car wash in qatar

i realise from what i read and heard that finding a place to live in qatar is not the only problem ,another big problem is the car wash
those automatic car wash machines are only installed at the gas stations which are owend by a one company that control the gas stations there (woqod) i believe the name of the company ...
and because i am a marketing vp for a car wash factory in the united state i would like to have my state of the art machines installed in qatar so puplic can enjoy the convenience and confort of washing there cars fast,real clean and less expensive they dont wait endless hours to get their car washed ...
so can some one tell me what is the real reason that the private section or an individual qatari citizen, cant open or own a car wash ???????????
please answer my question if you can or know the wright answer
thank you
I could think of three main reasons. Perhaps not alot of people see a lucrative business in car washes. Most people who have nice cars don't trust car washes because they don't want the paint to get scratched. There are tons of hand wash places around which offer detailing and they're usually next to cafe's so people can relax and have a drink.
i wash my own car every weekend.
There are some here..and not only in WOQOD.
The washing is automatic while the drying&cleaning is manual.
I dont know what you mean by "State of the Art" as the process is quite simple.
Right now after & during the rains all the carwashes are making a lot of profit as all the carwashes are full & there is a constant queue.
A state of the art car washing machine is an expensive machine and many will not invest because Qatar does not feel it needs such a thing.
Even if a market survey was done it might just lead to nothing, although in my personal opinion this would be a great advantage to Qatar because this will save gallons of water which in return would help the shortage of water here, not to mention the ever increasing amount of cars which have to be washed.
I bought an ironing machine in Europe 20 years ago and still don't see anything of its kind here, computer technology and communication technology is very high here whereas domestic technology is something like 50 years behind.
You may change your question right Adam, because what you are telling about this machine if someone heard so before, then these have been installed long ago. Now you said you are a marketing VP of these atate of the art machine, may i ask you also a question? Why don't you market this kind of machine then? Introduce this machine in many right other ways ratherthan asking that question. Put it in public like advertising
in the Classifieds of this site, to newspapers or even to the owner of wash cars...
Qatar is a progressing country if you know that, sure you do!