, with all other assortments it wouldn't cost more than QR 0.46 and it is supposed to be a very healthy meal.
I have also seen Chinese too make a similar breakfast... but cost of rice may differ.
I am not sure if I am entitled to claim GBP200 now for suggesting (creating) a cheaper alternative....:)
I used to eat "crisp" sandwiches when I was little :O)