Can't help who you fall in love with !

When Cupid fires that arrow, anything can happen :(
A MUM of six has ditched her kids and run off with her son’s 18-YEAR-OLD best pal.
Debbie Mallinson, 36, told her shocked children: “I can’t help who I fall in love with.”
She then moved in with baby-faced toyboy Adam Caban in Falmouth, Cornwall.
Mallinson’s eldest sons, aged 15 and ten, are now living with relatives. Her other kids — a girl of eight, a boy of six, a boy of five and a girl aged three — are in foster care.
And an ex-partner of the runaway mum branded her a “disgrace” last night — and sneered: “She falls in love more often than she gives birth.”
The man, who fathered three of the brunette’s six children, hit out after she deserted her young family.
Mallinson fled her council home after climbing out of a window and sprinting down the front path into a waiting cab.
Her 15-year-old eldest son had earlier caught her on the phone telling Adam, his best friend, that she loved him. Before she left, Mallinson told her children: “I can’t help who I fall in love with.”
But her disgusted ex said: “It breaks my heart — she doesn’t give a stuff about anyone but her.”
Mallinson, whose children were fathered by FOUR dads, is living with baby-faced Adam at his sister’s home in Falmouth, Cornwall.
Before walking out two weeks ago, she phoned social services saying she couldn’t cope and was going off to live with her lover.
Her furious former partner said last night: “This woman is an absolute disgrace as a mother.
“First she has an affair with her son’s best friend, then she dumps her kids to move in with him.
“She’s now living with him while her youngest children and my kids are staying with strangers. It breaks my heart and makes my blood boil in equal measure.
“She’s told social services she wants the kids back eventually and wants to bring them up with her new boyfriend.
“But they are living with his sister and don’t have any money.
“Anyway, she can’t just turn up and be a mum when she likes. It is just not fair on the children.”
So disgusting..... It boils my blood too..... MyHotComments +
Cant we say that the woman is Still too young...
can still handle a 18 years old young man...:-p
I agree that there are men who take care of their children even after their wife dies or elopes.But are the numbers comparable with the women who take care of their kids even after the father ditches?
"The difference is mother is the one who is giving birth..and father is someone the mother points to...unless proved by DNA test..."
I disagree with u here.I wud say that both the mom & dad are equally resposible when it comes to the kids.The DNA test , Mother pointing blah..blah comes when either of them turns irresponsible.
FS, I definitely do not support this stupid lady.But don't u think that fathers run away easily from their responsiblities(selfishly & shamelessly) ditching the family?
And they are always "eligible" for marriage and the society easily forgets his prev family and marriage.Is it the same when it comes to a woman?Do u think this news wud have been discussed so elaborately had it been the father who ditched the kids and ran awy with a teenager?
As someone said in this thread, the kids are better off with their relatives than with these morons.Hope they are happy.
Not to seem like I'm defending her again, but she's just the product of a cycle. Her mother was probably no different then her and her grandmother no different.
what kinda test is that ? :S
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
rMs..!! cant help who you fall in love with but at least she should think and consider the consequences later..who would suffer the most and not just her own happiness...she's weird ..
I think all people who want to have children should go thru a test and should be allowed to have kids only if they qualify.
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
in this World.....nothing new!
I knew similar stories of such Great Women leaving their physically challenged kids for their Ex-Lover and newly found Lovers around the age of 30-40.....Most irresponsible and momentary act of foolishness / teenage love.
This is Height of Selfishness and Greed!
You may not be aware..there are lots of men in this world ..who take care of their children when their wife/gf runaway with someone else....
And there are many other men who take care of someone else's children assuming that its his own because his wife gave birth to them..
The difference is mother is the one who is giving birth..and father is someone the mother points to...unless proved by DNA test...
How bizaare, i was born in Falmouth, Cornwall
She is fallen in love or fallen in lust?
Shes a animal...
"So if he's so horrified that his children are living with strangers why doesn't he take them in? Pot calling the kettle black if you ask me."
What a COW!! What kind of mother does that! Being a mother is not a right, its a privalage!
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
She's a disgrace, he's a disgrace. The kids are actually better off with strangers than either of those two lousy excuses for human beings. You CAN help who you fall in love with. Every day we are faced with decisions in life, some of us have the mental capacity to weigh our decisions and the effects it will have on us and others, but unfortunately far too many people nowdays seem to have the mental capacity of a carrot (sorry to offend carrots).
Yep - well said....she should have been sterilised a long time ago and the fathers too.
None of them are capable of looking after kids.
Maybe you cant help who you fall in love with but you should be responsible for your actions esp when you have kids.
The former partner is just brought i9n to "spice up" the story. he had already washed his hands of the kids.
The main point is that a mother abandoned her kids in such manner.
Why don't the fathers take care of the kids?
I am not supporting this stupid lady, But why is that such harsh statements do not come up when the father marries "N" number of times leaving his kids?
Why is that only the mom is being accused of "no motherhood blah..blah..'.I do not see a father being accused of "shame on fatherhood".Itz sad that we still accept few stuffs(biased) unknowingly.
Poor kids. :(
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
it's okay to fall in love a lot of times, be horny most of the time, but what she did is RIDICULOUS, horrifying... on the children's part...
that angry, why dont they take care of their kids ?
Seems all the parties concerned are just twats, looking after their own intrests.
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Probably not FS. Sadly it's a pretty typical situation amongst the poor and uneducated. She keeps looking for men who will "take care of her" and having babies to try and force them to, and the men could give a crap.
i dont think a woman of her kind would find a decent man... that answers the question of where the fathers are.
Mr.P ..nothing to do with their age! ditching her children for her slefish motive is horrible!
Gyps...I wonder if she herself know who they are..
Mr. P I think the judgement as come from the fact that she abandoned 6 kids to live with this guy. Not the age difference.
I'm not, she's obviously a horrible Mom. But where the hell are the fathers? They aren't any better obviously.
Poor kids.
Whats worse is an 8 year old girl been made to marry a guy in his 60's or 70's.
So dont none of you come on here and start judging these two people.
They are adults and have made that choice.
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Come on gypsy dont try to justy that b****!
I am SAD coz i am MAD, i am MAD coz i see how BAD people are....:(
sorry brite for the hijack, really disgusting people...:(
What a shame to motherhood! Selfish horny woman!!
Poor guy must be regretting his new found love..
So if he's so horrified that his children are living with strangers why doesn't he take them in? Pot calling the kettle black if you ask me.
Are his kids not living with him?
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)
why are u sad Rizks ???
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
Disgusting ...:(
again.. aged 36 and 18????? i wanted to say more but afraid to get ban... *cursing here* selfish, wait till the guy leaves her and replace her with a younger one!
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Strangle her! Makes my blood boil!