candy criticised for 'sexual' sweet wrappers

By britexpat

Is the PC brigade going too far ??

Haribo's MAOAM sweets have been criticised over characters on wrappers in 'compromising' positions.

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Simon Simpkins, a father of two, said he was shocked at the "pornographic" poses when he bought the sour candy for his children Benjamin and Ofelia.

Mr Simpkins, of Pontefract, West Yorks, told The Sun: "The lemon and lime are locked in what appears to be a carnal encounter.

"The lime, who I assume to be the gentleman in this coupling, has a particularly lurid expression on his face. I demanded to see the shop manager and, during a heated exchange, my wife became quite distressed and had to sit down in the car park."

Haribo said the sweets, which feature illustrations of lemon, lime and cherry characters, said the "fun" packaging was introduced in Germany in 2002.

A spokesman said: "This jovial MAOAM man is very popular with fans, both young and old."


By j3375• 3 Sep 2009 12:33

slumdog ws good only when the kids were younger..its not an indian film anyway.

taare zameen par is overrated..a feelgood fairytale in the end..

Omkara,oye lucky,devd,gulaal..these were the good Hindi films made recently..

By _noms_• 3 Sep 2009 12:07

Well, its own imagination that gives the view. That guy who complain about the candy probably dint sleep with his wife for a week & could only look for sex everywhere..LLOOLL... & i know what made the wife distress,, she was distressed thinking about her husband's imagination... LOOOOL :D



"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein

By anonymous• 29 Aug 2009 13:44
Rating: 4/5

While certainly the Academy Awards make a big international splash, there are far more important award venues critically speaking; especially some of the large international film festivals that aim for a wider, international assessment of film.

And after all, Slumdog wasn't really a pure Indian film but more what would be termed Hybrid cinema. Hybrid Cinema can be very good and refreshing in the right hands; but cliches that are not presented in a satirical manner in the end are just that: cliches.




I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By anonymous• 29 Aug 2009 13:39

and was out of vogue by the time I was born. :-D And it was the Feminists who pointed out its fallacy in my generation. I guess I listened to them more than the Chauvinists :-)

I see female because I know cows with udders ARE female and find it very hard to set reasoning aside-- lol That's why I never liked fantasy or sci-fi, unless it had a clear underlying message. I haven't seen enough of this "cartoon" (which is REALLY bad animation, too!) to clearly define an overall message; but as I said before, it is positively sinister to me.

Anyway Freud and anti-Feminists don't matter to me. I do find the cartoon offensive from what I saw.




I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By verisimilitude• 29 Aug 2009 11:29

looks like it would drive a pink kia...

By britexpat• 29 Aug 2009 11:27

You observant so and so.. Yes, the Cherries definitely bring back memories..:O)

By verisimilitude• 29 Aug 2009 11:09

why brit put this article up...

and then i noticed...

some of the fruits look chinese...

By Stone Cold• 29 Aug 2009 08:49
Stone Cold

Sometimes right. A wrapper means nothing. The inside matters much to be discovered like studying it as a biology text before eating it.

By nylha• 29 Aug 2009 07:25
Rating: 5/5

I really not take a look at the wrapper when I' m eating candies, unwrapped and throw away and enjoy the taste,,

By Stone Cold• 29 Aug 2009 07:15
Stone Cold

Candy sweets made in china brit. They taste nicer.

By anonymous• 29 Aug 2009 05:01

Brit you should be in politics or the media or both, it appears you were made for the job =D

Get ready for celebrity status and don't forget to pose with the 'el diablo' hand gesture befitting the status :p

Leave the battles to the ones who actually care :)

By crapcircle• 29 Aug 2009 04:46

Applause is due.

By britexpat• 29 Aug 2009 03:39

Perhaps one simple reason is that the PC brigade hasensured that children are no longer treated as children and are "asked" to be mature at a very early age - thus foregoing their innocence.

By adnan_nk• 29 Aug 2009 03:20

i would jus eat the sweetsour candy and keep wrapper for a laugh

` c h i n g a A a l i n g `

By anonymous• 29 Aug 2009 03:16
Rating: 2/5

This reminds me of the true story of the fall of Islamic empire. I can't place the country or date today (ill find out later) but basically during the height of the Islamic Empire the neigbouring power wanted to attack so they send spies to mingle test the waters and report back.

Well the spy came across two boys practicing archery and one was crying, he asked him why? The boy worfully responded it is because I missed the bulls eye.

The spy repoted back that this was surely not the time to attack.

A few years later the same spy was sent back on the same mission, this time he found the same boy and again he was crying, when asked what was the cause of his angst?

The youth responded because my love had left me for another.

The spy reported back that this was the BEST time to attack.

And this my friends is why we are being bombarded with all these suggestive packaging, programs targeting younger and younger audiences

By verisimilitude• 29 Aug 2009 02:23

I heard somewhere on youtube that the cow is supposed to be gender confused... besides 'her' voice is a she-man kinda voice... yep... I watch bad TV... I like hurting myself...

By anonymous• 29 Aug 2009 02:13

PM, Maybe you think you see the udders that way because of all the US's idoctrinating the old 'phallus envy' psycho theory as a trick probably devised by anti-feminists who used that theory to subjugate women during the 80's and 90's?

When you cast that reasoning aside the cartoons image wil appear obvious that the cow is male, with all four it probably represents the future okaying of multiple sexual partners since they are turning sex into a plaything.

The chicken is a child compare both images, at first afraid the chicken then the other image the chickn almost gestures "OKAY!" enthusiastically and its pose speaks volumes aswell, it's almost peadophillic and disgusting.

Oh yes, theres a red devil, who plays himself 'the devil' in the cartoon.

The devil is the cow and chickens misunderstood friend. He is bare bottomed as seen in the image above and walks on his bottom.

One could say what twisted perverted minds came up with this, but actually it's a genius plan & part of the onslaught of brainwashing media: Images, messages, movies. It's been going on for quite a while.

Reconditioning the new generation into becoming more preoccupied with sex, deviancy and gender confusion at a very early age.

Idle pursuits they become mindless units that are easily controlled/ conquered.

By edifis• 29 Aug 2009 01:31

PM is correct about Slumdog. It was cliche.

I have not watched any other Jafar Panahi movie. But If I can find a copy of "The white Balloon" I will watch that.

By verisimilitude• 29 Aug 2009 01:04

PM said

"It seemed to be geared towards the Western audience but I found it a bit cliche"

my sentiments exactly...

By anonymous• 29 Aug 2009 01:01
Rating: 4/5

And Chocolate also.

I was also not a huge fan of Slumdog. It seemed to be geared towards the Western audience but I found it a bit cliche (although I did like the parts better when the kids were little).

This photo make me want to see Taare Zaameen Par. I've heard of it but nothing like an image to grab the interest.

BTW, Edifis, I did not think Offside was a great film either. It was an interesting plot line but didn't have the power of a film like Stray Dogs, Children of Heaven or Where is the Friend's House. As for Panahi's films, I much preferred The Mirror and The White Balloon.




I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By verisimilitude• 29 Aug 2009 00:57

I'd be glad to lend you my DVD...

but I think you should buy it...

its one of those things that is a pleasure to own...

astaghfirullah... its been an indulgent day of QL for me

I blame it on my wife who is on vacation!!! X-(

By crapcircle• 29 Aug 2009 00:54

I'll give it a shot, seems like my kind of movie. I'm not much of a movie fan, I have an extremely short patience when it comes to cinema, but Iranians and Spaniards largely deliver my goods :D

By verisimilitude• 29 Aug 2009 00:54
Rating: 2/5

I rate TZP one of the best mainstream 'Hindi' movies ever...

By verisimilitude• 29 Aug 2009 00:53
Rating: 4/5

not watched too much European fare either except British...

but of the few that I watched Chocolat and Life is Beautiful were fine movies...

Anyway... slumdog millionaire... is not such a great movie in my humble opinion...

crap circle... since you seem to be a cinema enthusiast...

I suggest you watch the Indian movie taarein zameen par... you can get the DVD at the video shop above FFC... it has English subtitles...

It stars Aamir Khan... one of the few Indian cinema artist who doesn't simply deliver the masala that the junta craves but tries to deliver quality...

The movie is about a very talented kid who is dyselxic and begins to wilt under the parental pressure in his middle class family... typical of Indian society... he then meets an art teacher who was himself dyslexic when he was young and finally discovers himself...

By verisimilitude at 2009-08-28

By edifis• 29 Aug 2009 00:51

"Taare Zaameen Par" is really beautiful movie. I liked it so much.

By edifis• 29 Aug 2009 00:50

I only watched one Iranian cinems, offside and didn't like it.

Another half Persian movie "The Kite Runner" is a Hollywod production and not Iranian.

By anonymous• 29 Aug 2009 00:31
Rating: 2/5

since I used to watch reruns of B&W superman :-P




I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By crapcircle• 29 Aug 2009 00:23

but they exist for a reason. I cried when my cable provider removed IFC from the basic package into the super-premium tier. Most people in the States would rather watch Iron Man than Slumdog Millionaire, although I was pleasantly surprised by the latter's popularity, times they are a changing...

Except for the obnoxiously saccharine loaded ending & dance scene. I had to switch that off :)

By anonymous• 29 Aug 2009 00:18
Rating: 4/5

I hate special effects, pretty faces and gratuitous violence and am a HUGE fan of Iranian cinema :-D

Gawd, I hate stereotypes! :-P




I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By crapcircle• 29 Aug 2009 00:09
Rating: 4/5

At the risk of sounding biased, in general yes, when it comes to picking out a car or a perfume, or clothes, I'd say us Eurotrash are far more refined. We do have a substantially lower spending power however so perhaps, that is why we appreciate quality over quantity. Plus we're packed tighter, have a far longer tradition of social standards...But I digress, it's the question of relevance. Hollywood is far more relevant to Americans than classical literature I'm afraid. After all it's something that is truly and entirely theirs. Well perhaps not, maybe it's a little more jewish than American ;) European cinematography usually comes off overloaded with cliches, camp symbolic references, Americans prefer special FX, pretty faces, gratuitous violence...but I'd say Euro movies are on the whole far more sexually explicit, even at times disturbing. It's not popcorn and soda fare most of the time. But at least it addresses some troubles of the common man instead of being hyperbole. I like a lot of Iranian movies, most people would say I'm an emotional masochist in my spare time...y'know, de gustibus...

By anonymous• 29 Aug 2009 00:06
Rating: 4/5

That something made in a manner to attract a child could be the antithesis of what you would want a child to even be exposed to.

If it's an adult cartoon, that's another issue but why have it on CN?




I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By verisimilitude• 29 Aug 2009 00:02

I don't let my son watch the satellite network channels except when he is either with me or my wife... we've worked out what time and what shows he can watch... can't let him watch cartoon channels unsupervised...

By verisimilitude• 28 Aug 2009 23:59

so you are saying Europeans have more sophisticated taste than Americans?

By anonymous• 28 Aug 2009 23:58

Is that supposed to be funny? And aimed at kids? I don't mean to overreact but I found that clip sinister :-(




I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By edifis• 28 Aug 2009 23:57

Good lesson on obedience!

By verisimilitude• 28 Aug 2009 23:51

have a look at this... this is on cartoon network prime time btw...


By crapcircle• 28 Aug 2009 23:43
Rating: 4/5

when it comes to Family Guy. It is largely smut strung together on an unrelated set of "pop-culture references" with a blatant lack of any relevant underlying plot. Modern American society has went into a deep crisis of creativity, if you watch VH1 and all the "reminiscing" shows on toys, music, movies, celebrities of yesteryear, you realize that there's nothing really novel anymore out there today. And if there is, people complain it's beyond them because of it's "hi-falutin'" attitude. Point being, Americans never really shared the European's love of Monty Python. "Pop-Culture reference" is by today's standards, at least over there, perceived as intelligence and wit far superior to real cultural reference. In Europe it is still "cool" to quote the pearls of wisdom that survived the onslaught of history. In America, doing that, by and large alienates people. But I digress Americans were always the practical types, and they unlike anyone else, were forced to build a distinct culture out of only rudimentary European foundations...

By britexpat• 28 Aug 2009 23:41

I grew up on Bugs Bunny and Sesame Street. Must admit though that i quite like Family Guy and Futurama.. They're "adult" cartoons..

By anonymous• 28 Aug 2009 23:33
Rating: 5/5

That's pretty shocking then, cause I think Family guy is OTT.




I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By crapcircle• 28 Aug 2009 23:33
Rating: 4/5

I grew up on Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock and other Jim Henson creations. I can watch them today as well because now I can notice the subliminal messages I couldn't comprehend when I was a kid. They teach you far more about the often unjust world we live in through a cutesy set of characters than any of the rather violent and often overzealous Anime that I watched in the Arab world as a kid. Regardless I think any of us will agree, most of these mildly humorous western toons of today are pretty devoid of substance. Satan and Death feature prominently in absurd situations but even then the belittling of the two respectively fail to make any profound impression. Maybe it's a generation gap but I think even the Anime way back in the day was superior, but Anime too is scraping the bottom of the proverbial barrel nowadays. Pokemon was a fair parable on the ridiculous amounts of greed, consumerism, and ultimately collecting. As the tagline suggested, "gotta catch 'em all!". Not a patch on Sasuki or Sindbad...maybe I'm too old and I'm using that worn-out axiom "you know kids...back in my days..." but that's how it looks to me

By verisimilitude• 28 Aug 2009 23:30

is sober compared to this cow and chicken thing... its horrendous!

By anonymous• 28 Aug 2009 23:24
Rating: 4/5

I saw the opposite gender representations. :-D

Either way, a cow with a protruding udder squirting milk is not something you expect on adult TV, much less kids. I've seen Family Guy and South Park -- neither of which are aimed at kids -- but I've never seen CN.




I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By verisimilitude• 28 Aug 2009 23:18

watch these cartoons...

I assure you...

they are disgusting even for fully grown adults...

its worse fare than sitcoms

and its dished out to children

By crapcircle• 28 Aug 2009 23:18
Rating: 5/5

Is something else in the States, I think you'd have an ulcer breakout RdE if you were subjected to a few episodes of "Moral Orel". After 11 PM it's open season christian-bashing to such a degree that even ardent atheists I knew found it in bad taste.

Although I really enjoy some shows, like "Tim & Eric's Awesome Show Great Job!". Killer off-kilter absurdist humour, not quite on par with the fabulous Wonder Showzen by MTV, but Wonder Showzen is sadly no more. If I had kids they'd be watching re-runs on a daily basis.

Kid in Hitler costume asks a guy with a Stetson on his head, in front of the Merryl Lynch bull on Wall St. no less, "whose hat represents more oppression, mine or yours?", man with stetson wisely replies, "well they both represent a fair bit of oppression, it's just that you killed way more people in a shorter time than I did", kid in Hitler costume elatedly exclaims "yessss" :D

By anonymous• 28 Aug 2009 23:05
Rating: 4/5

I didn't look at those cow titties as phallic! I thought they were the feminine alter ego of the phallic=beaked chicken! rofl

Just goes to show you that we all see different things, I guess... :-P




I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By verisimilitude• 28 Aug 2009 22:11
Rating: 5/5

Its not a one way street... should tell you that there was a lot of sex in the 70s in Indian movies... lots of stuff which would not be acceptable even today...

and that got reigned in the 80s and 90s

Off late, there is a definitely a rebound... frontal nudity is not new to Bollywood... it caters however to a very selective megaplex movie going crowds in urban cities... these are not mainstream cinema...

but yeah the guard is wearing down... first with the satellite TV channels questioning what is acceptable and what not... and then internet giving access and info on any deviant thought that gets in to your head...

Of course... we have 'Technology' and 'Capitalism' to thank for that...

By anonymous• 28 Aug 2009 21:41

How long can they go in censoring peoples opinions, it only sparks more interest

Can anyone tell me what it says and why Qtel would block it?

Harmless Entertainment, An Economic tool, or Government ...It's because they have been closetted by worry wart parents, and brainwashed into thinking that the workd is easy and simply be stupid mindless cartoons ...

By anonymous• 28 Aug 2009 17:59
Rating: 4/5

I took one look at this Cartoon named 'Cow and chicken' and banned my children from watching it.

Infact, I don't allow cartoon network to air in my house anymore.

Unfortunately a great deal of parents that trust their safe nanny 'the television' just because channel's have the word Toon or Children in it, they don't bother screening what they're allowing their children to be brainwashed by.

I've spoken with a lot of my Qatari friends and family, drawn their attention to many similar facts and oddly enough I always get the same 'id rather not know' reaction.

I guess the images speak for themselves, and btw, the phallus shaped protrusions on the cows nether region actually spray 'milk' and this would causes an apologetic response with the cow when it happened.

The smaller sized chicken didn't mind and thus this reaction became an 'acceptable' reaction.

By britexpat• 28 Aug 2009 17:57

Just look at the difference in TV, Movies and advertising in the last 5 years.. "Sexiness" is definitely creeping into these areas..

Sex sells! I read an article last week that the first full nude scene in Bollywood movie is being planned ..

By verisimilitude• 28 Aug 2009 17:52

I researched the celebrity endorsement factor in depth... not really the sexuality bit... so may be i am not an authority but even so...

By edifis• 28 Aug 2009 17:46

Why was the candy criticised? They should criticise the candy maker.

By verisimilitude• 28 Aug 2009 17:44

but it is a fact that Indian ad makers use less sexuality and nudity in their ads than their Western ad makers... Successful Indian ads are those with humor or celebrity endorsements... I researched this myself for Unilever in India so I know what I am talking about...

By edifis• 28 Aug 2009 17:41

Thats why I like the candy more, Brit!

Do you eat the sexy wrappers?

By britexpat• 28 Aug 2009 17:38

You're not supposed to eat the wrappers..

By edifis• 28 Aug 2009 17:36

I like the candy more than the wrappers.

By britexpat• 28 Aug 2009 17:29

I applaud your twisted logic :O)

By verisimilitude• 28 Aug 2009 17:20

you see the couple in the snap... they AREN'T looking at it...

but you are a Westerner and you ARE looking at it...

see its subliminal marketing and it works :-p

By britexpat• 28 Aug 2009 16:59

How do you deduce that ?

The ad is in india..

By SpikenButchsMom• 28 Aug 2009 15:28

they're just wrestlin'.

Sometimes a candy wrapper is just a candy wrapper.

By verisimilitude• 28 Aug 2009 15:08

that ad is targeted at westerners...

By britexpat• 28 Aug 2009 14:28
Rating: 4/5

I think you'll find thatthe Indians are follolwing those pesky Westerners...

By zabi hussaini• 28 Aug 2009 14:20
zabi hussaini

almost all advertises made by western almost touch with the sex. i think their imagination begin with sex and end with sex. ANY PRODUCT DOESNT BOTHER THEM. IT MIGHT CANDY OR CONDoEM.

director of advertiser has to learn from INDIAN advertisement.


When others are bad, you are angry. When you are bad, you are sad.


By verisimilitude• 28 Aug 2009 14:10


By asia• 28 Aug 2009 13:32
Rating: 4/5


its everywhere....u wont miss it..just open your eyes..

By anonymous• 28 Aug 2009 12:57

I never imagined that, MD! Got you! ;)

By anonymous• 28 Aug 2009 12:54

Could you then please remove your sexually offending avatar!

By anonymous• 28 Aug 2009 12:45

Imagine the number on your t-shirt would be 69, Gica.

By anonymous• 28 Aug 2009 12:43

Everything can be turned to have a sexual connotation!

Example: a pink,that's to easy... :P

By britexpat• 28 Aug 2009 10:30

I used to collect the golliwogs :.. Bloody PC brigad..

By nosi_balasi• 28 Aug 2009 10:03

It was supposed to be MOAN for pleasure! lol.

By stevethetyke• 28 Aug 2009 09:39

I still havent gotten over them taking the gollywogs off the marmalade jars! Feckin censors!

By Maza• 28 Aug 2009 09:33

The average tv commercial in Europe is more sexual than those sweet wrappers!

By j3375• 28 Aug 2009 08:29

its just a cartoon charactwer..whic nowhere resembles any sexual organ..whats the big fuss his wife got distressed..nutjob this guy..

By anonymous• 27 Aug 2009 22:41

its very suggestive.


"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."

By Midfielder 4• 27 Aug 2009 22:07
Midfielder 4

Mmmm, sold!


A wise young crackpot knows no fear - Ian Dury.

By Harry99• 27 Aug 2009 19:11

I suppose the stocks will run out in Qatar now.

By Stone Cold• 27 Aug 2009 18:48
Rating: 4/5
Stone Cold

Sure a sell out merchandise at your favourites roosting place and watering holes.

By anonymous• 27 Aug 2009 17:55

Maybe it's a kamasutra version for children, brit?

By britexpat• 27 Aug 2009 17:40

are into a manage e trois..

By yv2r• 27 Aug 2009 17:30
Rating: 3/5

Aftering eating MAOAM, they will have the feeling of reaching the cilmax after sex

By anonymous• 27 Aug 2009 17:10

You're wrong, the message is: eat Maoam and it's like having sex. Actually it prevents illegal sex practices.

By britexpat• 27 Aug 2009 17:06

As usual, its the Germans who are to blame :O(

By chmb• 27 Aug 2009 16:56
Rating: 2/5

and his wife!! ''became quite distressed and had to sit down in the car park." ?!?! come on! it's a candy wrapper! I never noticed the illustration before, and the poor shop manager! What's he got to do with it?!

By enana• 27 Aug 2009 16:50

He should analize himself, why is he thinking about sex all the time???

By britexpat• 27 Aug 2009 16:50

To be honest, I doubt whether many people would notice the wrapper, but ...

By anonymous• 27 Aug 2009 16:35

Anyone that gets offended by that has severe self-esteem issues about their own sexual organs, or is so terrible at pleasing the opposite sex in bed that they want to repress their inadequacy rather than confront it

By umm-salayum• 27 Aug 2009 15:59
Rating: 3/5

I have never paid attention at that picture on the candy, we just ripe of the paper and eat the candy ..LOL


By chmb• 27 Aug 2009 15:56
Rating: 3/5

It's not the shop managers fault!!

By anonymous• 27 Aug 2009 15:52
Rating: 5/5

and the MAOAM man does resemble a phallic symbol while the fruits he is cavorting with are roundish and therefore symbolic of females :-P




I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By Sugar Qtr• 27 Aug 2009 15:47
Rating: 3/5
Sugar Qtr

I'm not sure how I would feel about such wrappers. Would I laugh or would I consider it creative or would I get offended?

~*Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret*~

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