Ceauşescu’s Folly - For Dracula

Ceauşescu’s folly, or more accurately,the Transfăgărăşan road is the highest paved road in Romania connecting the historic regions of Transylvania and Wallachia, and the cities of Sibiu and Piteşti. Additionally, it is said to be the most drammatic road in Europe, and the best road (according to Jeremy Clarkson) to drive on.
Enjoy !
There was no need as Dracula could fly and the gypsies climbed. Harker jumped!
Yes, but there was no road then :O)
Vlad III used to live in a castle atop that hill.
Very good Road to fall asleep while driving!
And also good for drunken driving.
Nice. Both the cars and the road.
Nice. Both the cars and the road.