Catholic bishops mourn execution of 3 Pinoys

Should we be sad or do you think they got what they deserved?
MANILA, March 31 (PIA) – After the heartbreaking execution of three Filipinos who were found guilty of drug trafficking in China Wednesday, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) are now mourning over the incident.
The CBCP said that this incident should serve as a lesson for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) to be extra careful abroad.
Cotabato Archbishop Orlando Quevedo, former president of the CBCP said OFWs should make sure they know the laws of the country they are in to avoid troubles and said that we cannot control the administration of justice in other countries.
“I also wish to extend my deep condolences to the families of those executed and I pray for the eternal repose of their souls. I also pray for all those OFWs who are under great suffering at this time,” said Bishop Quevedo.
Meanwhile, Kidapawan Bishop Romulo dela Cruz was also saddened with the execution and expressed his condolences over the death of the three Filipinos.
“I’m sorry for the families who are bereaving now. I hope that this will also serve as a lesson for the future that our OFWs should be more careful,” Bishop dela Cruz said.
Bishop dela Cruz added that we should also respect the laws of other nations.
Ramon Credo, 42, Elizabeth Batain, 38, and Sally Villanueva, 32, were executed by lethal injection on Wednesday morning after being found guilty of illegal drug trafficking.
The execution took place despite earnest appeal from the Aquino administration to have their death sentence commuted to life.
I hav had hate PM fr0m kAbayans f0r p0sting dis :(
They knew exactly what they were doing - they are/were drug smugglers.
Execute them or throw away the key.
I don’t care as long as they are not on the streets anymore.
Drug smugglers and their suppliers cause more deaths than Cancer, AIDS, Leprosy and Malaria.
Get rid of them to protect our young.
whilst i agree about the big guns getting away, i disagree about them being victims. they knew what they were doing..
have been tortured first, no sympathy for these twats.
FYI... In the Philippines most people are against death penalty so it's a given reaction. If they're really guilty and China's justice system have no malice or what so ever about the case then so be it. I just hope that the verdict is a genuine kind.
brit, how about going deeper into the real problem, i mean the producers/manufacturers or suppliers? The executed pinoys were just paid to bring the drugs into china by a big drug syndicate. taking their lives doesn't really solve the problem right? In some other way, i think they were just victims also.
looooooooooooooooooolzzzzzzz this all sounds like a conversation between an indian and philipino -and neither understands each other!!! loooooooolzzzz...
I appreciate your kind words to me, if those 3 drug dealers were intelligent iam sure today they would be eating chicken adobo with their family
Mr. Khanji, sorry but I only share ideas to people who are intelligent, who can share good ideas... Sorry but you don't belong to them. Have a good sleep Mr. Khanji.
What if your loved ones were in those innocent lives, what would your comment be, will it be the same or ?
What about those life taken by these drug dealers, do you have respect for those life or only for these criminals who were executed yesterday
Well put and i understand your point of view - to a point.
I am one who prefers the death panelty for such crimes. By the way, these drug dealers do not have respect for the lives of others, so why do we need to have respect for their lives.
So these drug peddlers respected life?
Funny way to show their respect for life, by dealing in drugs.
Mourning doesn't mean that you agree of the crime that they've done. Every nation condemned drug traffickers, drug pushers, drugs mules or whatever you want to call them. Philippines has its own law in regards to this problem. But we respect life... And that's the reason why the bishops and majority of Filipinos feel sad for what happened. Philippines once adopt death penalty but the government also abolished it since it is not really the solution of the problem. Maybe it is just ok for some of you to take other peoples lives, but for me, being a Christian, I respect life very much.
the church has been doing a lot of stupid, irresponsible things these days (or for as long as it existed). just last week or so, they held a rally that probably required lots of catholic school kids to attend against the reproductive health bill that may allow easy access to artificial contraception. because of that, a posh village in a manila suburb and an area in a province has banned the sale of condoms in their areas. what a way to go forward. sheesh. it's not like they get to have the responsibility of raising children.
what i don't like about situations like these is when the people who get caught in drug trafficking or something equally wrong easily raise the poverty and government neglect cards as if they are perfect excuses to absolve them of their sins.
oh, and the president is nowhere to be found because he is a lazy, incompetent fool who got into power not by merit but because of popular parents. unpopular opinion, i know, but i stand by it and i don't care if non-kabayans hear about it. that's what democracy and people power brought to us.
Church mourning for death of drug peddlers sends very wrong signals.
Doesn't matter how China is ruled, these guys deserved what they got.
Well this Chinese leaders try to hold the moral high ground where this petty mistakes are comitted. I would like to ask this very leaders who gave them the right to rule their countries as despots, without any elections and withe utter disregard for human rights and human dignity. Hope some day the very same punishment of execution is meted out to this tyrants
lols khalfathanji....where did u got that conclusion. have understand my comment?it was in a very clear english.
"Racists"...hmm, care to elaborate?
And furthermore...loads of Westerners are sitting in foreign jails for drug mentioned above...IF you care to read and remember the posts that do not agree with your opinion.
60% agreed to the verdict and 100% of the church were opposing it, then in this case those 60% were chinese residing in philipines and the rest 100% were pinoys ;) strange
i just took a moment to laugh at your comment
n0merci ur comments are racists! They did da crime paid the price! If it w0z Americans or 0ther western nati0nals they pr0bably w0uld hav been freed!
Firstly most of the words i find it difficult to read and secondly they were executed in china and whoever it be or any country would definitely get the same punishment and so get your things right
Drugs claim many lives each day.Drugs are a curse and it should be rooted out of the society..Capital punishment is a must to stop.I would have had the same stance for any nationality if their crime was that grave.simple rule, "If you do the crime you will do the time".
does this mean i can't comment as well just because i dont feel and react the same way my kabayans do???... now am confused >_
Groups should be done away with....
Oh, so non "kakabyans" can't have an opinion on this? I see.....unless, of course, they would wholeheartedly
I think this is a domestic issue and not to be posted here in the general forum. This is better posted in the FILEXPAT forum. We should not expect people of other nationality to feel or react the same way we (including me)we do.
As per unofficial surveys by the media (TV networks) 60% of Filipinos agreed with the verdict of the Chinese courts but 100% of the Philippine Catholic Church (only the church officials)condemn the verdict.
i haven't read all the comments but in my personal opinion they deserve what happen to them. just imagine what those drugs can do to our future. how it can ruin life. this should be a lesson to all of us.
Why do Filipinas call other Filipinas Kabayans? It sounds so much like Kababs!
Not really. Not unless it's a diplomatic issue.
PilGram I am sUre they are, but the Americans d0 n0rmally get away wiv murder in 0ther c0untries!
There have been many cases of Americans and other Western nationals being executed for drug trafficking in China and Thailand Lili. Nobody cares though as they were stupid enough to do it.
n0merci ur comments are racists! They did da crime paid the price! If it w0z Americans or 0ther western nati0nals they pr0bably w0uld hav been freed!
Hmmm, I suppose they did not have their Kabayans around to advise them on how to circumvent the local law? Good thing we do here on QL.
BUT, at least the whole country is now mourning for those criminals.:)
I can understand Bishop Quevedo offering condolences to the familes - but as a man of God, should he be vocaly praying for the "eternal repose of their souls" ?
I have hanky for your friends, at such time hanky does good business
EMC-12 after seeing a l0t 0f my friends comments 0n FB about them being SAD I reserch this and p0sted here!
CoTabato is n0t far from wHere da Mascare t00k place a fEw years ag0! The same place where dis Bish0p is from!
Lili, so you are saying you agree that they deserved it but you disagree with the rest of your compatriots who felt sad about this, right?
I apologise for mistaking your sentiment. Sorry!
Thanks Britex...well, this is really weird coming from a govt agency...
I do agree with you about the use of some words they used in their article...
Thx Britexpat x
EMC-12 I f0r 0ne say dat they g0t wat they deserve, bUt this sentiment is n0t of all my fell0w Kabayans! which is sad.
The article was published by the Phillipines Information Agency and the wording used is theirs - NOT lil's..
That should deter anyone to act as drug mules in China. I hope I could see this a bit more instead of reading that Drug traffickers get jailed for life but later got released for good behaviour or whatever.
Drug is evil. It kills the society. Those drug mules deserved what they bargained for.
For a whole country + a Catholic Bishop to mourn for 3 guys who did nothing but brought disrepute to their country, I find this a bit weird. What kind of a country is that? I am sure Lili Rochefort is speaking for herself not for the whole Philippines.
Would the whole country have mourned for them had they been found, charged, judged and executed in Philippines?
Lili would the mourners be erecting a statue for them soon?
Come on get a life and move on.
Can you stick to your topic rather than digging out if KHANJI is an indian or qatari, there are lots of qatari with the name KHANJI and do you want me to proof that and i believe your new in qatar and have no idea on the surnames here and i say stick to your topic again
LP Khanji is an Indian surname not a Qatari one! S0 who ever this new ID is he is definately n0t Qatari. I am sure he is An 0ld wIne in a nEw b0ttle!
His name is written properly. (In Arabic)
anna akid mia bi mia qatari. read this out.
Barely. What's the point? You obviously know how to write properly. Why don't you?
I agree with you that the families are the ones who will suffer from the deeds of these people.
I realise that the Bishops are in essence trying to warn others of the consequences of drug smuggling, but I find it strange that they should use such words as "heartbreaking" , "mourning" and "saddened" in such an offcial article.
Perhaps it is more cultural and I am missing the point..
rob.b.d.b. N0 n0thing wRong jUst da wAy I lyk 2 wrIte. U cAn read & uNderstand!
iam a qatari
Is there something majorly wrong with your keyboard?
KK I am sUre uR n0t QaTari u seem lyk an InDian! tel uS wHo u rEally r?
you mean about the porn or drugs
sArrA000 wEll sAid!
KK 4 u as staTed ab0ve!
"PiLgram I d0 n0t feel s0rry f0r these drUg smUglers they kNew wat they were d0ing & g0t wat thEy deserve! mY friends eVen pUt 0n their FB status dat they r Sad!"
u kn0w dat sympAthy & feeling S0rry is da SaMe.
LP cAn y0u cLarify 4 Mr KK
I have gone through all your comments but could not find the word sympathy over there, all i could find people sad and mourning
What about watching porn on a satellite TV? It's your choice to watch it, right? Or should we kill the program providers? The Saudi businessmen?
If its your choice yes but do not make it a choice for others
KhaLiFaKhanji cAn y0u n0t reAd I hav n0t sympathise wiV these dRug sMugGlers!
Ah yes, Emo to the these bishops use crying smilies and other glittery decorations too?
There are already in the past filipinos execute in SAUDI and also there was a filipina also and there are lots waiting execution
Khalifa, if you buy drugs it's your choice, isn't it?
I heard eVen PiNoy can be ExecUted in Saudi f0r similar crime!
You have sympathy for this 3 "KILLERS" but i have not seen that you are having sympathy for those peoples who these 3 KILLERS could have killed or must have killed by this drug thing and why is that so
Yep, Steve. I agree.
I agree LP. However I'm not going to feel bad for people who knowingly smuggled drugs into a country with one of the strictest drug laws in the world!
Catholic Bishops should be spending all their time mourning the countless victims of their church's worldwide child molesting spree!
IF (?) life is given by God (and I am sure most of you believe that) than HE ALONE can take it. If humans do it based on human laws, it's a crime.
Your statement
Yep LP We Pinoys cAn Mascare each 0ther but hate t0 be executed by 0thers; i find it very wrong. you can accept a pinoy doing crime in your country but can not accept a pinoy doing crime in other countries. so you prefer a PINOY GOVERNMENT in all countries.
PiLgram I d0 n0t feel s0rry f0r these drUg smUglers they kNew wat they were d0ing & g0t wat thEy deserve! mY friends eVen pUt 0n their FB status dat they r Sad!
What about the kids that get hooked on these drugs! trafficking is not a victimless crime.
I don't agree with killing people (anymore) but mandatory life in a squalid chinese prison seems a light sentence for trafficking.
in life and in death, we get what we deserve
live peacefully, die peacefully
live a life of crime, pay for it
Drug smugglers bring misery to countless number of people along the chain..
They destroy individuals and families.
i have no sympathy for them..
Yep LP We Pinoys cAn Mascare each 0ther but hate t0 be executed by 0thers!
Then the whole Filipino nation is mourning drug smugglers who knew the laws of the land they were smuggling drugs into. Do you also mourn murderers and rapists?
Executions are a crime!
PilGram da whole filipino nation is mourning dis executions!
As much as I disagree with execution, they should not have been smuggling drugs into China. They caused their own deaths, nothing heartbreaking about it.
They deserved the punishment for what they did, eye for an eye principle and i found something strange that the vice president went and spoke and even yesterday the vice president was in qatar. WHERE IS THE PRESIDENT or has he lost his importance
Sorry, but I think they got what they deserved..
You do the crime; You do the time..
No Mr Britexpat, All 0f da friends I speak to say dat they r sad?
They were guilty of a crime. So what's heartbreaking about it ?